Thinking of these situations, Li Yue could also feel that perhaps as a stone, his next fate would be to be refined into a special weapon or magic weapon.

After all, maybe only by doing this can you truly exert your abilities and role.

Moreover, only magic weapons and weapons can greatly compensate or enhance a cultivator's strength.

And Li Yue believed that if a special stone like his was refined into a special weapon that could enhance his own strength, Li Yue would not refuse at all.

Therefore, Li Yue can also imagine the fate he may face in the future.

However, Li Yue was not surprised by this situation, nor did he find it difficult to accept.

Compared to becoming a stone, there seems to be nothing wrong with being refined into a magic weapon and weapon.

Li Yue had been reincarnated into a stone at this time, and then refined into a magic weapon. In fact, his essence did not change much.

What's more, going from a stone that cannot move freely to a magic weapon that can accompany someone in battle may be considered progress in a special sense.

At least, Li Yue may not be able to truly feel the world from the perspective of a stone.

But from the perspective of a magic weapon that can accompany people in battle, we can feel and observe the world better.

Observing the world of reincarnation itself is also the purpose of Li Yue's reincarnation at this time.

What's more, this is another way to experience the world of mortals and see everything in the world from the perspective of a magic weapon.

In short, Li Yue himself did not find this possible outcome unacceptable.

Perhaps, if such a thing really happens, it can even strengthen Li Yue's determination to stay in this world.

It is conceivable and understandable that any person becomes a boulder unable to move freely, no matter how precious and priceless the boulder itself is.

In fact, it won't make much difference to you.

Only you really have the opportunity to change your form, from an ordinary stone to a magic weapon with special abilities that can enhance the user's strength.

You are truly qualified to follow the user in the battle.

In the process of fighting, you will see more things and people, but you can only look at everything you see at this time from another perspective.

However, such a change can be regarded as a very huge change for a person who is a stone, unable to really move, and is in a very lonely situation!

Therefore, Li Yue not only felt no resistance to what was about to happen.

Even in his heart, he really hoped that such a thing would happen.

After all, if such a thing really happens, then Li Yue can walk the world from another perspective and experience the world of mortals.

Although, it may take a very special and unbearable process to refine a stone into a real magic weapon.

But for Li Yue, it had no impact either.

Because as a stone, he doesn't feel any pain.

It was as if the middle-aged man had just kept swinging the sharp sword light, hitting his body, and even causing the stone layer on his surface to collapse and fall off.

But Li Yue couldn't feel any real pain.

After all, Li Yue, who had become a stone, seemed to have been completely deprived of the feeling of pain.

Even all other senses are also completely deprived.


As Li Yue grew older, he gradually regained the ability to perceive the surrounding environment.

It is already very difficult to restore some ability to perceive the environment.

And it is even more difficult to truly restore all the feelings like a human being.

Of course, at this time, Li Yue naturally did not really hope to regain all of his previous sensory abilities as a human being.

It is enough to recover some special sensory abilities. If the sensory abilities such as pain are not restored, they will not be restored.

Li Yue almost completely forgot about the sense of pain without hesitation.

Because for Li Yue at this time, pain can only become a burden.

It's not like when you are a human being, losing your sense of pain is a very dangerous thing for you.

Li Yue remembered a very rare and special disease in which the ability to feel pain was congenitally lost.

Even if your body has suffered a very serious injury, you will not feel any pain at all even if the bleeding continues.

And if a person faces such a situation, you may suffer serious injuries without knowing it, which will eventually lead to greater danger!

As Li Yue is now a piece of stone, he is naturally not afraid that he will encounter harm that he cannot bear.

Li Yue was already prepared. He knew that if he was indeed a relatively precious stone or mineral, the result would be nothing more than being refined into a special magic weapon.

This is completely acceptable to Li Yue.

So at this time, he didn't have any resistance to what the middle-aged man might do next.

Of course, Li Yue couldn't resist now even if he wanted to. After all, he was just a stone and couldn't let his mind act.

If he really resists, he can only forcefully end this reincarnation experience and return to the reincarnation space.

As for middle-aged people, naturally they cannot feel that there is a special consciousness in the stone in front of them, and they can even think on their own.

But facing the fact that the magazine had been removed by him and the giant stone had basically revealed its true colors, he felt very satisfied.

In fact, Li Yue was not wrong in guessing some things.

The huge stone he was reincarnated into is actually very precious in this world.

Otherwise, the middle-aged man would not have spent a lot of energy to fish him out of the ten thousand feet deep lake after sensing his presence.

Don't think that this is something very easy to do.

A huge boulder that is tens of meters wide and weighs hundreds of tons needs to be fished out of the lake that is thousands of feet deep.

The amount of force required is almost immeasurable.

Even just overcoming the huge pressure of the vast lake is no longer an easy task.

Being able to do this is enough to show how extraordinary the middle-aged man is.

And such an extraordinary middle-aged man can make him feel that the material is very precious, and there is no doubt about its preciousness.

In fact, the huge stone that Li Yue has been reincarnated into now has a special name in the world of middle-aged people, called "Spirit Gathering Stone"!

American comics begin to travel across the heavens

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