Marvel Began Shuttling the Heavens

Chapter 1144 The Emerging “Death”

Faced with the erosion of the special aura that has reached the extreme darkness, even the golden light that seemed to be able to purify all evil forces in the world gradually became dusty and could no longer emit the same holy light as before.

The light gradually faded away, only to be plunged into darkness again.

It was even a darker state than before.

When all the light spots that originally emitted light gradually dimmed, until finally, they completely turned into darkness.

The entire illusory world seems to be filled with this extremely dark atmosphere.

Even the dragon gate that originally exuded dazzling light in the distance seemed to have become much dimmer at this moment, and its originally extremely majestic aura seemed to be suppressed by some special force.

At this moment, it seems that the power of darkness has become the real master of this illusory world.

This power surrounds everything that emits light, slowly eroding the light, making it gradually cease to exist.

Of course, the most eye-catching thing at this time is the "light spots" floating around Li Yue's mental body, which originally exuded light, but now have completely dimmed!

Of course, there is a reason why it is still called a "light spot".

Because if someone sees this moment, they may let out a special sigh, as if not only things that emit colors other than darkness can be called "light"!

In fact, even if it emits a dark color, it can still give people a feeling of "light".

The dark "light spots" floating around Li Yue exude a situation that is different from what normal darkness should have.

The darkness that seems to reach the extreme can also give people a "dazzling" feeling.

The black light flickers, making it impossible to ignore the existence of these black "light spots".

Moreover, because of the extreme darkness emitted by these "light spots", it can even attract everyone's eyes to focus on them.

It seems that there is some kind of special attraction that makes people unable to look directly at them, and at the same time makes it impossible for everyone to ignore their existence.

Of course, in this illusory space, after the carp has died, there are naturally no other intelligent creatures except Li Yue.

Therefore, naturally no one can really see this very strange phenomenon.

However, Li Yue, as the only intelligent being, had closed his eyes at this time.

However, with his powerful mental perception ability, it is naturally easier to detect these black "light spots" than ordinary people with the naked eye.

Moreover, under Li Yue's state of mental perception, he was able to discover details that ordinary people could not discover at all.

He could clearly feel the original essence of these "light spots" emitting black light.

Because this kind of aura that seemed to be extremely dark was not unfamiliar to Li Yue. It was exactly what he had just felt with all his strength, the aura of the law that represented the law of death.

However, the power of law is a special power that can transcend the boundaries of the universe.

Therefore, nature cannot truly appear in reality like ordinary energy.

If Li Yue wants to truly "see" the power of the Law of Death, he must use some special means to make the power of the Law of Death truly "emerge".

Feeling the scene at this time, Li Yue could already confirm that his method had the effect he expected.

And these dark "light spots" floating around Li Yue are actually completely filled with the law of death.

Therefore, at this moment, what has to be said is that Li Yue's entire person has been surrounded by a huge amount of power of the Law of Death.

If you are a normal person, encountering this situation, you may lose your mind instantly and feel extremely scared.

After all, the surrounding black "light spots" are not a "good thing".

At least this is true for ordinary people. Their existence is a special power that can bring everything in the world to an end.

As for ordinary people, even if they are touched by one of the countless dark "light spots", they may be instantly enveloped by the power of the law of death.

Ordinary people who have been eroded by the law of death will have no other outcome except instantaneous death.

Therefore, if you really know this, then I am afraid that no ordinary person can still be in a rational state when surrounded by countless black "light spots" representing death.

Even some beings who are as powerful as Li Yue may feel a strong sense of fear in their hearts when faced with such a situation.

Because even beings as powerful as them would have to pay an extremely huge price when faced with being invaded by the Law of Death.

You may even accidentally lose your life due to this.

However, at this time, Li Yue, after clearly feeling the situation around him, did not feel any panic or fear.

Even at this moment, Li Yue knew clearly in his heart that if he was infected by this aura that represented death, he might not be able to avoid being seriously injured.

However, Li Yue has some special confidence that at this time, he can truly control the laws of death around him!

Under his control, the surrounding power of the Law of Death cannot threaten him!

Although Li Yue had not really tried to control the power of the Law of Death at this moment, he could already clearly feel that the power of the Law of Death around him could not really harm him.

So facing this situation that made people feel frightened, Li Yue didn't feel any nervousness in his heart.

However, although he felt very calm inside, it was time for him to really start trying to control these death "light spots" that emitted this faint light.

As for whether Li Yue can ignore the threat of the law of death and truly become a "god" who controls the law of death, we need to wait and see in the next process.

However, Li Yue's confidence in manipulating the law of death is still very strong.

After waiting for his surroundings to be filled with black "light spots" emitting this faint light, Li Yue no longer hesitated.

The eyes on the body transformed by the mind opened instantly.

The moment Li Yue opened his eyes, it seemed that the whole world had changed dramatically.

The most obvious change is that the black "light spots" that were originally floating around Li Yue began to move closer to Li Yue's mental body from this moment on.

Countless black "light spots" exuding a faint light, like life-stealing "death particles", quickly approached Li Yue's mind and body, as if they were going to completely invade Li Yue's mind and infect it into... The same darkness of death.

However, at this moment, Li Yue did not make any other moves, and just allowed the power of the black law of death to attack him, as if he had no fear!

American comics begin to travel across the heavens

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