Marvel Began Shuttling the Heavens

Chapter 1145 Preparing for Fusion

Of course, Li Yue was not acting so calmly at this moment just because he had no taste for the law of death.

The more important reason is that Li Yue can feel that he can truly control the power of the law of death around him at this moment.

Moreover, the reason why such a situation occurred at this time was originally because of Li Yue's intention.

Countless "light spots" exuding the light of death began to approach Li Yue because they were manipulated by Li Yue.

It was not these Law of Death particles themselves that were consciously approaching Li Yue, wanting to invade Li Yue's mind and body.

Therefore, the scene that was created by himself naturally could not make Li Yue feel any fear.

Because although it is just a simple manipulation of the law of death to get closer to oneself, this situation shows that opinions are very important.

That is, at this moment, Li Yue can actually truly control the power of the law of death around him.

And this is already the most important harvest for Li Yue.

However, Li Yue was naturally not content with simply manipulating the surrounding energy of the Law of Death!

His attempt this time did not just end after he got the result that he could truly control the law of death.

After a real trial at this moment and discovering that he could indeed control the power of the Law of Death, Li Yue decided to try another thing that was countless times more dangerous than it seemed at this time.

That is, Li Yue is ready to use his mind and body to directly and truly come into contact with the power of the law of death.

This kind of behavior sounds countless times more dangerous than before.

After all, he was just trying to see if he could truly control the power of the law of death floating around him.

Although it was somewhat dangerous, it was not enough to really expose Li Yue to a fatal degree of danger.

After all, even if Li Yue's act of manipulating the power of the Law of Death ultimately fails, it will not really put Li Yue in danger.

However, if Li Yue is really prepared to try to contact the power of the law of death with his mind body, then the consequences may not be so easy to control.

After all, this is the power of the Law of Death, not some ordinary energy.

The law of death is an existence that makes many beings comparable to true gods avoid its edge.

After all, even if you are as powerful as a god, you cannot escape death forever.

Under normal circumstances, you may be able to achieve immortality and coexist with the universe.

But when faced with the power of the real law of death, you are not completely immortal after all!

After being eroded by the Law of Death, even some multiverse-level existences, without special means, will eventually be gradually eroded by the power of the Law of Death, and eventually die completely.

Of course, maybe your power can have some suppressive effect on the erosion of the power of the law of death.

Let the law of death corrode your body for a very long time.

The moment other ordinary people are eroded by the law of death, they will completely fall into death.

And you are powerful and have a high enough level of energy in your body to compete with the power of the law of death.

Then you may be able to live for a few more years, decades, or even hundreds or thousands of years.

However, no matter how long you can live under the erosion of the law of death.

But what you need to know is that the law of death will not be completely eliminated because it conflicts with the energy in your body.

The moment the power of death truly invades your body, it means that death has truly come to you.

Even if you have enough energy in your body to compete with the law of death.

But in the end, the power of the law of death cannot be completely eradicated.

Therefore, no matter how long it takes to completely drag you into death, the erosion of the power of the law of death will never stop.

As long as the energy in your body is completely exhausted, the seemingly endless power of the law of death will

It will truly invade your entire body and make you completely fall into death.

This situation vividly illustrates the huge danger that one needs to endure after truly coming into contact with the power of the Law of Death.

And Li Yue, of course, was not completely ignorant of such a dangerous situation.

On the contrary, his previous personal experience with the Law of Death made him more aware of how powerful and domineering the power of the Law of Death is.

It can be said without hesitation that even some gods will be very troublesome if they are entangled by the law of death when they cannot truly grasp the power to control the law of death.

Because you have not mastered the power of the law of death, it means that you can almost never truly get rid of the invasion of the power of death.

Even if your energy can suppress the invasion of the power of death for a period of time, if the time is long enough, you will not be able to truly avoid death.

And since Li Yue already knew at this time that it would be so dangerous to be entangled by the Law of Death after truly coming into contact with it, why did he still make the choice to try to contact the Law of Death?

That is naturally because Li Yue has extremely strong confidence in his ability to control the power of the Law of Death.

He is confident that after he can truly control the power of the Law of Death, he can also truly integrate the power of the Law of Death into himself like some beings who control the Law of Death and are called "Gods of Death".

Finally, let yourself also have the special power to control death.

It's like every world has one or more "gods of death" who truly control the power of death and can control the life and death of all living beings.

Li Yue also wanted to truly control the power of the law of death.

Just being able to control the law of death is not enough for Li Yue.

What he needs is to completely integrate the power of the law of death into himself, so that he can thank the gods.

However, although Li Yue felt very confident in himself.

But the act of truly integrating the Law of Death is still a very dangerous thing.

Although Li Yue certainly does not lack adventurous spirit.

But Li Yue would naturally not do anything that he was not sure enough about.

The reason why Li Yue ignored the danger of such an action at this time and did so was mainly because he was not afraid of the invasion of the law of death like other strong men of the same level.

Although if the Law of Death comes into contact with him, the situation becomes a bit complicated, Li Yue can also use various powerful energies in his body to completely suppress the power of the Law of Death, or even directly expel it from the body.

Therefore, although the power of the Law of Death also poses a threat to Li Yue, it is completely different from that to others. The threat is powerful enough!


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