Marvel Began Shuttling the Heavens

Chapter 1184 The Unacceptable Fact

At this time, although Li Yue's perception has been enhanced, the degree of enhancement has not reached the point where he can truly fully perceive himself and feel the surrounding environment.

Perhaps it will take a long time before Li Yue's perception is strong enough.

At this time, there was no other way. Li Yue, who continued to distract his attention by thinking about things, could only continue to spend the next long time in boredom.

In a boring situation, Li Yue felt that time passed so slowly.

Although Li Yue cannot detect the speed of time, he can deduce how much time has passed based on the degree of his enhanced perception.

But what makes Li Yue feel very helpless is that when he is bored, the growth rate of his perception seems to have become very slow.

Of course, Li Yue knew clearly that this was the reason why he could not divert his attention and only focused on the passage of time, and felt that the passage of time was slowing down.

In fact, the passage of time and the speed at which one's own perception increases have not changed significantly.

It's just that some changes have occurred in my heart, and I have become more anxious.

However, this situation further tests whether Li Yue's inner will is strong.

It is also constantly sharpening Li Yue's will and strengthening his state of mind.

Maybe Li Yue hasn't felt it yet, but in fact, his state of mind is much stronger now than when he last experienced reincarnation and became a grass!

At the beginning, Li Yue, who became Xiaocao, felt unbearable after less than a year.

But at this time, more than ten years have passed, but Li Yue has really persisted!

Although at this time Li Yue still felt extremely bored and unbearable because of his current situation.

But he did persevere, and his state of mind did not seem to be too seriously affected.

There is only one explanation for this, and that is that Li Yue's state of mind is gradually growing and becoming stronger through constant tempering!

At this time, Li Yue's state of mind has become tougher than before, and he is even more difficult to defeat!

This is what Li Yue deserves after his continuous persistence.

However, even though his state of mind has become stronger, it still cannot support Li Yue to persevere without any distracting thoughts during the decades of loneliness.

As time passed, Li Yue also felt that he was gradually becoming more and more irritable.

In his heart, more than once he wanted to end his extremely boring special experience now, change his situation of turning into a stone, and return to the state where he could move freely before.

However, this thought was completely suppressed by Li Yue's more tenacious perseverance!

However, Li Yue had no idea how many times he had restrained himself from wanting to end this experience directly.

Li Yue's perception finally increased after a long period of time, and he could slightly perceive the situation around him.

Although this feeling may not be very real or clear.

But what Li Yue was sure of was that he could indeed perceive simple situations around him.

However, along with this good news came bad news.

Because when Li Yue's perception gradually increased and he could slightly feel the situation around him, he felt a damp and cold feeling.

And this feeling means that the place where Li Yue is at this time is probably in the water.

Because only if he has been in the water for many years, the moist breath will gradually penetrate into the inside of him who is almost a stone.

As a result, Li Yue, who was still unable to fully perceive the external environment at this time,

Feel a damp feeling.

And with the arrival of this bad news, Li Yue's previous persistence seemed to be in vain.

After all, it is almost unable to see sunlight and other light when it is in the water, and even the air that exists around it is pitiful.

Therefore, Li Yue had almost no way to come into contact with the spiritual energy of heaven and earth or the essence of the sun and moon that he was familiar with.

It may be completely impossible to change the way he is now a stone that cannot move freely by relying on the direction of his own evolution.

When Li Yue realized this, his persistence for a long time seemed to be about to collapse in an instant.

He even had the urge to leave here instantly and end this unbearable reincarnation experience.

After all, just like when you buy a certain lottery ticket, after you have scratched out the word "thank you", will you choose to continue scratching it?

Perhaps, most people will choose to throw the lottery tickets that they already know have not won directly into the trash can.

At this time, Li Yue naturally thought the same way.

If you want to see a huge rock in the water again, it is almost impossible to achieve it.

As for Li Yue, there is naturally no need to continue to waste time here knowing that the situation is impossible.

Unless, Li Yue is already prepared to live alone here for thousands of years.

And even Li Yue himself may not be sure whether he is ready for this.

"Now it seems that ending this experience is my inevitable choice at this time!"

"After all, knowing that this is the case, it seems like nothing can be changed by continuing!"

Li Yue has persisted for a long enough time, but in fact, the persistence in his heart has been almost wiped out.

Even if his state of mind is strong enough to a certain extent, it cannot allow him to persist for decades without any care.

Not to mention preparing to maintain this state for thousands of years.

Therefore, this sudden situation made Li Yue feel that ending this reincarnation experience at this time was the only choice he could make.

However, just like he was unwilling before, Li Yue still felt a little unwilling until now.

Perhaps, Li Yue couldn't accept that his hard work and persistence resulted in such a result that he couldn't accept.

As a result, Li Yue did not directly choose to end this reincarnation experience at this time.

"Perhaps, what I feel at this time is not what I thought?"

"The damp feeling around this boulder may be caused by other reasons!"

"Perhaps the environment where this boulder is located is not in the water?"

"After all, my perception at this time has not really increased to the extent that I can truly feel the surrounding situation. Maybe the surrounding environment is actually very different from what I imagined!"

At this moment, the unwillingness in his heart made Li Yue even unable to accept his previous feelings.

He tried to overturn the conclusion he had drawn and convinced himself that maybe the result was not as bad as he imagined.

In short, I don't know if it was because of the strong unwillingness in his heart that Li Yue did not choose to end this reincarnation directly.

Instead, be prepared to wait for a while until your perception is strong enough and you can truly feel your surroundings clearly!

American comics begin to travel across the heavens

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