Marvel Began Shuttling the Heavens

Chapter 1157 Another test from heaven and earth

As for why at the critical moment when he controls the power of the law, an inexplicable force appears between heaven and earth, trying to interfere with his integration of the power of the law.

In Li Yue's view, perhaps because he is about to control this law, its importance has reached a shocking level.

And because it was originally under the control of others, there were not many restrictions.

Therefore, in order to prevent people from mastering this law too easily, the will of heaven and earth has made some unique tests for those who want to integrate this law.

When you concentrate on comprehending the power of this law and want to completely integrate with it, the will of heaven and earth will release a special breath to interfere with your mind and emotions.

Let you gradually become anxious and irritable because of little things.

In the end, because you are too anxious and irritable, you are unable to truly understand the true meaning of this law, and at the same time, you miss the opportunity to truly master this law.

At this moment, what Li Yue encountered may be this kind of interference from the will of heaven and earth.

Fortunately, Li Yue's body at this time was only made up of the concentration of his mind.

Therefore, for Li Yue, if there is any abnormality in his emotions, Li Yue can detect it instantly.

Because of this, the special interference from the will of heaven and earth did not cause real interference to the integration process of Li Yue and this law!

However, this made Li Yue even more sure of the importance of this law.

Especially for a truly perfect universe, maybe the power of this law is indispensable!

Therefore, Li Yue ignored the interference of the will of heaven and earth on him at this time and continued to carefully understand the true meaning of this law.

Afterwards, perhaps the will of heaven and earth sensed that the interference it released had no effect on Li Yue.

It may also be that the test of the will of heaven and earth was only the one just now, and Li Yue had successfully discovered and passed it.

In short, when Li Yue continued to understand the law, Li Yue did not feel the influence of some special aura again!

However, Li Yue's understanding of the law was not so smooth.

Previously, the reason why Li Yue's emotions were affected by the special aura released by the will of heaven and earth was entirely because at that time, Li Yue was already at a bottleneck in his understanding of the power of this law.

Some problems have always troubled Li Yue, making him feel a little confused.

That's why Li Yue at that time was taken advantage of by the disturbing aura released by the will of heaven and earth, and was affected to some extent.

Fortunately, Li Yue discovered this matter soon, adjusted his mood, returned to calmness, and continued to understand the true meaning of this law.

However, although he successfully passed the test of the will of heaven and earth, it does not mean that the doubts and confusion in Li Yue's heart have been resolved.

At this time, Li Yue was still facing some problems that made him feel confused and confused.

And if he cannot truly understand the answers to these questions that puzzle Li Yue, then Li Yue will still not be able to truly integrate this law perfectly.

Therefore, during the entire process of integrating the power of laws, the interference from the will of heaven and earth was not the biggest test for Li Yue.

The complete understanding of the true meaning of the law is the biggest test Li Yue faces at this time.

Although, at this time, Li Yue could basically understand the true meaning of this law, the effects and abilities that this law can exert.

It can create creatures that have never existed in the entire universe, and they are truly intelligent and conscious creatures.

Even in the world of existence and fantasy, mechanical life forms composed of steel can be created by this law and given life and consciousness under the premise that all technological machinery can operate.

I have to say that this kind of ability reminded Li Yue of an artifact called the "Source of Fire" in the "Transformers" movie he once watched!

Because of the appearance of those Transformers,

It is all due to the life given to it by the "fire source".

However, compared to the law that Li Yue was exposed to at this time, the ability of "Fire Source" is much weaker!

Because although the "fire source" can give life and consciousness to mechanical bodies, it also has limitations, that is, it can only give life to mechanical bodies.

But the law Li Yue came into contact with did not have such restrictions.

Whatever it is, it can be given life and consciousness using this law.

You can even give the new creatures you create some special and powerful abilities.

What's even more incredible is that if you truly master the power of a certain law, you can even give the new creatures you create the powerful ability to control the power of the law.

However, although Li Yue felt that he could indeed do such a thing, he guessed that perhaps he would also need to pay a huge price to do such an incredible thing.

After all, everything maintains a balance in a special state.

There is no such thing as a huge gain without paying any price.

Of course, in his understanding of this law, Li Yue has been able to understand some of the special abilities and functions that this law can exert.

However, the more Li Yue understood this law, the more he felt that this law was not just that simple.

Perhaps, there is a more powerful ability and function in this law, which Li Yue was not aware of and did not fully understand at this time.

It is precisely because of this that Li Yue cannot fully understand this law, and cannot truly integrate it completely.

And this is also the biggest dilemma Li Yue faces!

Li Yue seemed unable to understand what kind of powerful ability was contained in this law, which would prevent him from fully comprehending its true meaning for a while.

However, what Li Yue could do at this time was not to complain.

All he can do is to continue to understand this law.

No matter what, he must thoroughly understand what true meaning he has not discovered hidden in this law.

As Li Yue worked harder to understand this law, Li Yue gradually fell into a strange state of mind again.

This wonderful state is somewhat similar to the one that occurred after the last time he was completely integrated with the law of death.

But it's not exactly the same.

The wonderful state that appeared when integrating the law of death put Li Yue into a special state of perception.

His perception of things outside himself changes dramatically.

He no longer uses his eyes and feelings to judge, nor does he rely on appearance to make judgments about certain things.

His judgment of things comes entirely from whether there is a breath like vitality in the things.


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