Marvel Began Shuttling the Heavens

Chapter 1141 The Nature of Laws

The power of such special laws is naturally very important to Li Yue.

However, although in the process of Li Yue's future strength development, understanding the power of various laws will play a relatively high role, and it is a relatively high method that allows him to continuously increase his strength.

However, controlling the power of the law is only one of the easier and easier to use methods among the many ways to make Li Yue stronger.

For Li Yue, the fundamental reason why his strength can undergo huge evolution is still his own evolutionary system that he has gradually formed.

And this evolutionary system gradually developed around his body, or to be precise, around the cellular universe that evolved from billions of cells in his body.

To put it bluntly, it is to master the power of law. What is powerful is Li Yue's attack methods, allowing him to have powerful and diverse methods to fight against other powerful beings.

However, the development of the universe of billions of cells in his body is the basis for Li Yue's strength to finally break through the multiverse level and reach higher heights.

Only when the cellular universe in Li Yue's body gradually improves, can Li Yue truly achieve another huge breakthrough in strength.

Controlling more power of law can also improve Li Yue's strength.

However, it is very difficult to rely on the method of controlling the power of law to make Li Yue's current strength once again have a huge breakthrough and evolve to another state far higher than the current one.

Even if Li Yue can really do it, he may need to truly master the power of all the laws that exist in the universe before he can truly take this step and break through to the next level of strength.

Of course, this does not mean that the power of controlling the law is not that important to Li Yue.

However, compared to the method of mastering the power of laws to enhance strength, the method of developing the universe of billions of cells in Li Yue's body is obviously relatively easier.

What's more, even if you master more power of laws, you will still rely on the power of laws outside yourself as a means of attack.

But it is not that he has mastered a power that only belongs to him and that he truly possesses.

To be precise, the power of law exists in all universes.

If you can master the power of a certain law in one universe, then when you go to another universe, you can still use the power of the law in the new universe normally.

This is why Li Yue can control the laws of space no matter which universe he is in.

The power of law itself is a powerful force that transcends all universes and can enrich the rules of the universe.

Therefore, if you control the power of a certain law, you also have the ability to control such laws in all universes.

This situation seems to make people feel very powerful. It is incredible that you can master a powerful force that transcends the boundaries of the universe.

But in fact, this is not the case.

Although the power of law you control is a powerful force that transcends the boundaries of various universes.

However, the actual situation is that you must be in a certain universe to truly control the power of laws in this universe.

So have you ever thought about how the power of these laws appears and exists in this universe?

At this time, what I want to talk about is a special restriction on the power of mastering the law.

The power of laws in certain universes naturally does not appear out of thin air!

And this special restriction also comes from this.

The true owner of all the power of laws in a certain universe is actually the original creator of this universe.

The first being, who almost mastered the power of all laws and was almost omniscient and omnipotent, used his "divine power" to create a universe.

Later, in order to perfect the universe, he injected all the power of laws he mastered into the newly born universe, forming a unique power of laws in the universe.

And the owner of the power of these laws is naturally the creator of this universe.

And if someone else, in the universe he created, understood how to use and master the power of law.

Although it is indeed possible to truly use the power of this law to exert the true power of the power of law!

However, as long as you are in this universe, the real master of the power of laws you control can never become you.

When you face the true controller of all the power of laws in this universe, your simple ability to control the power of laws will be completely taken away in an instant.

Therefore, the power of law is not your own power, it is just a special power that exists in all universes and transcends the boundaries of the universe!

Except for the real creators of the power of these laws, who can fully control it, everyone else just "borrows" the power of the laws and simply plays its role.

Unless, you also reach the level of power that can create the universe and inject the power of law into the universe you create!

However, when you focus on developing yourself, there is no such restriction, and there will be no situation where you cannot control your own power.

After all, the power you have cultivated through unremitting efforts will always be under your control.

Therefore, understanding the power of law is indeed a good way to strengthen oneself.

However, this method has some very serious limitations on itself, and the power of laws you can control is not created by you, but exists in the universe itself.

Despite this limitation, there may be some people who, after controlling the power of the law, will never encounter something in their life where the power of the law suddenly becomes out of their control.

After all, not everyone has this opportunity to truly face the true creator of the universe in which they live.

However, for Li Yue, who often travels to various universes, the possibility that he can truly face the creator of a universe and become his enemy is still very high.

Therefore, Li Yue had to be more cautious.

Although he can still use the act of mastering the power of law as a way to strengthen himself.

Moreover, mastering the power of various laws is also a situation that he must face.

After all, the perfection of the billions of cells in his body also requires the infusion of the power of various laws.

However, Li Yue knew clearly in his heart that the power of mastering laws was just a "foreign object". What was really important to him was to use the power of various laws he mastered to develop the universe of billions of cells in his body.

Gradually perfecting the billions of cellular universes in the body, so that all cellular universes can eventually grow into real universes, is the most important thing for Li Yue.


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