Marvel Began Shuttling the Heavens

Chapter 1206 The Combination of Man and Sword 1

And with this spirit-gathering stone, which is favored by the will of heaven and earth, and contains huge fortune of heaven and earth.

For middle-aged people, this undoubtedly means that even though the intensity of spiritual energy has declined throughout the world.

He can also enjoy more abundant and rich spiritual energy.

In other words, others may be affected in strength due to the weakening aura.

But the middle-aged man does not need to worry about this at all, because he can almost always enjoy a richness of spiritual energy that far exceeds the outside world.

Moreover, this was the situation where he lost most of the luck blessings of heaven and earth after fusing this spirit-gathering stone with his sect.

If he hadn't integrated this spirit-gathering stone, which was blessed by the will of heaven and earth, with the foundation of the sect.

But if he enjoys this treasure of heaven and earth alone, then the benefits he enjoys will be even greater.

However, compared with the greater benefits, he chose to fulfill his long-cherished wish.

Next, the middle-aged man stopped thinking about other things and was ready to start fusing this spirit-gathering stone with the foundation of the sect.

The rope that was originally wrapped around the Spirit Gathering Stone and transformed by the water flow seemed to have lost its support. It instantly turned into liquid again, lost control, and fell to the ground.

The middle-aged man's attention was not focused on the Spirit Gathering Stone, but he slowly pulled out the three-foot long sword from behind.


And the moment the long sword behind him was pulled out, a sound of sword roar erupted, like a dragon's roar, running straight through the heaven and earth.

Moreover, a fierce and sharp aura suddenly emanated from the middle-aged man who was originally calm.

It seems that the middle-aged man without the sword and the one with the sword in his hand have two completely different postures and auras.

When there is no sword in his hand, the middle-aged man looks like an ordinary person. Although he has an extraordinary aura about him, it does not condense into a frightening aura.

But at this time, when he actually held his long sword in his hand, his aura instantly changed tremendously.

It was as if in just a short moment, he changed from a very ordinary middle-aged man to a peerless sword that had already left his body.

The long sword in his hand seemed to be integrated with him, reaching the realm of true unity between man and sword.

Even Li Yue, who had turned into a boulder, felt as if he was facing a sharp weapon.

It seemed as if the sharp blade would fall on his body in the next moment, making people feel a creepy feeling.

"Perhaps he is indeed a powerful swordsman!"

At this moment, Li Yue felt the sharp and fierce aura exuded by the middle-aged man, and couldn't help but think of his previous guess that he was a swordsman again.

Although Li Yue cannot really confirm it at this time, judging from the current situation, even if this middle-aged monk has not yet reached the realm of true sword immortal, his understanding of the sword has almost reached the level of the human sword. The point of unity!

As the saying goes, there is a sword as a soldier, and the person who uses it is the person who uses it. There is a sword like a man, the one who uses it is in the heart.

Perhaps at this time, this middle-aged man has reached the point where he can control the sword with his heart and become one with the sword!

Even at this time, his strength may not pose any threat to Li Yue himself.

But the level of sword use he had achieved still surprised Li Yue.

This was the first time that Li Yue felt a certain special realm described in the novel.

Before this, although Li Yue had seen people using weapons, he had even used weapons himself.

Moreover, his weapons, to a certain extent, are almost integrated with his mind and can be controlled at will.

However, that is entirely because the weapons he uses are made of precious materials and are forged by the dwarves, the master forgers of the Marvel universe.

The moment it was cast, Li Yue developed a unique connection and resonance with his weapon.

In other words, although Li Yue was able to combine humans and weapons, that was only because the weapons he used were spiritual enough and were comparable to divine weapons.

It's not because Li Yue himself has the state of being integrated with weapons.

But it was this middle-aged man who had truly practiced and reached the powerful state where man and sword could become one.

It's not at the same level as Li Yue.

In other words, no matter what kind of sword a middle-aged man uses as his weapon, he can enter this state of integration of man and sword.

As for Li Yue, he can only achieve this level when he uses his own exclusive weapon. But if he switches to a non-spiritual weapon, then Li Yue can only use it as an ordinary weapon.

Although his own physical strength far exceeds what this middle-aged man has shown.

But in terms of the realm of using weapons, Li Yue had to lament that the opponent's realm was several levels higher than his own.

However, this is entirely due to the difference between the Eastern cultivation system and the Western cultivation system.

For immortal cultivators, they pay more attention to the cultivation of realm.

Whether it is the state of mind, the state of using weapons, or even controlling one's own power, different states can be distinguished.

In a certain situation, cultivating the realm of immortality can also be regarded as a kind of continuous development of the body's potential.

However, in the Western cultivation system, it is relatively crude. Either one acquires some kind of superpower, or his physique is different from that of ordinary people.

Therefore, even if it is possible that the power Li Yue can exert at this time can completely blow up a planet with one punch.

But in the realm of controlling one's own details, it may not be as good as an ordinary practitioner.

Perhaps, this is what Li Yue should change in the future, after all, although he is already strong enough at this time.

But if you want to go further, you must grow above your own realm.

However, these things can be considered later. At this time, Li Yue focused almost entirely on the middle-aged man, wanting to see what the middle-aged man was going to do.

The middle-aged man who drew the sword behind him released a transcendent aura in an instant.

But in an instant, he completely gathered up this momentum.

Demonstrate precise control to the extreme.

At this time, he once again turned into an ordinary middle-aged man, but the long sword with a cold light in his hand seemed to be trembling slightly.

The middle-aged man's hand holding the long sword shook slightly, as if to comfort the long sword, and the trembling long sword also calmed down in an instant.

Then the middle-aged man's eyes were all focused on the broken stone tablet that was several meters high in front of him.

This stone tablet represents the foundation of this sect's destiny.

Although it has been broken at this time, there is still a trace of the foundation that has not been completely destroyed, and the sect remains standing!

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