Marvel Began Shuttling the Heavens

Chapter 1197 Something unusual

It takes a genius to remember the address of this website in one second: [ ] Fastest update! No ads! Of course, the revival of spiritual energy will only happen in those worlds that have experienced the end of the Dharma era and have almost exhausted their spiritual energy.

In this spiritual world where middle-aged people live, it is naturally impossible to happen.

At least at this time there is absolutely no possibility of anything happening.

And middle-aged people will not split this huge spiritual gathering stone into several parts in order to improve the spiritual energy of the entire world.

However, although the middle-aged man has determined that he will not do this.

But the problem he had to face at this time was how to deal with this huge spirit gathering stone.

After all, if not handled properly, a huge benefit may turn into a huge disaster.

Although the strength of the middle-aged man exceeds that of most practitioners.

But facing the covetousness of almost all practitioners in the entire cultivation world, even middle-aged people can completely predict their own tragic ending.

Therefore, at this time, he had better find a way to perfectly place this spirit gathering stone.

At this time, the middle-aged man couldn't help but feel a little lucky that when the spirit-gathering stone saw the light of day again, it did not show a too horrifying sight.

After all, if this spirit-gathering stone just appeared, it would instantly trigger a riot of spiritual energy in the world and even form a spiritual hurricane and tide.

Then the emergence of this spirit-gathering stone will not be able to hide the powerful person with powerful perception.

It may even be that at this moment, countless top experts have arrived here and started to fight over this huge spirit-gathering stone that had just appeared.

Of course, in fact, a similar scene would happen when every spirit-gathering stone first appeared in the world.

The spirit-gathering stone that had just appeared was like a wild beast that had not yet been tamed. The momentum it displayed was very huge.

Almost every piece of spirit-gathering stone will cause a riot of spiritual energy in the surrounding world as soon as it appears in the world, forming a spiritual power tide with a range of large and small.

And because of this, as long as you feel the spiritual riot, as a cultivator, you will completely understand what is happening.

And now,

I don’t know if it’s because this spirit-gathering stone is special, or because of other reasons.

In short, when this spirit-gathering stone first saw the light of day, it did not show the huge momentum that a spirit-gathering stone should have.

This situation even makes middle-aged people wonder whether they feel wrong.

In fact, this huge stone is just a more special stone than the spirit stone, not the spirit gathering stone as I thought.

After all, the largest spirit-gathering stone that appeared before was no more than one meter in diameter.

But now, a spirit-gathering stone with a diameter of more than ten meters appeared in front of him, which naturally made him feel a little unreal.

Originally, the middle-aged man was planning to take the Spirit Gathering Stone and flee from the place the moment the Spirit Gathering Stone first caused a spiritual riot, so as not to be discovered by the cultivators who came later.

But after he discovered that this spirit-gathering stone did not cause large-scale fluctuations in the surrounding spiritual energy, he gave up doing so.

However, the curiosity in his heart made him unable to help but use his spiritual consciousness to carefully observe the huge stone in front of him again.

Trying to find some clues as to why this happened.

After all, he had previously used his spiritual consciousness to investigate across the vast lake and the thick pile of magazines on the surface of the boulder.

Perhaps the conclusions drawn at that time were somewhat inaccurate.

But now, at close range and without any impurity obstruction, new discoveries may be made.

For example, he discovered that this huge stone was not actually the spirit-gathering stone he imagined.

However, when he once again used his spiritual sense to explore, he found that the huge stone in front of him was indeed the Spirit Gathering Stone.

Although the speed at which this spirit-gathering stone absorbs spiritual energy does not seem to be as fast and violent as the legend says.

But it is indeed continuously absorbing the surrounding spiritual energy, and the originally dim surface is gradually emitting a faint fluorescence as it continues to absorb the nourishment of spiritual energy.

However, this situation inevitably gives middle-aged people a very special feeling.

It is as if this spirit-gathering stone is not like the legend, like an untamed ancient beast. As soon as it appears, it begins to devour the surrounding auras of heaven and earth, and even causes a riot in the auras of heaven and earth.

Rather, it is like a giant beast that has been tamed by humans. Although it still absorbs the surrounding spiritual energy of heaven and earth, it does so in a controlled manner. The speed of devouring it is not fast and will not cause a riot in the surrounding spiritual energy of heaven and earth.

A more accurate description is as if this spiritual gathering stone, which seems to be just an ordinary boulder, seems to have a consciousness that can control everything about itself, regulating and restraining its own behavior.

"But how is this possible?"

However, the middle-aged man did not believe that such an incredible thing would happen.

After all, in their world where the world is full of spiritual energy, if some plants and trees can be nourished by spiritual energy for a long time and give birth to simple consciousness, things like spirits and monsters may happen.

But it is absolutely impossible for an ordinary stone, or even a top-grade spiritual stone, to give birth to consciousness.

Even if it is a spirit-gathering stone, this situation should be almost impossible!

There is no doubt that middle-aged people will not believe their own illusions without any reason.

Although he still can't figure out why this spirit-gathering stone behaves differently from other spirit-gathering stones.

But he can only attribute everything to the fact that this spirit-gathering stone itself is not ordinary, and naturally it cannot be treated with common sense.

And when he once again felt the situation carefully with his spiritual sense at close range, he didn't find anything special about this spirit-gathering stone.

All circumstances indicate that it is indeed an extremely large spirit-gathering stone.

It's just that the speed of absorbing spiritual energy has been moderated, and there was no riot because of the reason he just appeared in this world.

And this situation undoubtedly saved the middle-aged man who discovered this spirit gathering stone a lot of trouble.

After all, he had discovered such a huge spirit-gathering stone. If word spread, he might never be able to remain calm in the future.

However, although there was no spiritual energy riot at this time, the middle-aged man did not know whether there would still be no spiritual energy riot if he continued to stay here.

He didn't want to risk his peaceful life in the future that this situation wouldn't happen at all.

So after confirming that the huge stone in front of him was indeed the spirit-gathering stone he thought, he didn't hesitate at all.

The long sword turned into by the water in his hand changed again in an instant.

The water flow continued to extend, like a rope that could be continuously extended, instantly wrapping around the huge spirit-gathering stone in front of him.

After everything was over, the middle-aged man no longer hesitated, holding tightly one end of the "rope" transformed by the water flow with one hand, and then flew away into the distance in an instant.

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