Marvel Began Shuttling the Heavens

Chapter 1180 Must control

Therefore, this kind of chaotic energy is almost more attractive to Li Yue than all energy and all the power of laws.

It's just that if you can't control it, you can't control it. This will not change because Li Yue cares too much.

Even Li Yue clearly felt that not to mention that what was here at this time was just a clone of his spiritual mind. Even if his true body arrived, he would not be able to truly control the energy of chaos.

Therefore, all Li Yue can do at this time is to feel the reincarnation space.

Understand clearly how the reincarnation space is formed, and master the method of creating the reincarnation space.

In Li Yue's view at this time, creating a unique rule of reincarnation of all things in the cellular universe within his body is no longer the most important thing to him at this time!

At this time, the thing that Li Yue cares about most and feels most important has undoubtedly become the large amount of chaotic energy existing in the reincarnation space.

The existence of these chaotic energies has become a direction for Li Yue's future strength evolution.

No matter what, Li Yue must ensure that one day in the future, when he is strong enough.

Returning to the reincarnation space again, truly absorbing and controlling this chaotic energy.

At that time, he would like to take a look, in addition to the powerful ability to "copy" the mind and consciousness of any creature at will.

As the only chaotic energy that occupied the entire chaotic world before heaven and earth were divided, what an incredibly powerful ability it had!

Perhaps, when Li Yue truly absorbs and controls the energy of chaos, he will be able to understand the ultimate secret that transcends all worlds.

Of course, all these are just some simple thoughts of Li Yue at this time.

At this time, he has no way to absorb and control the energy of chaos. He can only ignore all these situations for the time being and continue to follow the original plan. After experiencing several reincarnations, he masters the method of truly creating reincarnation space!

After taking a deep look, it seemed like a "mirror" in front of me, but its essence was a "mirror" transformed into a ray of chaotic energy.

Although Li Yue felt that he knew something and answered some of his doubts.

But more doubts followed.

Why is there in this reincarnation space the energy of chaos that existed before the chaotic world was divided?

Moreover, these chaotic energies have transformed into special things that are like "mirrors" today.

And why, these chaotic energies will "copy" the spiritual clones of the outsiders who come here with the other person's mind and consciousness.

Moreover, it seems that the purpose of all this is to allow outsiders to experience a unique reincarnation experience without suffering any mental damage.

Could it be that this reincarnation space is not a reincarnation space that allows all things to reincarnate in the true sense?

But is it a special space created by a powerful being for people to experience reincarnation?

After all, maybe some people really need to experience countless reincarnations and countless catastrophes of life and death, as in the legend, before they can finally achieve success and break through themselves.

And such a special space is naturally a very convenient existence for such people.

After all, in this space, the amount of chaotic energy was completely immeasurable to Li Yue.

This also means that the number of worlds that can be reincarnated is too large for Li Yue to accurately estimate.

Therefore, even if you really go through tens of thousands of reincarnations here, there may not be any difficulty at all.

However, what made Li Yue feel even more confused was whether the world of reincarnation associated with each "mirror" was a real world or an equally empty illusion.

And the answer to the question,

It may also mean that this is the real reincarnation place where all things can be reincarnated, or is it just an illusion that allows people to experience the real reincarnation experience.

After all, the real reincarnation is that the moment you choose reincarnation, you are no longer the same person.

You will truly continue to exist as the thing you were reincarnated into.

When you return to the reincarnation space again, you cannot go back to before the reincarnation.

It will not be like Li Yue at this time, who can still return to his original appearance after being reincarnated into a grass.

Therefore, the reincarnation experienced by Li Yue may be real.

But it is absolutely impossible for him to truly experience reincarnation.

Of course, this may also be due to the energy of chaos.

After all, the energy of chaos can "copy" a spiritual clone that has the same mind and consciousness as him.

Naturally, the fact of Li Yue's true reincarnation can also be changed.

"But, no matter what, we just need to explore this place as much as possible and understand how the reincarnation space is established."

However, at this time, Li Yue knew that the energy of chaos was still far away from him.

Instead of getting entangled in the energy of chaos, it is better to focus on your own experiences to better feel and understand the method of establishing this samsara space.

"Then, it's time to truly experience a new reincarnation experience!"

Li Yue, who gave up struggling with the energy of chaos, was also ready for the next reincarnation.

After thinking of this, Li Yue's mind and consciousness had broken away from the previous chaos.

Li Yue came back to his senses again, and his consciousness had returned to himself.

At the moment when Li Yue returned, he also noticed that in the mirror in front of him, it seemed that his reflection appeared in the water, and there seemed to be a faint fluctuation.

Perhaps, his consciousness entering the chaotic space also has some weak influence on this "mirror" transformed from the energy of chaos.

However, Li Yue's image in the mirror only fluctuated slightly and then calmed down.

It seems that Li Yue's previous entry into the chaotic space did not have a great impact on the image of Li Yue's consciousness.

However, Li Yue naturally didn't pay too much attention to this matter.

He was ready to start reincarnation again.

In Li Yue's view, the beginning of a new reincarnation may be the same as the last time he started reincarnation.

You must touch your own image in this "mirror".

Therefore, Li Yue slowly raised his hand again and slowly stretched it towards the mirror in front of him.

Although Li Yue's movements were neither hasty nor slow, he soon came into contact with his own image in the mirror in front of him.

The next moment, the image in the mirror once again fluctuated like the calm water surface being broken.

Among them, Li Yue's image gradually fades away like the moonlight in the water.

And what was scattered along with it was Li Yue's consciousness.

The next moment, Li Yue's consciousness fell silent again.

For Li Yue, who had already had this experience once, he did not feel any panic.

He knew that the next special reincarnation experience was about to begin!

American comics begin to travel across the heavens

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