Marvel Began Shuttling the Heavens

Chapter 1179 Powerful Chaos Energy

It can be said that the image of Li Yue in the mirror is completely his special consciousness clone.

In fact, there is not much difference from Li Yue's mind and body at this time.

After all, Li Yue's mental body at this time is also a special conscious body formed by dividing a trace of thoughts on the basis of the original body.

And in this consciousness clone, it has almost the same mind and consciousness as Li Yue at this time.

However, this self-awareness was not truly reflected at this moment.

Therefore, what was presented to Li Yue seemed to be just an image that could not move and think freely.

Of course, there are some special reasons for this.

Although this image has the same mind and consciousness as Li Yue, it cannot truly be like Li Yue's mind and body at this time. It can move freely without being separated from the body and have its own ability to think and choose.

And this is because he himself was "copied" from the energy of chaos according to Li Yue's spiritual body.

Although the ability of Chaos Qi is indeed powerful enough, it successfully copied Li Yue's mind and consciousness.

But it didn't really give him the ability to move freely.

If we look at it from a certain perspective, he is just a body with the same mind and consciousness as Li Yue.

He cannot move freely. Only Li Yue's consciousness can truly move if he enters it.

And this is why Li Yue was able to experience real reincarnation.

He is indeed reincarnated in a state of mind and consciousness.

However, what he uses is not his own mind and consciousness, but the mind and consciousness that was "copied" by the energy of chaos. Although it has the same origin as him, it is not directly related to the mind and consciousness!

This was the first time that Li Yue truly felt this way of reincarnation.

I have to say that this was somewhat beyond Li Yue's original expectations.

After all, he had just speculated on his experience of being reincarnated into a grass, which was already special enough.

It even gave him an experience as if he was actually experiencing reincarnation.

However, at this time, Li Yue fully understood that although his guess was not completely correct.

But in some cases, it is close to the truth.

At least, in Li Yue's view, it was pretty good that he could guess that his experience was a real reincarnation experience.

As for this unbelievable fact, when Li Yue didn't really feel it, it was almost unbelievable that such a situation would happen.

Even until this time, Li Yue had almost understood that all the reasons were due to the existence of the energy of chaos and its own powerful ability.

But he still felt unbelievable about this situation.

After all, just by being close to Li Yue, he could successfully "copy" the ability that contains Li Yue's mind and consciousness. Li Yue thought it was very powerful and incredible.

Even Li Yue cannot do it at this time. When facing someone, he can easily copy a spiritual clone that contains a trace of the other person's mind and consciousness.

If Li Yue wants to do the same thing, then there is only one way, which is to use his own ability to "cut" out a part of his original mind, and then give him consciousness so that he can escape. The ability of the body to move freely.

But it is completely unable to be like the Chaos Qi. In the case of close contact, it is completely like "copying" out of thin air, allowing another spiritual body that is completely the same as Li Yue to appear in front of Li Yue.

And the process itself will not have the slightest impact on Li Yue.

Even if Li Yue hadn't noticed the difference in this image, he might not even have been able to notice that this happened!

After all, it seems that this situation does not occur without Li Yue's involvement at all, nor does it even require Li Yue's permission and knowledge.

As long as Li gets closer to the "mirror" transformed by the energy of chaos, he will be "copied" out of thin air into a clone with his mind and consciousness.

This made Li Yue feel a little unbelievable, and at the same time he couldn't help but sigh at the power of the energy of chaos.

If Li Yue hadn't been almost completely sure that he would not be able to absorb and control this powerful chaotic energy.

At least at this time, it is almost impossible for him to absorb and control the energy of chaos!

Then he may even want to control this powerful chaotic energy no matter how much it costs.

After all, if he can truly control the energy of chaos, it means that Li Yue can also control the ability to create anyone's mind and consciousness at will.

Such an ability is not unpowerful!

However, at this time, Li Yue could only temporarily give up his plan to absorb and control the energy of chaos.

When he faced the energy of chaos, he had a strong feeling that if he absorbed it, his body would be instantly divided into its most primitive state.

And what is a person’s most primitive form?

Li Yue didn't know this.

But what he knew was that he might be turned into nothingness in an instant under the attack of the energy of chaos.

Although he was just a mental clone at this time, Li Yue would not do something that was tantamount to seeking death.

What's more, at this time, Li Yue knew that he could not truly absorb and control the energy of chaos.

But it doesn't mean that he can't control the future either!

One day, Li Yue will be powerful enough to absorb and control the energy of chaos.

Moreover, these chaotic energies exist in the reincarnation space and will not disappear inexplicably.

As long as Li Yue masters the method of creating reincarnation space, he is not afraid that when he has the ability to control the energy of chaos in the future, he will not be able to find the energy of chaos.

Therefore, at this time, Li Yue was a little unwilling to be "temporarily" unable to control the energy of chaos with such a powerful ability, but it was not completely unacceptable.

Of course, in Li Yue's heart, absorbing and controlling the energy of chaos is already a goal that he must accomplish in the future.

As the only energy that existed when heaven and earth were not divided and chaos was not yet opened, its own ability is absolutely powerful without a doubt.

What's more, just the tip of the iceberg displayed at this time made Li Yue extremely shocked.

After all, Li Yue would not think that the power of Chaos Qi could only "copy" the mind and consciousness of any living creature at will.

What Li Yue believed even more was that the ability displayed by Chaos Qi at this time was just one of its many abilities.

In fact, more and more powerful abilities have not yet been displayed in front of Li Yue.

Even Li Yue couldn't really feel it!


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