Marvel Began Shuttling the Heavens

Chapter 1185 The real situation

Because of the strong unwillingness in his heart, Li Yue could hardly accept that the situation he felt at this time was the real fact.

In his heart, there was still this last bit of luck and struggle.

In an attempt to overturn the conclusion he reached at this time after his perception has increased to the point where he can truly feel the surrounding environment.

What's more, after persisting for such a long time, it is not that difficult for Li Yue to continue persisting for a while!

Therefore, Li Yue did not choose to end this experience directly in the end, but held on to the last bit of luck in an attempt to overturn the conclusion he had felt before.

And as Li Yue made the decision to stay here.

What Li Yue did next was to continue to stay in this very boring state as before and continue to enhance his perception.

Until the moment when you can fully perceive your surroundings!

What happened next was relatively easy for Li Yue at this time.

After all, Li Yue has persisted for a long time.

And the time it takes to persist is not very unbearable.

Finally, after another period of time passed, Li Yue's perception experienced greater growth.

At this time, Li Yue could really do it. He could use his perception to feel the environment around him.

However, Li Yue, who originally had a glimmer of luck in his situation, had almost completely lost hope.

When his perception finally grew to the point where he could not only feel himself, but also go beyond himself.

The first thing Li Yue perceived was a lot of water.

At this time, Li Yue could not clearly perceive whether he was in a river or a bottomless sea.

But what he could clearly see at this time was that there was a lot of water around him.

It is a huge boulder dozens of meters tall, surrounded by a large amount of water.

Moreover, perhaps because I have been in the water for who knows how many years, a large amount of water has penetrated its surface and is penetrating inside!

And this is exactly what Li Yue felt before when his perception was not strong enough.

However, at this time, Li Yue no longer cared about this. The only thing he felt at this time was that luck had not come to him.

The conclusion he was trying to overturn was actually the situation he was really in at this time!

"Haha, this situation is not too bad. After all, there is another situation that is good news, right?"

"At least in this environment, the life of a giant stone should end relatively quickly!"

Faced with this situation that I could not accept before, it became a reality.

All Li Yue could do was to comfort himself in his heart.

At least this situation is not completely without any good sides.

Being surrounded by a large amount of water may allow you to "decay" faster and shorten the life of this boulder!

However, this simple self-comfort was not enough to make Li Yue feel too excited.

After all, even if you are in the water, your life as a boulder may be slightly reduced.

But how much is this reduction?

Compared with the tens of thousands of years of life of the boulder, the reduced lives are simply insignificant.

If Li Yue can really persist for thousands of years.

Naturally, I won't care about the little time that is reduced.

However, it was naturally impossible for Li Yue to persist for such a long time.

Therefore, at this time, Li Yue seemed to have only one path to choose!

"Perhaps, now I can only choose to end this reincarnation experience directly!"

Although he still felt a little unwilling in his heart, Li Yue knew that even if he continued to persist now, it seemed to be meaningless.

After all, a stone has a life of thousands of years, and Li Yue would not be able to persist for such a long time no matter what.

Therefore, the only choice Li Yue can make at this time is to end this reincarnation and return to the reincarnation space.

Of course, all Li Yue's persistence was not completely meaningless.

After such a long period of time, Li Yue has been able to persevere, which has actually produced a sufficient increase in Li Yue's state of mind.

In fact, because of his persistence, even if Li Yue chooses to end this reincarnation experience now, the damage to Li Yue's own state of mind will not be too great at all.

After all, Li Yue did not choose to end this reincarnation experience directly from the beginning.

Otherwise, doing so would have the greatest impact on Li Yue's state of mind.

After all, choosing to retreat in advance before you have truly faced difficulties that make you feel insurmountable will have the greatest impact on your state of mind!

At this time, Li Yue has almost tried his best and persisted until now.

After fully understanding what you are facing, you may face huge difficulties that you cannot overcome at all.

Choosing to retreat at this moment will naturally not have a huge impact on Li Yue's state of mind.

Therefore, it was precisely for this reason that Li Yue did not choose to continue to hold on because of his inner unwillingness.

He was ready to choose to end this special reincarnation experience and return to the reincarnation space.

However, this experience did not allow Li Yue to gain more, but it made Li Yue feel a little depressed.

But some things are like this, and even Li Yue can't change them.

So although he was in a bad mood, Li Yue had no choice but to accept the result at this time!

However, although Li Yue chose to prepare to end this reincarnation, he naturally did not rush to end this experience.

After all, sometimes, when it's time to make your own choice, you will feel some inexplicable hesitation.

Even at this time, Li Yue seemed to be somewhat "accustomed" to this extreme feeling of loneliness.

There seemed to be an inexplicable feeling in his heart, which made Li Yue feel like he didn't want to end such a special experience so easily.

Of course, Li Yue fully understood that this was just a special feeling.

It's like when you completely adapt to wearing a certain piece of clothing, you will develop a special dependence.

At this time, Li Yue may have been very accustomed to the current situation, so suddenly breaking this habit made Li Yue feel some special hesitation.

However, Li Yue naturally knew that everything would eventually end, and he could not stay in this special experience forever.

It was only a matter of time before this experience ended!

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