Marvel Began Shuttling the Heavens

Chapter 1192 A wonderful feeling

At this moment, when the thick layer of ordinary stone around him was cut down by the sword light released by the middle-aged man, and when his own size shrank significantly.

Li Yue himself also had a very strange feeling!

At this moment, Li Yue seemed to have lost all restraints.

A whole new feeling filled his senses!

It was as if the previous self had been wrapped with some kind of plastic film, three layers inside and three outside.

It makes me unable to breathe normally, and I feel very uncomfortable and difficult to hold back.

At this moment, those "plastic films" that bound him seemed to have completely disappeared.

And I also have a wonderful feeling of breathing smoothly and not being restrained in the slightest.

At this moment, Li Yue was even able to use his perception to sense the flow of breath around him, and to sense that the surrounding world contained some special energy that could make him stronger.

Perhaps, this is the spiritual energy of heaven and earth floating between heaven and earth.

However, before this, Li Yue could not truly feel the existence of the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, nor could he feel the flow of breath easily and clearly like this.

It was as if Li Yue's senses had been completely sealed before, and he was unable to feel the flow of breath around him normally.

Even after Li Yue was released from the "seal" at this time, there was an extremely obvious change in the rate of growth of his perception.

At this time, he seemed to be able to "breathe" the spiritual energy of the surrounding world freely to increase his perception.

Almost every minute and every second, Li Yue's perception is rapidly increasing at a speed that was completely incomparable before.

If we say that it took him more than ten years before he finally enhanced his perception to the extent that he could sense the surrounding area of ​​tens of meters.

At this time, it probably wouldn't take Li Yue even a month to enhance his perception to this level.

Such a huge gap made Li Yue feel a little unbelievable.

At the same time, Li Yue even had some self-doubt and was unable to accept it!

Because it took me more than ten years to achieve what can be achieved in less than a month now.

This situation is probably unacceptable to anyone.

Naturally, Li Yue also could not accept such a thing.

This meant that the more than ten years of loneliness he had endured before were almost all in vain.

Perhaps at that time, I could absorb the spiritual energy of the surrounding world and enhance my perception at an extremely fast speed like this.

Even if the situation in the water may not be comparable to that outside at this time, it is likely that he will soon be able to enhance his perception to a strong enough level.

You may not need to waste more than ten years to truly understand your position and environment!

However, Li Yue soon couldn't help but think of another problem that he had to face, that is, if it really only took him less than a year to let his perception grow to the point where he could sense the surrounding environment.

Then maybe Li Yue simply couldn't endure the next dozen years, so he chose to forcibly end his reincarnation experience and return to the reincarnation space.

And if he did that, Li Yue felt that he would not be able to wait until this moment, when he got out of the water and saw the light of day again.

Therefore, some things may be destined to be good or bad.

Thinking of this, Li Yue no longer felt unacceptable that he had wasted more than ten years before his perception increased to the point it is now.

After all, only in this way can he truly wait for this result.

Otherwise, Li Yue at this time would have no chance to understand the huge stone that he was reincarnated into.

In fact, it is not an ordinary fact.

Although Li Yue quickly accepted that his previous ten years of loneliness were not a waste.

But it doesn't mean that Li Yue didn't feel any surprise or curiosity about the current situation.

After all, the speed at which Li Yue's perception increased at this time was completely different from before.

Even Li Yue couldn't clearly perceive the process of absorbing energy to enhance his perception!

For the former Li Yue, the reason why his perception is increasing day by day has a huge relationship with the passage of time. If he had not survived long enough, the loneliness he would have endured would have been huge enough.

Then Li Yue simply cannot persist until the moment when his perception grows to a strong enough level.

But at this time, Li Yue seemed to have completely gotten rid of the burden dragging on his body, and was completely free from the restraints and "seals".

He could even truly feel the flow of breath around him, and as the breeze blew over his body, wisps of energy seeped into his body, continuously enhancing his perception.

Of course, if the person who can feel this special feeling is an ordinary human being, an intelligent creature, or even an animal, it can barely be considered a normal situation.

However, don't forget that Li Yue has been reincarnated into a huge stone at this time.

Then a problem will arise.

Do stones feel? Do stones have the ability to sense the breeze and the flow of breath in the surrounding environment?

The normal answer is, of course, no.

However, those are all for ordinary stones.

Some ordinary stones naturally do not have such ability, there is no doubt about it.

However, the huge stone that Li Yue reincarnated at this time can no longer be viewed as just an ordinary stone.

Li Yue's consciousness, in some respects, has become the consciousness of the birth of this stone.

Although it is Li Yue's spiritual consciousness that can think.

But now that he has become one with the stone, he can think freely, which naturally means that the consciousness of the stone can think freely.

Can a stone that can think freely and have free consciousness still be regarded as an ordinary stone?

This is naturally impossible.

After all, when plants and animals become conscious, they have already broken away from their original status as plants and become a strange and special thing.

At this time, Li Yue's consciousness was clear enough and he retained his previous memories. The stone he had become could, in a sense, be regarded as the reincarnation of an immortal.

However, Li Yue was relatively unlucky, and his reincarnated body was just a stone soaked in water.

Due to being soaked in water for many years, the appearance of the stone itself has begun to decay and darken.

Even the stone layer within the exterior is almost penetrated.

Moreover, coupled with the mud contamination at the bottom of the water, even if the stone was a gem that could emit bright brilliance before, it may only become what Li Yue felt before after a long period of time.

American comics begin to travel across the heavens

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