Marvel Began Shuttling the Heavens

Chapter 1139 Application of Laws

The true power of the law is naturally beyond the imagination of ordinary people.

It can be said bluntly that as long as you truly master the power of the law, you will be no different from a real god in the eyes of everyone.

Even some laws may not seem good at attacking.

However, the application of laws is diverse. Although those laws may not seem to be good at attacking, when they find the appropriate way to use them, they can still exert immense power.

Just like Li Yue has mastered the laws of space very skillfully, at the beginning, perhaps he could only use the power of the laws of space to travel at will in the universe.

Although this ability is incredible, it seems to only be able to support Li Yue's quick "escape".

However, if Li Yue at this time really uses the power of space laws with all his strength,

Then he can also use the power of space law to easily destroy any target he wants to destroy.

For example, manipulating the entire space around the Earth and exerting powerful space squeeze on the Earth.

The powerful space pressure is enough to crush the entire earth in an instant.

Even if Li Yue really wanted to destroy the entire universe, he could also use this method to manipulate all the spaces in the entire universe to instantly squeeze the universe until it shattered.

From this point of view, although the ability of the Space Law seems to be better at movement, once the control of the Space Law reaches a certain level, the power of the Space Law can also be used to exert a very terrifying power.

At least, at this time, Li Yue, if he fully uses the power of space law, can indeed destroy the reality of a universe in an instant.

Of course, Li Yue would naturally not choose to do this if it was not necessary.

After all, doing this would be quite difficult for Li Yue at this time.

Manipulating all the space in the entire universe requires Li Yue's immense mental power to truly do it!

Moreover, actually destroying a universe would not be of much benefit to Li Yue.

Even if he really faces an enemy, he will not let the entire universe be destroyed with him just to destroy his enemy!

The Space Principle, which seems to be not good at attacking, actually has very powerful attack capabilities.

And another kind of time law that also seems to be not good at attacking, if it can find a way to truly exert its power, it can also destroy a universe in an instant.

At least, if Li Yue wanted to kill someone at this time, he didn't even need to do it himself. He only needed to manipulate the power of time to erode the other person.

Let the time flow on the opponent's body pass quickly at a very terrifying speed.

In an instant, more than hundreds of millions of years passed in the other party's own time.

And such a long passage of time can almost make most living things go from prime to old age in an instant, until they finally die.

The application of the law of time can make anything decay in an instant, and eventually completely disappear due to the power of time.

Even an entire universe cannot avoid the fate of destruction if it is enveloped by enough power of the law of time.

Because by using enough power of the law of time, a universe can be accelerated to the moment of final destruction in an instant.

In fact, the power of time seems to do nothing and does not interfere with the normal development of the entire universe.

But the entire universe eventually fell into the crisis of destruction because of the power of time.

Therefore, although it seems that it is not good at attacking the law of time, if used properly, it can also destroy a universe instantly.

And these are the huge powers that can be exerted by the power of laws that seem to be somewhat inept at attacking.

Since it is this kind of power of law that is not good at attacking, it can exert such terrifying power.

And now,

How powerful the Law of Death can be, which seems to be better at attacking, may be a question that many people are thinking about.

Even at this time, Li Yue was a little curious about how powerful the Law of Death could be.

Although at this moment, he has not truly fully grasped the power of the Law of Death.

However, he has begun to fantasize about how he can exert the true power of the Law of Death after truly mastering it.

Of course, the easiest way to use it is to directly use the power of the Law of Death to corrode the target thing.

It is believed that there is the power of the law of death that can make everything fall into death. Just simple and direct erosion is enough to exert a frightening effect.

However, Li Yue has not yet truly experienced how the power of the Law of Death is actually used.

At this time, it was just some simple guesses on his part.

If he can really master the power of the Law of Death next, he will naturally need to think about how to use the power of the Law of Death correctly.

However, Li Yue did not have a better idea about the application of the Law of Death.

But he knew that given the characteristics of the Law of Death, even if he could not find a more efficient method, just relying on the power of the Law of Death itself would be enough to produce a shocking effect.

Therefore, Li Yue has nothing to worry about at this time if he masters the specific application of the Law of Death.

However, what Li Yue found most difficult was the law of rebirth that was intertwined with the law of death.

Of course, at this time, Li Yue still felt that it was not easy to fully define the power characteristics of this special law in words.

Because at this time, although Li Yue did not really control the power of this law, he only had some simple understanding of the function of this law.

However, in the process of these simple understandings, Li Yue had already felt the power of this special law. One of them is the ability to give new life to anything that has died.

This is like a panacea that can bring people back to life.

If used properly, it can naturally produce very good results.

Of course, this is just a special effect contained in the power of this law.

In addition to giving the "dead" things the ability to regenerate, this law also contains a special creative ability.

This kind of creative ability is somewhat similar to the ability to modify reality, that is, it can create anything out of thin air in the real world.

However, using the ability to modify reality can generally only create dead objects without intelligence and life out of thin air.

However, by using this law, creatures with life and thoughts can be created.


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