Marvel Began Shuttling the Heavens

Chapter 1154 The Beginning of All Things

At almost any time, "things" are being created throughout the universe.

Among these "things" are the offspring of humans, animals, and other creatures.

Almost at every moment, new offspring are born and come to this world.

The reason why these newly born creatures appear is because of the relationship between this law that Li Yue perceives now.

Of course, this is just the passive manifestation of this law in the entire world.

In other words, even if this law is not controlled by anyone, the entire world is still shrouded in the power of the law and plays its due role normally.

The existence of this law makes the entire world more dynamic.

And, it also makes the whole world more exciting.

However, this does not mean that if someone truly controls this law, he can only exert the ability to reproduce all things in the world.

If someone really controls the power of this law, then he can become the creator of new creatures.

Just like the legend of Nuwa creating humans in ancient Chinese myths, she has the powerful ability to create new creatures.

The reason why we are so interested in this kind of law ability is entirely because the power of this law has an extremely powerful helpful effect on the billions of cells in Li Yue's body.

The laws of the cellular universe in Li Yue's body are imperfect, and it is basically impossible to create a creature with intelligence and consciousness out of thin air.

But if the power of this law is injected, then all this will no longer be an illusion.

Even if Li Yue does not take the initiative to create living things, after a long time and years have passed, life with consciousness and intelligence will eventually be born.

And this means that a universe is somewhere between fiction and reality.

Only a universe that truly gives birth to life can be called a universe in the true sense.

A universe that cannot breed life is just a larger illusory space.

Life is all possible.

As long as life exists, the vast universe will no longer be lonely.

Only the birth of life can make the originally illusory universe move towards reality.

The universe of billions of cells in Li Yue's body is now between illusion and reality.

Although it can provide powerful energy support for Li Yue, there is no life in the universe, so it is just an empty shell!

Li Yue naturally did not hope that the universe of billions of cells in his body would end up being just a "container" that could only store and provide energy for himself.

What he hopes for is that the billions of cell universes in his body can each give birth to life that is truly intelligent and conscious, just like the real universe. Although it may be a bit strange, it is truly intelligent and conscious.

They may not be called humans, but they are still willing to expand and create in order to survive.

They will also evolve to adapt to the surrounding environment, and they will also master special powers in special environments.

In fact, Li Yue is extremely looking forward to the fact that the creatures born from the cellular universe in his body can discover their own unique evolutionary cultivation system.

Although, in Li Yue's view at this time, this situation was still very far away.

But it does not hinder Li Yue's expectation that this situation will actually happen.

However, the premise of all this is that Li Yue can truly integrate this law completely at this time, and then inject it into the cellular universe in his body.

Accelerating the process of perfecting the cellular universe in his body also made Li Yue full of expectations for the new creatures that could be born in the cellular universe in his body.


For Li Yue, all this can only be expected.

Therefore, in order to truly realize his expectations, Li Yue was ready to start the true integration with this law at this moment.

And when Li Yue can control this law, the fusion can naturally proceed normally.

The next moment, a special light slowly began to appear around Li Yue. The color of this light could not be accurately expressed in words.

However, this kind of light gives people a sense of vitality.

Perhaps, this light represents hope and the birth of all things in the world.

At this moment, Li Yue, surrounded by the energy of this law, seemed to be the creator who could create everything in the world.

The whole world seems to be on a pilgrimage, blooming with thousands of rays of light and a thousand colors, and everything seems to be beginning to revive at this moment.

At this moment, the power of law that appeared around Li Yue seemed to be the holy light that could revive all things.

Even in Li Yue's feeling, this illusory space that was almost collapsed seemed to have regained a little vitality under the power of this law.

Of course, when this space should collapse, it will still collapse.

After all, before Li Yue completely integrates the power of this law, even Li Yue cannot truly manipulate the power of these laws to repair the space that is about to collapse.

Therefore, within the limited time, Li Yue must completely get rid of this law as soon as possible.

At this time, although it was the first time that I truly felt the power of this law.

But it gave Li Yue a very special feeling.

It was completely different from the power of the law of death that he had felt before, which was full of dead silence and gave people a creepy feeling.

This power of law seems to contain endless vitality.

The huge vitality seems to be able to provide a large amount of vitality to anything, reviving things that are already close to death or even dead.

This kind of power seems to be able to give new life to dead things.

At this moment, Li Yue was attracted by this power that seemed to contain the essence of life.

At the same time, he couldn't help but feel familiar with this breath.

It seemed that I had felt energy with a similar aura before.

Soon, Li Yue found this familiar feeling in his memory.

That was back when he was in the Marvel Universe.

Because of the special energy felt when killing the collector whose life is older than the universe.

There is a large amount of life breath in it that is very similar to what I feel now!

However, Li Yue could still feel that this law and that aura were not exactly the same.

Perhaps, the energy that Li Yue obtained from the collector before may be inextricably related to this law.

However, this is naturally not the time to consider this matter.

The most important thing now is to truly integrate this law with yourself.

Therefore, the next moment, Li Yue, just like before, controlled the power of laws containing huge life breath around him to converge into his body.

American comics begin to travel across the heavens

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