Marvel Began Shuttling the Heavens

Chapter 1205 Suppressing Luck

Although this incident makes middle-aged people feel a little unbelievable.

After all, it was hard to imagine that he would have the opportunity to encounter and even master the treasure of heaven and earth that was favored by the fate of heaven and earth.

But after careful observation and settlement, he was absolutely sure that this matter was indeed true!

This spirit-gathering stone, which is countless times larger than all the spirit-gathering stones that have appeared in the world before, is indeed a treasure that is favored by the will of heaven and earth and contains endless fortunes of heaven and earth.

Obtaining it and keeping it with you, or refining it into some kind of supreme magic weapon to suppress luck, also means that you will also be blessed by the incomparably huge luck of heaven and earth.

At that time, you will even be luckier than the protagonist in the world and have more powerful blessings.

Your future cultivation journey will almost be smooth sailing. Even if you encounter certain dangers, you will easily be able to turn them into dangers, and you may even be a blessing in disguise and gain very precious opportunities.

Such an existence may not be ignored by anyone.

Even a middle-aged man has a momentary desire to refine it and turn it into a treasure of heaven and earth.

However, he thought of this almost destroyed sect and his long-cherished wish that he had insisted on for hundreds of years.

The middle-aged man still endured the plan of refining it into a heaven and earth treasure.

He prepared to use this spirit-gathering stone, which was favored by the will of heaven and earth, to suppress the fate and foundation of the sect that was about to be destroyed.

Let this sect, which is about to be destroyed, remain standing forever, with its destiny intact and its foundation immortal!

And in doing so, he undoubtedly almost lost his huge fortune blessing.

Although the Spirit Gathering Stone was used to suppress the sect's luck, it could still be of great help to him.

But compared to the huge benefits brought by monopolizing this treasure of heaven and earth, which is favored by the will of heaven and earth, this little benefit almost pales into insignificance.

However, the middle-aged man is more determined in his heart and can fulfill his long-cherished wish, so what if he loses such a huge benefit.

Moreover, the spirit-gathering stone used to suppress the sect's fate can still provide him with considerable benefits.

At least, from now on, the spiritual energy within this sect may be as rich as a real fairyland on earth.

In this era where spiritual energy is increasingly scarce, this can also give him a real chance to become an immortal!

This is enough for him!

The middle-aged man didn't care that if he used this spirit-gathering stone to suppress the sect's luck, he would lose huge benefits.

What he cares more about is that his century-old wish finally has a chance to be fulfilled.

Therefore, what he needs to do next is to integrate the Spirit Gathering Stone with his sect.

In other words, the little luck left in this sect is completely integrated with the huge luck possessed by the quick gathering spirit stone.

And if this situation is truly completed, then this spirit-gathering stone will be cherished by the will of heaven and earth, and it will be blessed by the huge fortune of heaven and earth.

It can completely suppress the sect's destiny foundation that may be completely destroyed at any time.

The huge fortune contained in the Spirit Gathering Stone will slowly be integrated into the sect over time.

Even a small amount of luck contained in the Spirit Gathering Stone is enough to keep this sect standing for thousands of years.

By then, even if there is only one middle-aged person in this sect, there will be no worries about its imminent collapse.

Even if the middle-aged man reaches his deathbed and there is no one left in the sect, he can still stand firm for eternity under the nourishment of the Spirit Gathering Stone and will almost never be destroyed.

Of course, this premise is that the ruins of this sect will never be discovered, and no one will ever separate the spirit gathering stone from the foundation of the sect.

However, if he has already left, whether this sect still exists is naturally not important to the middle-aged man.

After all, his long-cherished wish was to keep the sect standing and immortal while he existed.

But after he has left, how can he still have the mood and ability to take care of this matter.

Although the middle-aged man is considered very stubborn on this matter, he has not completely lost his mind.

He knew that even if he could use the rare treasure of heaven and earth that was favored by the will of heaven and earth to suppress the destiny of the sect for hundreds or thousands of years, it would remain standing.

But after all, it cannot be made to stand for hundreds of millions of springs and autumns forever under such circumstances.

Because even if the rules between heaven and earth are like this, nothing will exist forever.

Even though they are cultivators who claim to defy heaven and possess endless power and infinite life.

You can even truly ascend to immortality, ascend to heaven and visit the immortal world.

But in fact, on the road to immortality, how many people can truly achieve enlightenment and ascend?

Most of them just live hundreds of years longer than ordinary people, and they cannot avoid the fate of disappearing after all.

What's more, now it seems that the path to immortality has been cut off, and the spiritual energy is no longer as strong as before.

Don't talk about ascending to immortality now.

I'm afraid that not long after, the entire cultivation world will be completely lonely, and it will be difficult to even exist in a state like my own.

The richness of spiritual power in this world is getting lower and lower, which has been the case hundreds of years ago.

Countless sects and cultivators have also searched for the reasons for the dissipation of spiritual power, but to no avail.

In the end, almost everyone understood that there was no external reason for the gradual dissipation of the spiritual energy in the entire world.

It is the will of the world that has to make a decision, that is, due to the fate of heaven, the collapse of spiritual power is an inevitable result.

It is said that man can defeat heaven, but in the real situation, human means cannot affect the number of heaven at all.

Therefore, no matter who it is, they can only accept this situation happening.

However, some people may not be willing to let their strength stagnate and almost cut off their path to ascending to immortality.

Therefore, in the past hundred years, people have often looked for the existence of the Spirit Gathering Stone.

Because as long as you find a spirit-gathering stone that can enhance the intensity of the spiritual power of heaven and earth, it will be possible to increase your strength and become an immortal before the spiritual power of the entire world completely dissipates.

Otherwise, you can only wait quietly, and your strength will slowly decline as the intensity of spiritual power in the world decreases.

For a middle-aged man, he doesn't really care about how the world will develop in the future.

Because although the level of aura has declined, it may still take thousands of years before it has a real impact on their strength.

Even if he continued to worry about this matter at this time, it would not help, not to mention, no one could be sure of the future.

It was as if he never thought that he would be able to obtain the spirit-gathering stone that almost everyone was looking for.

Moreover, it is so precious that it is favored by the will of heaven and earth, and has the blessing of immense luck.

American comics begin to travel across the heavens

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