Marvel Began Shuttling the Heavens

Chapter 1153 Fusion Completed

Of course, it's only natural for a world to "die" should be called collapse.

At this time, the world is on the verge of collapse.

Of course, it is normal for this illusory world to collapse.

After all, even a real universe will collapse after a long time.

Therefore, for a world that was originally formed based on certain memory fragments, it is quite normal for it to collapse.

However, the collapse of this world is not good news for Li Yue.

Because at this time, Li Yue has not completely integrated the laws of death and birth with himself here.

If the world collapses, it will inevitably have some unfavorable effects on the integration of Li Yue and the law.

So what Li Yue doesn't want to see the most at this time is for the world to collapse.

If you really want to collapse, it is best to do it after you have completely integrated these two laws with yourself.

However, Li Yue could not change the real development of the situation.

The impending collapse here is a future that has already been completely mapped out.

Li Yue cannot change the future where the world is about to collapse.

Therefore, what Li Yue can do at this moment is to take advantage of the last opportunity to integrate the power of these two laws as soon as possible.

Fortunately, there is still some time before the world completely collapses.

The world would not have collapsed at this moment!

There is still some time for Li Yue to integrate the remaining power of the special law!

Yes, Li Yue, who was in a strange state at this time, could be regarded as truly integrated with the law of death to a certain extent.

He can even look at everything in the world from the perspective of the law of death itself and discover the vitality that exists in everything in the world.

For Li Yue, at this time, he could feel that after integrating the Law of Death, he could more easily exert the power of the Law of Death.

It's just that under the current situation, the power of the Law of Death is not suitable for experiments.

After all, in Li Yue's eyes at this time, the only things that are still alive in this world are probably his own body and the world that is about to collapse.

For either of these two things, it was inconvenient for Li Yue to use the power of the Law of Death to conduct experiments.

Therefore, after truly controlling the law of death, what kind of power can be exerted remains to be tested by Li Yue in the future.

But now, he must continue to integrate another law.

Although Li Yue had just truly integrated the power of law with himself.

But in fact, even Li Yue himself didn't quite understand how to complete the integration with the law of death.

He only knew that after he completely let go of the restraints on the Law of Death, as all the power of the Law of Death exploded, he was almost unable to resist the invasion of the Law of Death.

While he subconsciously continued to inject more mental energy to maintain his body's immortality, Li Yue gradually fell into a strange state.

In this state, Li Yue seemed to have completely changed.

His perspective on everything in the world has changed from a sensitive human being who used to use his senses to perceive things around him to using a special method to perceive things in the world.

In Li Yue's eyes, everything in the world is divided into those that contain "activity" and those that do not!

What contains "activity" means existence in Li Yue's eyes, and what does not contain "activity" means death in Li Yue's eyes!

This special perspective allowed Li Yue to change his understanding of everything in the world.

It was also the first time that he truly saw that a world, or even a universe, could be viewed as a whole.

The "active" light contained in it also implies how long this world and this universe can exist.

And Li Yue, after sensing the faint "active" light flickering in this illusory world, can clearly understand that this world is "not long in death"!

Maybe the collapse will only happen in an instant.

Li Yue could even feel that there was a force that seemed to have the same origin as himself at this time, which was touching the whole world.

When the erosion of this world is completed, it is also the moment when this world completely collapses!

Therefore, at this time, Li Yue could only temporarily stop this wonderful experience of completely integrating with the law of death before the world completely collapsed.

Continue to merge with the power of another law that has not come yet to be integrated, and before the world completely collapses, truly integrate the other law with itself.

Although this may be a very difficult thing to do, Li Yue will not back down and there is no room for retreat!

Time was running out, so Li Yue could not continue to experience the wonderful experience of truly merging with the law of death.

He calmed down his mind in an instant, and the perspective from which he could view the entire world from a higher "higher" position gradually receded.

Some things seemed to gradually become clear in Li Yue's eyes.

However, some things gradually became blurred in Li Yue's eyes at this time, until they finally disappeared completely, making him unable to detect them.

And when the perspective completely returned to the moment before, Li Yue knew that he had completely withdrawn from the previous wonderful state.

At this moment, Li Yue had "returned" to his body again, and his perspective at this time also changed to Li Yue's normal perception of external things.

It was as if everything just happened was just a strange dream.

However, everything that seemed like a dream before did not leave any special signs for Li Yue at this time.

Because at this moment, when Li Yue once again perceived the entire illusory world, he could feel that there seemed to be a faint light in the entire world.

And that kind of light represents the little "breath of life" left in this world!

Li Yue understood even more that the moment the light completely disappeared was also the moment the world completely collapsed.

Therefore, Li Yue did not think much about this special feeling left behind.

He directly focused his attention on another law of birth that had not yet truly integrated with himself.

And this kind of law makes Li Yue feel that he is more interested in a special law than the law of death.

Because this law can create special creatures with intelligence and consciousness out of thin air.

This is an incredible power, like a creator, giving people the powerful power to create living things.

And at the same time, this is also a power that can greatly help Li Yue!


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