Marvel Began Shuttling the Heavens

Chapter 1142 Real Control

The power of law is a special power that can transcend the boundaries between the universe and almost override all energy.

Li Yue still doesn't know how the real power of law first appeared!

I don’t know if it was created by a powerful being, or if it was a power that already existed where the real world was born.

But what Li Yue knows is that only by truly mastering the power of all laws can it be possible to create a real universe.

Because only after truly mastering the power of almost all laws can we have all the conditions to truly create a perfect universe.

Moreover, those beings who have mastered the power of almost all laws have truly become omniscient and omnipotent beings.

They can even rely on their own strength to create the power of laws they control out of thin air. They do not need to be like Li Yue today, who can only "borrow" the power of laws in the universe in order to exert its effect.

Although Li Yue only mastered the power of a few laws, he had already created a universe of billions of cells in his body.

It seems incredible.

But in fact, these universes cannot be called real universes now because they have not been truly perfected. All the rules injected by Li Yue are replicas of the reality of the universe where Li Yue lives.

And among them, the power of laws that is filled is only the kind that Li Yue mastered at the beginning.

Compared with the real universe, this number is almost pitifully small, and it completely fails to meet the standards for forming a truly complete universe.

Therefore, the process of Li Yue gradually mastering more power of laws in the future can also be regarded as a process of truly perfecting the universe of all cells in his body.

The moment Li Yue truly masters the power of all laws, he will also become omniscient and omnipotent, superior to all things, and can create a true universe.

However, this process is naturally an extremely long one.

After all, until now, Li Yue has only mastered a limited number of powers of laws.

There is still a very long way to go before truly mastering the power of all laws.

However, it has to be said that this kind of evolutionary method created by Li Yue is a special benefit.

That is, he took something that he could only do after reaching the peak of his strength and surpassed all things, and advanced it to the point where he could already do it when he was not very strong yet.

For example, Li Yue used his strength at the level of a single universe to create a universe that could only be created after achieving omniscience and omnipotence.

Although the universe created by Li Yue at that time was not a real universe at all, there was a very obvious and huge gap with the real universe created by some omniscient and omnipotent beings.

However, this also brought some unexpected benefits to Li Yue.

That is, in the process of gradually mastering the power of all laws, he can slowly improve the universe he created.

Every time Li Yue masters a law, he can inject the power of a law into the universe he creates.

In doing so, although these cosmic distances are truly perfected, it will also take time for Li Yue to truly master the power of all laws before they can truly be gradually perfected.

But Li Yue was the first to realize the huge increase in his own strength after creating the universe.

This makes Li Yue's strength far beyond that of the same level!

Li Yue's strength has undergone tremendous evolution due to the creation of the billions of cell universe in his body.

After evolution, Li Yue's strength has reached a certain level.

However, if you want to truly become an omniscient, omnipotent, and superior to all things, you still need to master all the laws of the universe.

things that can be done.

However, for other people, every time they master the power of a law, their growth in strength is limited.

In fact, they just mastered a new special method, not that their own strength also changed.

Only when they truly master all the laws of the universe can they integrate the power of all laws and create a real universe, bringing them a great source of power.

However, Li Yue's situation is different from others.

Every time Li Yue masters a new power of law, he can integrate the power of the newly mastered law into the cellular universe in his body.

The power of the new law fills the cell universe in Li Yue's body, which can make the billions of cell universe in his body undergo tremendous changes and become more perfect.

The changes in the billions of cell universe will also bring huge benefits to Li Yue.

It can make Li Yue's strength undergo huge changes at the same time.

At this time, Li Yue's strength will soon usher in new changes.

Because as he slowly felt the power of the laws of death and rebirth, Li Yue had almost completely understood it at this time.

And next is the critical moment when Li Yue tries to control the power of the laws of death and rebirth.

Li Yue carefully felt the two different laws without any distractions.

After a period of time, Li Yue's efforts were finally not in vain.

He has truly and completely felt the true meaning of the laws of death and rebirth.

However, although I have already felt the true meaning of the two laws.

But at this time, Li Yue still had to complete one of the most critical steps before he could truly control these two laws.

That is to try to truly control the power of these two laws.

It's like some things, although you may have studied with some teachers, you already fully understand the theoretical knowledge.

However, this does not mean that you have completely mastered this.

What you need to do next is to use the theoretical knowledge you have mastered, combine it with the actual situation, and truly operate it yourself to complete this matter.

Only in this way can you truly master it all!

Theoretical knowledge is only a way for you to approach the truth, and practice is the only criterion for testing truth.

Although Li Yue had already theoretically realized the existence of the laws of death and rebirth at this time.

And I also have some simple guesses in my mind about what kind of things can be done by using these two laws after truly mastering them.

However, this does not mean that Li Yue has completely mastered these two laws.

In fact, until there is no real power to manipulate the laws to do what you want to do, everything is just empty talk.

Because only when you can truly control the power of the law and do what you want to do, can you truly master the power of the law.

Moreover, after initially mastering the power of the law, it still takes a lot of time to understand the power of the newly mastered law, and finally fully integrate it. Only then can you manipulate the power of the surrounding law at will and do what you want to do under any circumstances.

American comics begin to travel across the heavens

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