Marvel Began Shuttling the Heavens

Chapter 1160 Trying to Resurrect Life

Li Yue quickly firmed up and made a decision on what he wanted to do next.

He decided to try to use the power of this law to resurrect the dead carp.

That carp, because after it died, its consciousness had completely dissipated, leaving only a remnant soul that could completely dissipate at any time.

If Li Yue does not choose to restore it at this time, re-inject vitality and life into it.

Perhaps at some point, the remaining remnant soul of it will completely dissipate.

By that time, even if Li Yue wants to revive it, it may not be easy.

Moreover, Li Yue could feel that whether or not to resurrect this carp had a great relationship with whether he could truly integrate this law.

Perhaps, he chose not to take the risk of resurrecting the carp and continued to work hard to integrate this law. Maybe he could indeed integrate perfectly with this law.

However, since Li Yue had this special feeling at this time, it was naturally not just an illusion.

Therefore, Li Yue believed in his feelings more at this time.

Perhaps, the process of using this law to resurrect this carp is the greatest help for Li Yue to completely integrate this law.

Perhaps, in the process of truly applying this law to resurrect this carp, Li Yue can gain a deeper understanding of this law.

And perhaps it was this realization that was the key to allowing Li Yue to truly integrate with this law.

After all, although Li Yue had already fallen into the wonderful state of merging with the law at this time.

But Li Yue's thoughts and consciousness were not affected in any way.

What he could feel was that his understanding of this law was not enough.

So after entering this wonderful fusion state, there is no further development.

Maybe only after you fully understand this law can you continue to experience more wonderful states in the fusion process!

At this moment, Li Yue, to put it bluntly, was only initially integrated with this law.

Although the true meaning of the power of the law he understood could support his initial integration with this law and fall into this wonderful state.

But that's just it. After falling into the initial state of fusion, Li Yue was unable to continue the fusion and experience more mysterious states because he did not understand the law enough.

Only if Li Yue allows himself to gain a deeper understanding of the power of this law in the following time can he continue to integrate it until it is perfectly integrated.

However, if you continue to realize the true meaning of the law as before, it is also possible to fully realize the true meaning of this law.

But the time consumed is probably not a fraction.

For Li Yue, what he lacks most now is sufficient time.

Because this illusory space, I don’t know at what moment, all the vitality in it will be exhausted, and then it will completely collapse.

Therefore, Li Yue must seize the time to understand the true meaning of this law and integrate it perfectly.

Using the power of this law to truly revive a dead life, and carefully comprehending the meaning of the law when resurrecting it, may allow Li Yue to feel this law more easily and quickly. The deep meaning in the law.

Therefore, at this moment, among various special reasons, it seems that it is the best choice for Li Yue to use the power of law to resurrect the dead carp.

Perhaps in addition to these reasons, Li Yue himself was curious about how this law could resurrect dead life.

Therefore, based on various reasons, Li Yue made the decision to resurrect this carp.

After deciding to resurrect the carp, Li Yue no longer hesitated and began to use his initial understanding and integration of this law to try to control the endless light of vitality around him.

At this time, the entire world around Li Yue was filled with the most shining light of vitality. Like a majestic ocean of vitality, the entire world was occupied by this huge force.

And Li Yue relied on his initial understanding of this law and his preliminary integration to be able to initially control the surrounding light of vitality.

Although there may not be much vitality that can really be controlled by Li Yue at this time, it should be enough to resurrect a "small" life.

After preparing to resurrect the dead carp, Li Yue began to manipulate the energy around the carp's remnant soul and began to surge toward the carp's remnant soul.

Li Yue, who had never really used the power of this law to resurrect a life, naturally did not know how to truly resurrect a life.

At this time, all it can do is to manipulate the huge vitality and reinject it into the dead soul.

Perhaps when the huge vitality is re-injected into the soul, its completely dormant consciousness can be awakened, given new life, and its body can be recast so that it can be completely resurrected.

However, this is just what Li Yue imagined.

The real situation was not as simple as Li Yue imagined.

After Li Yue controlled the huge vitality and injected it into the remaining soul of the carp.

The first thing that happened was that the remaining carp soul that had completely lost its color, as if it had been reduced to black and white, began to slowly regain its color.

The color started out weak and then gradually recovered towards brighter and brighter colors.

Until not long after, it had recovered to the point where there was no difference between what Li Yue saw before his death.

At this moment, the carp seemed not to have really died, as if it had just fallen into a deep sleep.

However, in Li Yue's feelings, he still knew clearly that the carp had not really come back to life at this time.

Although the lost color has slowly recovered, the most important factor that determines whether a thing is a dead thing or a living life, the consciousness that can think freely, has not been reawakened.

So at this moment, this carp is just a "dead thing" that has no real consciousness and just looks like a living thing.

But how to awaken his consciousness is something that makes Li Yue feel very confused.

Because Li Yue had not really tried this before.

It was his first time to use the power of law to resurrect a dead life.

So now, Li Yue needs to explore everything by himself.

However, Li Yue didn't have a good solution at this time.

All he can do is to continue to inject vitality into the carp's remnant soul.

Perhaps, when he injects enough vitality, quantitative changes can lead to qualitative changes, and maybe they can produce unexpected effects!

American comics begin to travel across the heavens

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