Marvel Began Shuttling the Heavens

Chapter 1191 The mortal world fades away

From Li Yue's perspective, although being reincarnated into a stone was very special, it was also a very ordinary experience.

After all, a stone cannot move freely.

Therefore, Li Yue has to face an even more boring living environment!

Because of this, Li Yue felt that this long experience was a bit difficult to survive.

However, he had never thought before that the stone he was reincarnated into was actually different from ordinary stones.

It was only then that he felt what this middle-aged man was doing, and then he remembered that maybe he himself was not just an ordinary boulder.

However, none of this can be felt by Li Yue on his own. At this time, he can only rely on the other party's behavior to determine his inner thoughts.

And the other party does have a power that is powerful enough to make Li Yue feel suspicious.

Even if the three-foot green sword behind him is not truly unsheathed, he can still transform a long sword into his hand just by using ordinary water flow.

Although the flowing water sword is invisible, it can still emit a sharp sword light in his hand.

Lines of sword light continued to stir up the body of Li Yue, who was made of boulders, shattering the surface of the boulder. Pieces of gravel fell off and fell into the lake below.

Finally, Li Yue, who was originally dozens of meters in size, shrunk sharply and was reduced to less than a dozen meters in size as he was constantly being chopped down by the sharp sword light.

Compared to its previous size, it seems to have shrunk at least several times.

However, compared to an ordinary person, such a size is still very huge, as tall as a three- or four-story building.

Moreover, when Li Yue's own size shrank to this extent.

No matter how fast the flowing sword in the middle-aged man's hand was swung, streaks of sword light kept appearing.

But the moment the sword light hit Li Yue, it could not leave deep marks on the surface of the boulder as easily as before, nor could it really cause the boulder to crack again.

It even seemed as if the boulder contained some extremely special power, capable of absorbing the sharp sword light into itself the moment it was hit by the sword.

The bright sword light was fleeting the moment it touched the boulder, and quickly disappeared.

The moment the sword light disappeared, a dazzling light seemed to flash out from the boulder, but it was also fleeting, as if it was just an illusion.

The middle-aged man naturally quickly discovered that the long sword turned into water in his hand could no longer affect the boulder with the sword light.

Moreover, in fact, he was very clear at this time that with his actions, the ordinary stone layer on the surface of this boulder had been basically chopped off by himself.

But what was left behind at this time was already a precious stone that he could not shake with the long sword turned into running water.

After all, this huge stone salvaged from the bottom of a vast lake attracted the attention of the middle-aged man precisely because of its special existence.

Although the boulder was very huge before, and on the surface, it was no different from an ordinary boulder.

But the reason why the middle-aged man spent a lot of energy to fish it out from the bottom of the lake is as deep as ten thousand feet.

Naturally, it is impossible just to let a boulder made of ordinary material see the light of day again.

But in fact, the existence hidden under the surface of the ordinary stone layer is what middle-aged people value.

At this time, the middle-aged man had also used his special means to completely chop off all the ordinary stone layers covering the surface of the boulder.

But the stone material left behind at this time, after its volume has been significantly reduced, is exactly what the middle-aged people need.

Although at this time, the boulder has faded away from the ordinary stone layer on the surface, it still looks like it is not much different from the ordinary boulder.

But in terms of color, compared to when it was just fished out of the water, which was a little darker due to being soaked in water, the traces of being soaked in water can no longer be seen, and it looks brand new.

However, if you look at it from the perspective of ordinary people, this huge stone may indeed have a very huge change in appearance from before.

But such changes can occur on any ordinary stone.

After all, any stone that is cut in the middle can see the color inside from the break, which is newer than the outside.

That's because the exterior of the stone has been exposed to wind and sun all year round, and has weathered. Naturally, there is a clear difference from the interior that has not experienced wind and sun.

But now, the huge stone in front of the middle-aged man seems to have just changed from old to brand new.

But if this situation remains for a period of time, this relatively new-looking boulder will once again turn into its previous dull color due to wind and sun.

This is a fate that nothing can escape. This is the power of time.

However, in the eyes of the middle-aged man, the boulder in front of him had already undergone earth-shaking changes from before.

If the boulder had been soaked in water for an unknown amount of time, it was just an ordinary boulder that even exuded a faint smell of decay.

After being "repaired" by him at this time, the remaining boulder, which had shrunk in size, was completely a special stone with restrained brilliance and extremely precious value.

However, at this time, this extremely precious stone has not truly revealed its original dazzling appearance.

Therefore, at this time, it seems that it is still blinded by the mundane world, and no strange colors are emanating from it!

However, the middle-aged man is naturally not an ordinary person.

After all, if it were ordinary people, even if there was no precious stone covered by a thick layer of ordinary stone, they might not be able to discover the preciousness of the stone if it were placed in front of them.

What's more, you can feel the extraordinary things inside the boulder under the ordinary appearance, which is covered by a thick layer of ordinary stone and is still in a lake with a depth of ten thousand feet.

In a way, middle-aged people's ability to understand things is very powerful.

Even Li Yue's body may not be able to compete with it without the application of mental power.

After all, there is a lake thousands of feet deep, so it is naturally impossible to see clearly what is deep in the lake with just your eyes.

You can almost only use your perception and mental power to understand and explore things at the bottom of the lake.

However, if it were not for special reasons, I am afraid that even with such powerful insight, no one would be able to easily discover that there are treasures that can attract them at the bottom of the lake.

Li Yue didn't know why the middle-aged man found himself deep in the lake.

But at this time, Li Yue felt a very special and wonderful feeling!


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