Marvel Began Shuttling the Heavens

Chapter 1213 Deployment of Spirit Gathering Array

However, although the middle-aged man has traveled in the world of mortals for nearly a hundred years.

I have heard many times about this formation method that limits the area of ​​action of spirit gathering stones.

But he had no idea how the formation was actually arranged.

It's naturally too late to look for it now.

However, as a practitioner who also has considerable research on battle tactics, he did not feel too panicked about this matter.

"The root of all problems is actually that the range of influence of the Spirit Gathering Stone is too large. Changes in the intensity of the spiritual energy will attract the attention of others."

"As long as the scope of influence of the Spirit Gathering Stone is controlled, then naturally you don't have to worry about being discovered by others!"

"It's just that this matter is difficult to say and easy to say. It's just about finding the right method!"

The middle-aged people have actually considered this matter for a long time.

There is even a solution to the problem at this point.

And it is very simple to use and not complicated.

However, this method may have some side effects after a period of time.

Maybe it will get other people's attention.

"Forget it, we can only do this now. Even if things will change after a period of time, as long as we find a way to truly limit the influence of the Spirit Gathering Stone during this period, others will not discover it. "

After a little thought, the middle-aged man had no other better way, so he could only prepare to use this method with some loopholes as an emergency first.

As long as you can persist until you find a new way to limit the influence of the spirit gathering stone, it is enough.

"Since the Spirit Gathering Stone enhances the richness of the Spiritual Energy by absorbing the Spiritual Energy and then enhancing the quantity and quality of the Spiritual Energy, then I only need to set up a larger Spirit Gathering Array around the sect, and naturally it can be regarded as the right one. The range of influence of the Spirit Gathering Stone has been limited!"

In fact, the method that the middle-aged man thought of at this time is indeed very simple.

Based on the way the spirit gathering stone enhances the richness of spiritual power, it is enough to set up a spirit gathering array around it to control all the spiritual energy in the spirit gathering array so that the spiritual energy does not pour out.

However, although this method is simple, it has a very serious drawback.

That is, the spirit gathering array is always just a spirit gathering array. Its function is only to attract and gather the surrounding spiritual energy.

For an area that is not very rich in spiritual energy, this is a method that can gather more spiritual energy and create an area with more intense spiritual energy.

However, the effect of the spirit gathering array has an upper limit.

If the richness of the spiritual energy itself exceeds the level that the spirit gathering array can absorb and gather, then it is completely unavoidable that the huge spiritual energy will pour out of the spirit gathering array.

Therefore, if the spirit gathering array is arranged, it may only be able to prevent the spiritual energy released by the spirit gathering stone from pouring out in a short period of time.

But as time goes by and the spiritual energy becomes more and more intense, there will always be some spiritual energy that breaks away from the constraints of the spirit gathering array and pours out towards the periphery!

How long it can last depends on the strength of the spirit-gathering array, and the speed at which the spirit-gathering stone releases spiritual energy. How long it takes for the spiritual energy in the entire sect area to become richer.

Maybe after a period of time, when the spiritual energy in the entire sect is strong enough, the spirit gathering array may no longer be able to restrain the rich spiritual energy, and it will begin to pour out.

The spiritual energy pouring out will naturally affect the surrounding environment, making the surrounding spiritual energy richer and richer.

And in this way, it may attract the attention of others.

so now,

The middle-aged man must be prepared to find a way to truly limit the Spirit Gathering Stone before the Spirit Gathering Array completely fails.

Of course, before that, what the middle-aged man needs to do is to set up a spirit gathering formation near the sect.

The spirit gathering formation, as the name suggests, is a special formation that gathers spiritual energy into a small area.

The method of arranging the spirit gathering array is actually not too complicated. In the cultivation world, people who have studied the formation generally know how to arrange the spirit gathering array.

After all, if you want to grow your strength faster, you need to accumulate little by little, and if you know how to use the spirit gathering array to practice, you will naturally practice faster than if you don't use the spirit gathering array.

After a long period of accumulation, using the spirit gathering array will naturally increase your strength faster than not using the spirit gathering array.

Therefore, basically all cultivators know how to arrange the spirit gathering array.

However, although the spirit gathering array is considered a basic formation, the effect of the spirit gathering array actually depends more on the materials used to arrange the array.

That is, the spiritual stones used to set up formations.

If the spirit stones used are relatively precious, then the effect of the spirit gathering array will naturally be stronger.

However, more cultivators naturally do not have spirit-gathering stones of a high level, and the spirit-gathering arrays they arrange are just simple small formations.

Naturally, it cannot be compared with the sect spirit gathering formations arranged by truly top sects.

What the middle-aged man needs to arrange next is naturally not the small spiritual gathering array set up by an individual, but a large sect formation that can cover the entire sect mountain range.

If it were before, when setting up a sect-level formation, middle-aged people would naturally have to prepare a lot of precious materials in advance.

Even for a relatively simple spirit gathering array, at least a large number of spirit stones need to be prepared, and at least high-grade spirit stones are required.

But this time, the middle-aged man does not need to prepare spiritual stones in advance.

Because at this time, he has materials that are far more precious than the best spiritual stones.

That was the small piece of spirit-gathering stone removed from the original spirit-gathering stone when the middle-aged man was carving the stone tablet.

Even the size of these spirit-gathering stones is only a few tens of centimeters.

There is not much difference from normal spiritual stones, but the spiritual power contained in them is far beyond what ordinary spiritual stones can compare with.

Even the very precious top-grade spirit stones are completely incomparable to these "residues" of spirit-gathering stones.

Therefore, in order to make the best use of the materials, before preparing to set up the spirit gathering array, the middle-aged man once again waved his hand and collected all the "residues" of the spirit gathering stones scattered around the stone tablet.

The next moment, I felt the intensity of spiritual energy that was constantly increasing almost every minute and every second.

The middle-aged man knew that he could not delay any longer, otherwise some people might notice the changes in the aura here!

The next moment, the middle-aged man no longer hesitated and instantly rushed into the sky and flew into the sky.

It wasn't until the middle-aged man flew completely into the sky and could overlook the direction of the mountains below that he finally stopped.

Looking down at the Zongmen Mountains below, the middle-aged man is about to start setting up the spirit gathering array!

American comics begin to travel across the heavens

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