Marvel Began Shuttling the Heavens

Chapter 1156 10 points of simple fusion

There is no doubt that the reason why Li Yue wants to control this special law is not only to make himself stronger and to master one more law.

The most important thing is to inject this law into the universe of billions of cells in your body.

Because of the unique abilities and properties of this law, this law is extremely helpful to the cellular universe in Li Yue's body.

More important than almost any other law.

After all, if a universe wants to truly become perfect, how can it be possible without life in it.

Therefore, controlling this law, injecting it into the cellular universe in his body, and then using the ability of this law to truly give birth to life with wisdom and consciousness in the cellular universe in his body is Li Yue's only choice at this time. Want to do something.

However, the basic condition for achieving this is that Li Yue can completely control this law, and can even inject this law into the universe he created.

At this time, Li Yue was working hard to complete this matter.

Absorbing the energy of this special law into his body and completely letting go of the constraints on his abilities gave Li Yue the opportunity to personally experience the effect of this law on himself!

His feelings are actually the feelings when this law acts on other things.

At the same time, doing so will also help Li Yue completely control the power of this law.

Because the power of law after completely letting go of the constraints is the most real power of law.

Only the power of real laws can give Li Yue the most real feeling for it.

This can also help Li Yue truly control and integrate the power of this law.

Moreover, it seems that after personally experiencing the effect of this power of law, Li Yue has indeed become more deeply aware of the power of this law.

Moreover, I wonder if this is the reason why this law is different from the law of death!

Fusion with this law seems to be much simpler than the law of death.

Because he just absorbed it into his body and experienced it personally, Li Yue felt that he had completed the initial integration with this law.

There is still a long way to go before the next perfect integration!

But Li Yue seems to have enough confidence that he can really do it!

At this moment, Li Yue relaxed his mind again and carefully understood the special feeling that the power of law brought to him after integrating into himself.

Li Yue couldn't help but be fascinated by the wonderful feeling of huge vitality and life filling him.

Time passed slowly, and as Li Yue became more and more aware of the power of this law, he seemed to have encountered the biggest difficulty in understanding the law!

He seemed to know very well in his heart that these huge vitality and life breath were not just to make himself survive longer and reach the level of immortality.

In itself, it has a more important role.

However, at this moment, Li Yue understood that its more important role was to create new creatures and revive some dead creatures.

But at this time, he seemed to understand, but he did not fully understand.

What he doesn't know is how to truly use this vitality and life energy to create new life and revive dead things!

And what is the real meaning of doing this!

And Li Yue had a feeling that if he didn't fully understand these, he would not be able to truly integrate the power of this law perfectly.

It was as if there was an invisible barrier standing in front of him, preventing him from truly crossing the last gap no matter what.

It was like a blinding leaf, blocking the path for Li Yue to fully integrate with the power of this law.

This feeling made Li Yue feel very unbearable.

Even after being unable to truly understand the true meaning of this for a long time, Li Yue's mind seemed to be gradually becoming anxious and irritable because he could not truly integrate with the power of the law at this moment.

"Wait a minute, it seems like my mind and mood are affected by some special aura!"

However, after feeling a little anxious in his heart unconsciously, Li Yue suddenly came to his senses.

Li Yue, whose mind became clear again, felt that his emotions seemed to be affected by some inexplicable aura just now.

In this situation, it is as if there is a special atmosphere between heaven and earth that is affecting one's emotions, trying to prevent oneself from truly integrating with this law!

"Could it be that when you truly integrate the power of this law, will you still face special tests from heaven and earth?"

This special feeling reminded Li Yue of the special test between heaven and earth that he had experienced before.

The reason why it affects Li Yue's emotions may be because he wants to prevent Li Yue from truly controlling the power of this law.

I have to say, if the situation is normal.

Although Li Yue seems to be still far away from truly integrating the power of this law at this time.

But as long as Li Yue is given the opportunity to continue to comprehend, then Li Yue will have the confidence to truly and completely integrate it with himself.

And this process, for such a powerful force as the power of fusion law, can be considered very smooth.

It is not like the last time when the law of death was integrated, it was almost always under the threat of death.

And even if he has just encountered a situation that may prevent Li Yue from continuing to integrate smoothly, it is only because Li Yue does not have enough understanding of the true meaning of this law.

I don’t understand the true meaning of the existence of this law.

And as long as Li Yue wants to understand the true meaning of this law, it exists in the universe.

Then Li Yue can continue to integrate with it very smoothly.

However, when encountering difficulties, with Li Yue's current temperament and his rich previous experiences, he would never feel irritable easily.

And just now, Li Yue seemed to be in a bad mood because he couldn't integrate with the law.

There might be some aura that he couldn't detect that was stimulating Li Yue's heart.

Because he was unable to integrate with the law as quickly as possible, he became very prone to anxiety.

It is conceivable that if Li Yue really became very irritable because of the influence.

Maybe in the end, Li Yue will become increasingly irritable and unable to truly calm down and continue to understand the true meaning of the power of this law.

Therefore, if Li Yue did not wake up soon, the next situation might have really caused him to be unable to completely integrate the power of this law.

Fortunately, Li Yue quickly realized the impact of this inexplicable aura on him.

And I quickly figured out that this influence may be due to the special test between heaven and earth for my control of the laws!

American comics begin to travel across the heavens

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