Marvel Began Shuttling the Heavens

Chapter 1186 An unexpected appearance

In fact, Li Yue himself had nothing to hesitate.

This time, he could hardly see any "hope" for this special experience, which would eventually end early.

For Li Yue, he absolutely cannot continue here until the moment his life truly ends!

Therefore, it is completely meaningless to continue to maintain the current situation.

However, during Li Yue's simple hesitation, something happened that Li Yue did not expect at all.

At this time, although Li Yue's perception is not really very strong, it has grown to a strong enough level!

And it is this kind of perception that allows Li Yue's perception to be separated from himself and perceive the surrounding environment and situation.

Of course, at this time, all Li Yue could feel was a large amount of water filling his surroundings.

As for other situations, they cannot be perceived at all.

And this is the most important reason why Li Yue is ready to give up this reincarnation experience.

However, at this time, when Li Yue had not really chosen to end this special experience, he suddenly felt that an unexpected situation was happening.

In his feeling, the originally very calm water around him seemed to suddenly have a slight fluctuation.

Moreover, this weak fluctuation is continuously increasing!

Soon, the originally very weak fluctuations gradually intensified and gradually became very violent.

It's like a giant beast is tumbling in the water, stirring up the water!

As the water flow was stirred, the churning became more and more violent. Even though it was a boulder that was tens of meters long, it was still affected by the violent churning of the water.

Gradually, Li Yue could even feel that his body, which weighed hundreds of tons at the moment, was gradually trembling with the water flow, as if a huge earthquake had occurred under the water.

However, if it was just like this, Li Yue might feel that it was nothing more than a violent earthquake under the water.

Although it's not very common, it's not too unusual either.

Even though submarine earthquakes may be the most important reason for triggering tsunamis and causing the destruction of many living beings.

But this has nothing to do with Li Yue who is about to come here!

Li Yue might be a little surprised by this, but it wouldn't shock him enough.

If he were an ordinary person, facing such a strong "earthquake", he might need to flee in a hurry.

But at this moment, Li Yue was a huge stone, facing such a shock, it had nothing to do with it.

And such a shock could not prevent Li Yue from ending this special experience and leaving here!

However, if that was all it was, it wouldn't be considered an unexpected situation that Li Yue didn't expect at all.

Because, at this time, Li Yue could not clearly feel the surrounding situation.

But he seemed to be able to feel that the water around him suddenly began to churn violently, even affecting himself in the water.

And the reason why all this happened may not be due to the earthquake that occurred underwater!

Because Li Yue felt at this time that his boulder, which weighed hundreds of tons, was gradually beginning to float upwards with the turbulence of the surrounding water.

Although, if the turbulence of the surrounding water flow is really caused by a violent earthquake, maybe it will roll some distance under the water with the turbulence of the water flow.

But it is absolutely impossible to float upward all the time, as if it is not affected by gravity at all.

Even though water is buoyant and can make giant ships of tens of thousands of tons float on the water, it is also the result of technology.

For Li Yue, who was a solid boulder at this time,

The density of its "body" is greater than that of water, so it is destined to sink to the bottom of the water and cannot float up.

Unless, the water flow around him is not water flow in the ordinary sense.

However, Li Yue overturned this guess almost instantly.

Because he didn't sense anything too special about the surrounding water flow.

So, the situation of Li Yue gradually floating towards the water at this time is somewhat worth pondering.

Even Li Yue, who was ready to end this special experience and choose to leave, temporarily gave up the idea of ​​leaving directly and prepared to see what happened.

What's more, Li Yue could feel that the reason for the churning and churning of the surrounding water was not due to the earthquake under the water.

But because of Li Yue.

Of course, it was Li Yue who was a giant stone at this time.

That's right, although Li Yue's perception was not strong enough to perceive everything at this time.

But the moment he felt himself gradually floating upward, he figured it out.

The cause of the churning of the surrounding water was not due to underwater earthquakes or other causes.

Instead, there is a special force acting on myself, who is now a giant stone.

Then, as if attracted by some powerful force, he gradually began to float toward the surface of the water.

Gravity seemed to have lost its effect on me at this moment.

The huge pressure brought by the surrounding currents cannot stop itself from floating upward.

This situation not only made Li Yue feel extremely surprised, but also made him feel an inexplicable expectation.

Because he knew that this special situation could not happen without reason.

There must be some special reason that I can't perceive at this time, which caused the current situation.

What made Li Yue even more curious and expectant, and even a little excited, was that he might see an intelligent life race in this special world of reincarnation.

Because being able to use inexplicable power to float oneself to the surface is naturally something that only real creatures that are truly intelligent and capable of thinking can do.

And this situation also means that Li Yue will truly "see" intelligent creatures in this world of reincarnation soon.

This was the first time that Li Yue had the opportunity to see an intelligent creature after he had been alone for a long enough time!

Therefore, this is enough to make Li Yue feel excited and excited!

Of course, Li Yue could only rely on his weak perception to feel this possible creature.

And even if he truly sensed it, Li Yue would not be able to truly communicate with him at this time.

After all, at this time, he is essentially just a stone that cannot move freely or speak.

However, as long as it can be confirmed that there are truly intelligent creatures in this world of reincarnation, it is important enough to Li Yue.

Following Li Yue's expectations, he, as a huge boulder, was slowly floating toward the surface of the water.

Although the floating speed is not fast, it is not slow either!

However, this process is long enough.

Perhaps because Li Yue was at the bottom of the water, which was relatively deep, he felt that he had been floating for a long time and still had not completely surfaced!

American comics begin to travel across the heavens

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