Marvel Began Shuttling the Heavens

Chapter 1212 Unwritten Rules

The effect of the spirit-gathering stone is incredible, and its scope of action is also very wide.

In this world, a spirit gathering stone with a volume of only about one meter can greatly increase the intensity of spiritual energy within a radius of thousands of kilometers.

Therefore, if a sect possesses the Spirit Gathering Stone, it will not only radiate the aura environment within its own sect.

As long as there are cities and human gathering places within thousands of kilometers around the sect, they can enjoy a spiritual energy that is far richer than other areas.

The advantage of this is that with this sect as the center, more people will be attracted to live nearby, and an area that was originally very remote and quiet can become prosperous in a very short period of time.

And generally a top sect cannot be completely isolated from the world.

There are many supplies that need to be purchased and replenished in the secular world.

Even each sect has its own shops specifically opened in the secular world.

Therefore, if the surrounding cities become more prosperous, it will also bring great benefits to the sect itself.

However, for a sect that can do this, it must first meet a condition.

That is, this sect is powerful enough, so powerful that even if it is revealed that the sect possesses spirit gathering stones, it will not be afraid of being snatched away by other cultivators.

Only with sufficient strength can they make the radiation range of the Spirit Gathering Stone not only cover their own sect, but also fully release the radiation range of the Spirit Gathering Stone to cover the surrounding cities within thousands of kilometers.

Because they are not afraid of the trouble that will arise after the Spirit Gathering Stone is exposed.

For them, being able to make the surrounding cities more prosperous is a relatively good benefit.

Naturally, not any sect has the strength to fear all practitioners.

After all, the number of sects that have reached the top in this world is no more than one hand.

Therefore, even if more sects obtain the Spirit Gathering Stone, they will not choose to expose the news that the sect has the Spirit Gathering Stone.

And since we don't want to expose the presence of the Spirit Gathering Stone in our sect, we naturally need to limit the radiation range of the Spirit Gathering Stone.

Otherwise, the spiritual energy around your sect will become increasingly dense, and it will be impossible for you to do so without exposing the fact that your sect possesses spirit gathering stones.


It has become a very important thing to limit the area where the spirit gathering stone changes the intensity of spiritual power.

For this reason, some sects will even create a special formation to limit the range of the spiritual energy gathering stone's influence on the richness of the spiritual energy.

Naturally, every sect that owns a Spirit Gathering Stone but does not want to expose it will create a corresponding formation to limit the radiation range of the Spirit Gathering Stone.

It is guaranteed that only the intensity of spiritual energy within the sect will be greatly enhanced, but outside the sect's territory, there will still be no change.

However, this special formation may be different for each sect, and it will not be truly exposed.

Therefore, even for middle-aged people whose strength ranks among the top in the entire cultivation world, there is actually no information about this kind of formation that specifically limits the scope of influence of spirit-gathering stones.

He had only heard that some seemingly ordinary sects actually had spirit-gathering stones.

It's just that they were all covered up by special formations. The area where the spiritual energy improved only covered the sect's territory, but the intensity of the surrounding spiritual energy did not change.

Of course, there is no guarantee that this kind of information will not be leaked.

But even if there are speculations from the outside world, it is not easy to directly attack a strong sect for a piece of information that is not completely certain.

What's more, there is basically an unwritten rule in the entire cultivation world, that is, for sects that do not directly reveal their possession of spirit gathering stones, stronger sects cannot take the initiative to attack.

After all, the world of cultivation in this world has become unstable due to the gradual decrease in the richness of the world's spiritual energy.

If each sect is allowed to launch attacks on other sects indiscriminately, then the entire cultivation world may turn into a war over a very small incident, causing great damage to the entire cultivation world. vitality.

This is something that many people don't want to see, and naturally it's something that those who are already in the ranks of top sects don't want to see.

They already occupy a very huge amount of resources. If there is a big turmoil in the cultivation world, it will inevitably have a big impact on them. This is something that is not worth the gain.

Therefore, this unwritten rule gradually became known to everyone because several top sects expressed their stance together.

As long as it is not a certain sect, there is no restriction on the spirit gathering stone owned by oneself, so that the scope of its coverage can be enough to cause huge changes in the surrounding environment.

Then basically no one would break the rules and actually attack a sect in order to snatch the spirit gathering stone.

However, this unwritten rule may have a strong protective effect on other sects that possess spirit gathering stones.

However, it will not play any more role in the situation faced by middle-aged people at this time.

First of all, in the eyes of outsiders, this place is already a sect that has been destroyed for hundreds of years.

If a spirit-gathering stone appeared here, it would be completely equivalent to an ownerless thing, and it would definitely be targeted by many people.

And that unwritten rule actually won't have much impact on this situation.

After all, a sect that seems to have been destroyed by the outside world is completely unqualified to possess the most precious treasure of heaven and earth, the Spirit Gathering Stone.

Therefore, at this time, first of all, this unwritten rule will not have any impact on the situation faced by middle-aged people.

In addition, the spirit-gathering stone he obtained was completely unprecedented in the entire cultivation world and had a huge volume that far exceeded any spirit-gathering stone.

If this matter were known to those top sects, I am afraid that even they would not continue to remain silent.

He will even use all his strength to fight for this spiritual gathering stone that is far beyond anyone's imagination.

Therefore, the problem faced by the middle-aged people at this time is that the information about the existence of this spirit-gathering stone cannot be exposed at all.

Otherwise, he will face huge troubles, which will be a huge disaster not only for him, but also for this sect that is already crumbling and has finally stabilized its foundation.

Therefore, the important thing he needs to do at this time is to limit the scope of the Spirit Gathering Stone before it has fully exerted its effect and before it can truly change the intensity of spiritual energy within tens of thousands of kilometers. .

Let the scope of its influence be controlled within the scope that only covers the territory of this sect!

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