Marvel Began Shuttling the Heavens

Chapter 1193 The role of “stone”

It takes a genius to remember the address of this website in one second: [ ] Fastest update! No ads! Perhaps the reason why Li Yue's perception grew slowly when he was underwater was because he was soaked in water and could not truly absorb a large amount of spiritual energy from heaven and earth.

But maybe more of it is a kind of constraint that he himself is subject to.

Because his appearance is covered in dust, he is unable to truly use his abilities.

It cannot increase its own perception as quickly as it does now.

You can only rely on the passage of time to gradually enhance your perception.

It was not until this moment that the dust that Li Yue suffered was completely removed by the middle-aged man, and Li Yue's own abilities were revealed.

At this time, Li Yue seemed to be completely freed from some kind of bondage!

Now, he seems to have a very special sense of closeness to heaven and earth.

It seems that the spiritual energy between heaven and earth can be easily attracted by him, and then absorbed into his body to grow himself!

And the growth rate is not at the same level as before.

This made Li Yue feel that it might not take too long for his perception to grow to a strong enough level.

And when his perception is enhanced to a strong enough level, Li Yue can even use his powerful perception to do many things.

For example, you can freely manipulate things around you just like using your mental power.

You can even control yourself to perform more special actions.

No longer affected by the fact that he is just a stone and unable to move by his own will!

However, these are all situations that may arise in the future.

Nowadays, for Li Yue, the most important thing is to understand his own nature and what he is.

Of course, there is also this middle-aged man who spent all his energy to salvage himself and completely get rid of the constraints on himself to figure out what he wants to do.

Li Yue naturally wouldn't believe that he did all this just because he was bored or just wanted to help Li Yue get rid of the constraints of his appearance.

In Li Yue’s view,

Since he did this, maybe he coveted himself.

Of course, he covets his own unusual stone.

At this time, Li Yue may not be very clear about what kind of special stone he is.

However, Li Yue knew that the stone he was reincarnated into was not ordinary.

After all, Li Yue could not believe that an ordinary stone could absorb the surrounding spiritual energy and rapidly increase his own perception.

And the stones with such abilities, in some cases, at least need to be the spiritual stones containing the spiritual energy of heaven and earth described in some immortality novels!

Based on some of Li Yue's observations and feelings at this time, he had already made some judgments about the world he was reincarnated into.

There is spiritual energy between heaven and earth that can enhance things, which shows that this world is a world with extraordinary abilities.

And there are existences like middle-aged people in this world, which can completely prove that this world is not like the earth where Li Yue lived before. It has become an era of the end of the Dharma, an era in which the extraordinary is not revealed.

Perhaps, in this world, there are real existences like the immortal cultivators in some of the immortal novels Li Yue had read.

After all, in Li Yue's opinion, this middle-aged man is more like a swordsman who can ride the wind and wield a sword.

It is not a cultivation system based on body training in the Western fantasy world.

There is no doubt that in such an extraordinary world, there are naturally treasures born from heaven and earth.

At this time, the huge stone that Li Yue was reincarnated into may be the treasure of heaven and earth born between heaven and earth.

The worst thing is that it is also a top-quality spiritual stone that contains a lot of spiritual energy.

Otherwise, it is estimated that this middle-aged man would not have spent such a huge amount of energy to salvage himself from the lake that was as deep as ten thousand feet.

And he also used his own methods to remove the constraints on Li Yue.

And doing so naturally has its purpose. At least doing so will not only be of great benefit to Li Yue.

For this middle-aged man himself, there may be even greater benefits and gains!

Of course, for middle-aged people, his gain may be Li Yue himself.

Because Li Yue himself can absorb the spiritual energy of the surrounding world, this should be an unusual ability.

And it also appears on a stone, which is even more unusual.

After all, even Li Yue himself, if he could one day encounter this kind of stone that can absorb the energy of the surrounding world on its own.

Even though Li Yue didn't know what the nature of this stone was, he definitely understood that this stone was not ordinary.

He will also explore the stone out of inner curiosity.

Find out the specific reason why this stone can absorb spiritual energy.

Therefore, Li Yue naturally had reason to believe that everything this middle-aged man did was for the sake of the stone he was reincarnated into.

"However, it doesn't seem like he doesn't know the true origin of this stone."

"On the contrary, it was precisely because I knew the origin and function of this stone that I did these things without any hesitation!"

In Li Yue's view, perhaps this middle-aged man was not as he thought, because he did not know his own nature, but he found that he could absorb the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, so he fished himself out out of curiosity and prepared to learn more about it. .

But because he knew his origins, his role and his preciousness, he fished himself out of the lake without hesitation.

And get rid of impurities and constraints for yourself, so that you can show your own abilities and functions.

And there is no doubt that the purpose of the other party's doing this is to covet his own abilities and functions!

After all, if you are really not ordinary and have some special abilities, then it may also be very important and helpful to practitioners like middle-aged people!

It's like Li Yue would collect all kinds of special things in order to enhance his strength and power.

And master various energies and the power of laws.

Practitioners like middle-aged people will also collect various kinds of heavenly and earthly treasures with special abilities and functions in order to enhance their own strength and heritage.

And a stone that can absorb the spiritual energy of heaven and earth may not have much effect on its own. It can only help gather spiritual energy and make the spiritual energy around the stone more abundant.

Thereby speeding up the cultivation speed of cultivators!

However, if this stone is refined into a special weapon or magic weapon, its role and power may exceed imagination.

This is also the reason why in some novels about cultivating immortals, the strength of a cultivator cannot be completely determined only by his or her realm!

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