Marvel Began Shuttling the Heavens

Chapter 1152 A wonderful fusion

At this moment, Li Yue's body and the law of death entered into a very wonderful state of fusion.

It seems that Li Yue represents the law of death.

The law of death also contains the same activity as Li Yue's body.

It seemed that death at this moment was no longer like death, and Li Yue was also not the same Li Yue before.

At this time, Li Yue had fallen into a very strange state, and his mind seemed to be no longer in his body.

But he has mastered a very special power.

He seemed to be able to feel the remaining vitality in his body, and felt that there was a vigorous energy in his body.

Not only that, Li Yue could even feel the remaining vitality in this special illusory space at this time!

It was as if at this moment, in Li Yue's perception, all life no longer expressed its life state in the previous state.

Rather, it is judged whether a life is still alive by the vital light it possesses.

Just like how Li Yue felt about himself, at this time, although the entire body and arms had almost lost all their vitality.

The color it appears in his own eyes is also full of dark and inky colors.

But in the darkness, there is still a faint white light.

And this faint white light means that Li Yue's arm has not completely lost all vitality at this moment, and has not completely fallen into "death"!

In addition to his arms, Li Yue's body also showed a dazzling white light, like a star shining to the extreme!

At this moment, Li Yue could clearly understand the meaning of this situation.

This means that there is enough activity and vitality in Li Yue's body.

This also means that Li Yue's vitality is majestic, and under normal circumstances, the time he can survive is far beyond anyone's imagination!

Of course, how much activity there is in his body is not something Li Yue needs to consider at this moment.

The reason why he was a little surprised by the situation inside his body was entirely because it was the first time that Li Yue looked at his physical condition from such a wonderful perspective.

At this moment, Li Yue looked at everything in the world and seemed to have completely lost sight of appearance.

At this moment, in Li Yue's eyes, only things full of "vitality" could really attract his attention.

In this illusory space, everything has an illusory existence.

It seems like nothing really exists.

And this seems to mean that except for the active energy contained in his body, which can attract the attention of Li Yue, who is now in a strange state, there seems to be nothing else that can attract the attention of Li Yue!

However, this is not the case.

Because it is not just the expression of vitality in things that are substantial and real.

Although in this illusory space, everything seems not to be real.

But besides Li Yue, there is still a special thing that contains vitality, and it also successfully attracted Li Yue's attention at this time.

And this special thing is exactly this illusory world itself.

Yes, in Li Yue's eyes now, his original understanding of things seems to have undergone tremendous changes.

What he once knew to be real may now completely escape his attention.

What Li Yue thought was an illusion before has now become a real existence in his eyes, and a special existence that can attract his attention.

Just like this illusory world,

Li Yue before, no matter what, would not consider this world to be a conscious and real existence.

But at this moment, Li Yue, who was in a strange state, truly felt a special existence composed of the entire illusory world as a whole.

It's as if illusion and reality are actually just a thought away.

When your eyes are only on a small piece of nothingness in front of you, what you see can only be an illusion.

But when your horizons are broadened and you are able to see factors that others cannot see, then you will have a new understanding of the world.

It's like a frog at the bottom of a well can only see the sky above his head.

Ordinary people on earth have only heard of the vastness of the universe, but they cannot truly understand where the boundaries of the universe are.

When you are confined to a certain rule or world, what you see is a vision.

But when you go beyond the boundaries of the rules, then when you look back, you will find that everything you saw before has changed unconsciously in your eyes.

Only if your vision transcends the boundaries of the universe can you treat the vast universe as a small whole.

But now, this illusory space in Li Yue's eyes has become a whole.

Just like the entire universe, it can also be regarded as a special "thing".

Moreover, Li Yue felt more than that.

At this moment, Li Yue had already seen a trace of "activity" representing the breath of life in this illusory world that he regarded as a whole thing.

The so-called "activity" is just Li Yue's special name for a newly discovered factor.

Of course, the reason why it is called "activity" is entirely Li Yue's special feeling.

It's as if he can understand that things with this special "activity" have "the breath of life" in them and are not dead.

Of course, the "life" at this time is not the kind of intelligent life in the true sense.

It is the meaning corresponding to death in "life and death".

Just like a table made of wood, in its complete state, this table has this kind of activity.

It also means that this table, in Li Yue's eyes now, represents existence.

But as this table gradually weathered over the endless years until it completely decayed.

In Li Yue's eyes, this table was completely "dead".

However, a table is naturally not an intelligent life.

Human beings' definition of death generally only applies to some intelligent or conscious creatures.

However, at this moment, in Li Yue's eyes, a table that was not a living thing in human cognition also became a creature that seemed to have the breath of life.

In Li Yue's eyes now, even if it is just a table, it is still divided into life and death.

This is Li Yue's most real and special experience and feeling after truly integrating the law of death.

At this moment, Li Yue truly felt the activity contained in this illusory world that he regarded as a whole.

I just have to say that the current situation in this illusory world is not very good.

Because it is already on the verge of "death"!

American comics begin to travel across the heavens

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