Marvel Began Shuttling the Heavens

Chapter 1190 Internal Differences

However, no matter what the reason was at this time, the sword light could not penetrate deep into his own body.

But at this time, Li Yue's appearance was constantly crumbling due to being struck by countless sword lights.

A large piece of stone is gradually falling off from Li Yue's original boulder.

Li Yue, which was originally tens of meters wide, was gradually shrinking.

The appearance, which had been eroded by water for a long time and had become somewhat dark in color, is also gradually falling off.

The color gradually began to change from the original darkening.

The middle-aged man's movements of waving the long sword did not stop at all.

Countless rays of bright sword light were constantly being stimulated from the long sword transformed by the water flow in his hand.

The bright sword light continuously hit Li Yue, who was a huge boulder, turning his appearance into pieces of broken gravel, falling into the lake below, causing waves of water splashes.

And soon, Li Yue's size gradually became smaller and smaller under this situation.

Although the change may not be huge compared to before, the change in volume can still be seen with the naked eye.

Although, at this time, Li Yue didn't know why the other party kept reducing his size.

But Li Yue still focused all his attention on himself.

Because Li Yue was a little suspicious at this time, the fundamental reason why the other party did this was because of himself.

Perhaps the boulder he was reincarnated into was not as ordinary as he imagined.

Perhaps, there is an important role in it that I did not expect.

At this time, perhaps what this middle-aged man did was to remove himself from the blindness of the mortal world and reveal his extraordinary nature.

This is Li Yue's understanding of why a middle-aged man uses a long sword transformed by water flow, releasing a bright sword light that acts on himself, causing his appearance to break and fall off.

Li Yue doesn't have much hostility towards middle-aged people.

And even if the other party behaves like this, which seems to be hurting him, in Li Yue's opinion, it is mostly because of other reasons.

After all, in Li Yue's opinion, if there is no special reason, no one would release their inner anger on an innocent stone for no reason.

What's more, at this time, just like this middle-aged man, he completely showed a mentality that had long been purposeful. He first "salvaged" Li Yue from the bottomless lake, and then used his own With his own strength, he acted like this on a huge rock.

No matter how you think about it, you may be able to imagine that the other party's behavior at this time is completely impossible to just vent his inner anger.

It is definitely that the huge stone that Li Yue was reincarnated at this time is not as ordinary as it seems on the surface.

Perhaps beneath the somewhat dark appearance that has been soaked in water, there is a brilliant brilliance like a gem.

Of course, at this time, Li Yue had no special feelings about whether he was just an ordinary boulder or a priceless gem.

After all, in Li Yue's limited perception at this time, his feeling about himself was completely limited to the fact that he could only feel that this stone was himself.

Just like an ordinary person, although he can feel his own body, he can also feel the existence of his limbs connected to his body.

But after all, he couldn't really feel the internal organs, even the blood vessels and cells inside the body.

And Li Yue felt exactly like this at this time.

He can't really feel his own insides,

What's the difference.

At least, in Li Yue's current feelings about himself, he is completely unable to truly distinguish whether he is an ordinary stone or a priceless gem exuding beautiful colors.

However, in this case, the answer may be revealed soon.

After all, if he followed the behavior of this middle-aged man towards him, I am afraid that his appearance would soon be cut off by the sword light, gradually shrinking, until finally, he would truly collapse completely.

Of course, in Li Yue's feeling, maybe he would not be like an ordinary stone, being gradually worn away by the sharp sword light.

Because, if this is the result, there is no need for the other party to go to great lengths to "salvage" himself out of the bottomless lake.

However, doing such a meaningless thing!

Of course, all this is just Li Yue's own speculation.

However, in Li Yue's own view, such speculation is still very convincing.

At least, Li Yue had every reason to believe it.

After the ordinary stone layer on his appearance is completely removed, he can truly reveal the real reason why he makes this middle-aged man care so much that he even spends a lot of energy to "salvage" himself out of the lake. .

Perhaps, hidden under the very ordinary appearance, is a dazzling, dazzling and precious interior.

With this idea in mind, Li Yue did nothing to stop the middle-aged man from continuing to swing the sword light at him.

Moreover, with Li Yue's current situation, even if he wanted to stop it, he might not be able to really do it.

Who made him just a piece of cake unable to move freely at this time, and even floating in the air was because of the other party's power controlling it.

Therefore, at this time, Li Yue could only decide whether to forcibly end this reincarnation experience. The rest could only be watched.

And if Li Yue was asked to end this reincarnation experience and return to the reincarnation space before all this happened, he might not have much hesitation.

But at this moment, when he felt that there might be something precious inside him as a huge stone that he had not thought of before, Li Yue's desire to force an end was gradually suppressed.

They say curiosity is the main culprit that gets people into dangerous situations.

But it has to be said that curiosity is the most easily aroused emotion in humans.

At this time, Li Yue was naturally very curious about what kind of special nature he had at this time.

Therefore, if you don't really understand these things, you don't really understand why this middle-aged man who may be a "Sword Immortal" values ​​​​him so much.

Li Yue was absolutely unwilling to give in, so he directly ended this reincarnation experience and returned to the reincarnation space!

Moreover, perhaps knowing what kind of special existence is inside him may also break Li Yue's previous decision to forcibly end this reincarnation experience.

If what he was reincarnated into at this time was indeed not an ordinary boulder, then perhaps this special reincarnation experience would not be so ordinary for Li Yue!

American comics begin to travel across the heavens

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