Marvel Began Shuttling the Heavens

Chapter 1198 Real Reincarnation

The middle-aged man has always maintained a state of standing in the sky, so it is quite normal to be able to fly.

This was completely within Li Yue's expectations.

However, what Li Yue didn't expect was that this thin-looking middle-aged man could fly so fast while "pulling" a stone that was much larger than himself.

At this time, although the middle-aged man did not fly with a sword at his feet like the real swordsman Li Yue knew.

But the speed of flying in the air is not slow either. In Li Yue's feeling at this time, it has exceeded the speed of sound, almost the same as the speed of some ordinary fighter jets.

Of course, what Li Yue could expect was that this was far from the fastest speed that a middle-aged man could achieve.

After all, behind him at this time, he was still "supporting" a huge stone like himself.

Although Li Yue's size at this time is no longer comparable to when he was just fished out of the lake.

The volume has been reduced by more than half, and the weight has naturally dropped accordingly.

But it still weighs nearly a hundred tons.

As for this weight, let alone ordinary people, even among the extraordinary people Li Yue had seen before, probably very few could easily lift it.

For example, beings like Superman and Thor, who are comparable to gods on earth, may be able to lift them easily.

Doesn't that mean that this middle-aged man who looks very ordinary can be close to human gods like Superman and Thor in terms of strength?

Although Li Yue knew very little about the middle-aged man's situation at this time, he was completely unable to accurately judge the opponent's strength.

However, judging from some simple situations, the opponent's strength and physical fitness may be comparable to existences like Superman and Thor.

Of course, that's just the strength of Superman and Thor shown in those movies.

Naturally, it can't be compared to the kind of perverted power they have in the comics.

However, even this is surprising enough.

Whether it is Superman or Thor, there is actually no detailed explanation of the source of power of Western extraordinary beings.

They seem to have been programmed by the person who created the universe to possess such powerful power.

In other words, the source of their power, more importantly, comes from a talent given by the universe.

But this middle-aged man is not like that.

If Li Yue's guess is correct, then the power possessed by this middle-aged man may have been obtained through his own cultivation.

Moreover, as a relatively mysterious Eastern cultivator, the power he possesses is still second to none.

The most important thing is the extraordinary ability that creates the greatest gap between immortals and mortals.

After all, since ancient times, Li Yue has rarely heard of beings called immortals who only rely on physical strength to fight.

Even the Monkey King, the Monkey King, who is famous for his physical strength, has a series of magical powers such as the seventy-two transformations.

Therefore, the strength of the middle-aged man at this time is naturally not what Li Yue can observe.

Although the strength displayed by the middle-aged man today still cannot make Li Yue feel any threat,

After all, at this time, Li Yue's own strength had almost surpassed these "immortals" in the simple sense.

At this time, in Li Yue's view, this middle-aged man's strength may only be at the Golden Elixir or Nascent Soul realm as described in the novels about cultivating immortals.

Li Yue's strength at this time has basically surpassed the mortal world, surpassed the realm of transcending tribulations and great achievements, and was even much more powerful than those who truly ascended to immortality.

A being like a middle-aged man would not even pay too much attention to Li Yue when he saw him in person.

However, Li Yue, who was experiencing reincarnation at this time, could not choose to turn a blind eye.

After all, if he wants to understand the details of this reincarnated world, Li Yue must learn to carefully observe and feel everything around him.

At this time, Li Yue also had a simple guess about this reincarnation world.

Although whether this world of reincarnation is real or not remains to be considered.

But this world may not be too different from the real world.

At least, for middle-aged people, their world is definitely real.

This is like a high-dimensional creature looking at the world where low-dimensional creatures live.

Perhaps from the perspective of high-dimensional creatures in the original high-dimensional world, the low-dimensional world is an unreal existence.

But when you truly enter the low-dimensional world, you must also admit that the low-dimensional world does indeed exist.

Otherwise, you will not be able to explain how you appear in the low-dimensional world if it is not real.

In short, what Li Yue can be sure of at this time is that it is not necessary to discuss whether this world is real or illusory, but this world definitely exists.

Otherwise, he would naturally not be able to truly reincarnate into this world and become a stone.

In Li Yue's view, although it may still be uncertain whether this world of reincarnation is really a real world.

But since he can be reincarnated here, it means that this world exists in a certain sense.

Of course, Li Yue still cannot fully know what kind of world this world is.

Perhaps, this is already considered a different universe.

If this is really the case, then the existence of the reincarnation space, in some cases, is not even much different from the special ability that allows Li Yue to travel through different universes.

Of course, there are naturally some differences.

For example, the most obvious difference is that the reincarnation space allows a person to be reincarnated into another world through reincarnation.

The superpower Li Yue obtained was to directly teleport Li Yue's body.

If we talk about convenience, naturally the super power obtained by Li Yue is more convenient.

However, reincarnation is not without any benefits.

Therefore, both methods can allow people to travel to another universe.

Although their abilities themselves are somewhat different, they cannot be said to be strong or weak.

Therefore, if Li Yue can really master the method of traveling through the world through reincarnation.

Perhaps it can be considered a very good harvest.

Of course, Li Yue today is not in much mood to consider such things.

At this time, he was being "dragged" by the middle-aged man to fly somewhere at high speed.

Li Yue's perception was still relatively weak at this time, and he could barely feel that the environment around him was changing rapidly.

As for where the middle-aged man was going to take him, Li Yue had no way of knowing.

However, Li Yue could also feel that the middle-aged man seemed to have some intention of leaving the scene in a hurry to avoid being discovered.

"Perhaps, from this point of view, I am still a very precious existence after being reincarnated into a stone?"

American comics begin to travel across the heavens

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