Marvel Began Shuttling the Heavens

Chapter 1178 The Effect of Chaos Energy

Here, it is just a special existence created by the fusion of a trace of chaos.

It cannot even be called a world, nor can it be called a space, dimension, or plane.

Because in principle, this "space" does not actually exist.

Whether in time or space, this "space" does not exist.

In fact, Li Yue did not really come here. He just entered the chaotic energy in his mind, giving him a unique "space" feeling.

In fact, Li Yue could already understand it at this time.

There is only a trace of chaos remaining here.

However, as the only energy that occupied the world before it opened, the energy of chaos naturally has very powerful magical effects.

Li Yue remembered that in the prehistoric novels he had read before, the description of the energy of chaos was a special energy that almost no one could absorb.

And in the world that has been formed, it is not that there is no energy of chaos.

It's just that the energy of chaos exists outside the edge of the world, and ordinary people can't access it at all!

Even as long as some people come into contact with the energy of chaos, they will be eroded by the energy of chaos and instantly turn into nothingness.

Therefore, in Li Yue's impression, the energy of chaos is a very dangerous symbol.

However, now that Li Yue was really exposed to the energy of chaos, he realized that his previous impressions of the energy of chaos were actually wrong!

The energy of chaos may be really dangerous, but Li Yue has no obvious feelings about it.

On the contrary, the moment he came into contact with the energy of chaos, Li Yue felt the powerful ability and effect that the energy of chaos could exert.

At this moment, Li Yue basically figured out how the spiritual thoughts that had the same origin as his in the image appeared.

That's right, it's precisely because of the existence of this ray of chaos!

As the special energy that filled the space between heaven and earth before they were separated.

The energy of chaos naturally also plays a very important role and has powerful abilities.

Of course, at this time, Li Yue did not have a very detailed understanding of the ability of Chaos Qi.

After all, this was the first time Li Yue felt the existence of chaos.

Moreover, unlike other forms of energy, Li Yue could feel that the energy of chaos seemed to be able to return everything to its original state.

Therefore, under normal circumstances, this chaotic energy is almost impossible to be absorbed and controlled by people.

It seems that it itself has a consciousness similar to that of an intelligent creature, and every ray of chaotic energy exists as an individual of its own.

Therefore, even Li Yue has no confidence at this time that he can absorb this special chaotic energy into his body or even completely control it.

If he could really control the energy of chaos, it would be impossible for Li Yue to do it and not be tempted by such a special and powerful energy of chaos!

Unfortunately, Li Yue knew very well that he was unable to do it at this time and could not truly absorb and control the energy of chaos.

Of course, although he does not have the ability to absorb the energy of chaos, it is under Li Yue's powerful mental perception.

He still very clearly sensed some of the abilities and functions of the Chaos Qi.

In fact, the "mirror"-like thing that appeared in front of Li Yue at this moment was originally a special form transformed from the energy of chaos.

It’s not a real “mirror” at all!

Although Li Yue was a little surprised by this situation, it was completely within the range that Li Yue could accept.

After all, when he first came to this reincarnation space, he had already felt the unusualness of these "mirrors".

Although on the surface it looks like a "mirror", Li Yue clearly understands that this is definitely not as simple as a "mirror" that can reflect images in the real world.

However, at this time, Li Yue truly understood the nature of these "mirrors".

It turns out that they are all transformed from wisps of chaotic energy.

No wonder when Li Yue just approached these "mirrors", what he saw in the mirrors was chaos!

However, although it is a fake "mirror" transformed from the energy of chaos.

However, due to the special circumstances of the energy of chaos, this fake "mirror" actually has similar abilities to the real mirror.

Even in some cases, this kind of mirror has special abilities that ordinary mirrors don't have at all.

Although the image reflected by a real mirror looks much clearer than this fake "mirror" transformed by the energy of chaos.

However, on a special level, the image reflected by this fake "mirror" transformed by the energy of chaos is actually far more real than the real mirror.

That's right, although just like Li Yue's reflected image, it doesn't look very clear.

But being able to successfully reflect Li Yue's illusory state of mind and consciousness is something incredible!

Moreover, not to mention, it is not as simple as an ordinary mirror, just reflecting Li Yue's image!

When you face an ordinary mirror, your appearance will be completely reflected in the mirror.

It's like there is a special mirror space on the other side of the mirror.

And your image looks very clear, and almost all the details on your surface can be successfully reflected.

However, the image reflected by an ordinary mirror is actually just a false reflection.

Not to mention that the you in the mirror is in the opposite state to the you in reality.

It is simply impossible for your image in the mirror to have the same consciousness as you.

The image in the mirror will only change according to the actions you make in front of the mirror.

There will never be an independent consciousness and actions that are different from yours.

Otherwise, almost no one would dare to look in the mirror alone. This situation can even be compared to scenes in some horror movies.

However, unlike the image reflected by an ordinary mirror, it is just an image of light and shadow without independent consciousness.

The "mirror" transformed by the energy of chaos can reflect the "real" you!

And this sense of "reality" can even reach the level of successfully replicating your mind and consciousness.

For example, at this time, the image that Li Yue felt contained the same spiritual thoughts as his own was actually the energy of chaos, transformed according to Li Yue.

It can even be regarded as an independent individual, sharing the same mind and consciousness as Li Yue.

If he could, he could even perform independent self-action!

It does not need to be like the image reflected in a real mirror, which can only change with the actions of people in the real world!

American comics begin to travel across the heavens

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