Marvel Began Shuttling the Heavens

Chapter 1161 Resurrection failed

With enough vital energy, can it really be possible to reawaken the consciousness of this dead carp and give it new life?

Li Yue didn't know clearly at this time, but this was the only way he could think of at this time.

Perhaps, when enough vital energy is injected into it, quantitative changes can indeed lead to qualitative changes.

In the absence of a better way, this is undoubtedly the best option.

At this time, what Li Yue could do was to continuously manipulate the surrounding energy and continuously integrate into the remnant soul of the carp that had lost its life.

The carp, which had returned to its normal color from black and white, gradually emitted a faint light from its remaining soul as Li Yue continued to inject vital energy into it.

Although this light is very weak, if you don't look carefully, you may be completely ignored.

But it was precisely because of the appearance of this light that Li Yue felt a big surprise.

Because of this light, Li Yue had experienced the wonderful state of fusion with the law of death before.

It was just like the situation in this illusory world that Li Yue felt in the previous wonderful state.

The flickering light of vitality was only slightly stronger than what Li Yue felt from the carp at this time.

Although the light of vitality shining in the carp's soul is very weak, it may mean that the carp's consciousness may be gradually reshaped after Li Yue injects huge power of law into it, and it may even be possible. Maybe truly resurrected.

For Li Yue, this naturally meant a huge gain.

After all, this is the first time that he has used the power of this law to resurrect a dead life. If he can really succeed, it may also be of great help to Li Yue's subsequent perfect integration of this law.

Therefore, at this moment, when Li Yue felt that he was constantly injecting vital energy into the carp's remnant soul, a faint light of vitality finally shone in the carp's remnant soul.

Li Yue felt a little excited about this.

Because this shows that even he has no real experience in using this law to resurrect dead life before.

Even though he is using the simplest method at this time, he may really be able to rely on this law to truly resurrect a dead life.

For Li Yue, this was exciting enough.

However, as a faint light of vitality bloomed from the carp's remnant soul, Li Yue felt very excited.

What happened next made Li Yue's excitement gradually calm down.

The very weak light of vitality blooming does not mean that the carp has been completely resurrected.

It may indeed be the reason why the vitality energy that Li Yue injected into it was huge enough. The huge amount caused some simple changes, allowing the soul of the carp that had completely lost its life to emit a light of vitality that can only be seen among living creatures. .

However, the carp that bloomed with vitality was not completely revived at this moment!

Therefore, Li Yue's excitement was a little premature.

Naturally, Li Yue discovered this situation quickly.

And what he understands better is that if he does not continue to inject vital energy into it, the weak light of vitality that may have just bloomed will completely dissipate and extinguish in the next moment.

It was as if I had already seen a glimmer of hope, but then discovered that the very slim hope had disappeared in an instant, and was replaced by immense despair.

Such despair is unbearable for many people.

As for Li Yue, he didn't want the glimmer of hope he finally had to completely disappear.

Therefore, he could only continue to control the huge vital energy and continue to inject it into the carp's screams.

And Li Yue's continuous infusion of vitality has indeed achieved the desired results.

The faint light of vitality blooming in the carp's remnant soul has not been extinguished. Instead, with Li Yue's continuous injection of vitality,

Gradually it becomes brighter.

It was as if hope was becoming stronger and stronger at this moment.

However, hope is just hope, and it cannot make everything become reality.

At this moment, for Li Yue, the hope that this carp might be resurrected was gradually becoming stronger in his heart as the light of vitality became brighter and brighter.

But in fact, even the light of vitality blooming in the carp's remnant soul is gradually becoming brighter.

But it still had no further effect, and it did not reshape the dissipated consciousness for the soul of this dead carp.

This soul is still just a dead thing with normal color!

And as Li Yue continued to inject vital energy into his careful observation and feeling, he also discovered this situation.

He had to accept the fact that even if he used extremely huge vitality energy to inject the remaining soul of this carp, he still could not achieve the situation he expected.

The huge vitality energy can only cause the vitality light to become brighter.

But he could not successfully awaken the dissipated consciousness, nor could he give new life to the carp.

Perhaps Li Yue can still insist on doing this, but he must also accept his failure!

In doing so, he could not successfully resurrect the dead carp.

"It seems that truly resurrecting a life is not as simple as I imagined!"

At this moment, Li Yue also knew all the situations.

Understanding what he has done has brought some help and changes to this dead soul.

But in the end, it was impossible to truly resurrect it or give it new life.

Of course, Li Yue knew that this was not the reason for this law. It was not that this law could not truly resurrect dead souls.

But Li Yue did not master the real method of resurrection.

After all, the method used by Li Yue at this time could no longer be simple.

And truly resurrecting a dead life may not be as simple as Li Yue imagined.

However, Li Yue did not gain anything from this failure.

At least, Li Yue seems to be able to feel that his understanding of this law has also become more profound after this failure experience!

And the degree of integration between myself and this law has also become deeper after this failure experience.

At this time, Li Yue has gone one step further from the initial integration before.

Moreover, the special barrier that originally hindered Li Yue from truly integrating with this law seems to have become weaker at this time.

Perhaps as long as Li Yue works a little harder, he can truly break through this barrier and truly integrate perfectly with this law.

By then, he may also be able to feel the true method of resurrecting life with this law in perfect fusion!


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