Marvel Began Shuttling the Heavens

Chapter 1218 Formation Activation

In other words, although this sudden burst of energy may not cause any harm to the real matter itself.

But it can cause very serious harm to humans like Li Yue, or to various creatures with souls and consciousness.

It is even serious enough to expel the soul and consciousness from the human body!

This is undoubtedly a very terrifying force.

Fortunately, the middle-aged man did not use this power to cause harm to anyone.

And he didn't even know Li Yue existed.

That's why he really used such an ability, because according to his own perception, there was almost no conscious monster within a radius of dozens of kilometers near this mountain range.

This also means that even if he uses such power, he will not really hurt anyone else.

However, he didn't know that there was a human consciousness in the spirit-gathering stone tablet he had just placed before.

However, fortunately, Li Yue's consciousness is strong enough and cannot be shaken by this level of power.

Therefore, all developments at this time will continue to develop according to the middle-aged people's own ideas!

As a terrifying invisible energy wave suddenly erupted, it began to sweep away in all directions.

Although it did not cause much reaction from the real thing, the fragments of the Spirit Gathering Stone that had been placed around the mountain range by the middle-aged man had some strange changes.

This kind of change is exactly what middle-aged people are looking forward to seeing.

Because the reason why he gathered such a huge sword force was to make all the spirit-gathering stones he had placed around him react together.

In other words, the huge sword power he gathered was to make up for the fact that he alone could not activate all the spiritual gathering stones arranged at the same time!

Invisible energy swept around, and almost in an instant, it swept to the location of the spirit gathering stone that the middle-aged man had arranged in advance.

The next moment, it seemed that the invisible energy had a special reaction with the spirit-gathering stone arranged by the middle-aged man.

The moment the Spirit Gathering Stone came into contact with invisible energy fluctuations, the strange runes drawn by a middle-aged man seemed to be instantly activated by some strange energy, emitting dazzling fluorescence.

Even at the moment when the runes emitted fluorescence, almost the spirit-gathering stone began to emit a dazzling light.

It's just that the runes are activated first, and then the entire spirit gathering stone is activated.

The middle-aged man had originally arranged dozens of spirit-gathering stones around the mountain range in advance.

At this time, almost in an instant, it was swept by this invisible energy and activated.

Not exactly the same runes emit the same dazzling light.

Until the entire spirit gathering stone emitted the same dazzling light.

Looking down from the sky, it looks like there are dozens of stars shining brightly below.

Moreover, as the light bloomed, a special energy spread from the spirit gathering stone.

This energy seemed to be following the ground, like earthworms traveling through the ground, and began to spread towards the surroundings.

The direction in which it spreads is actually the direction in which the nearest Spirit Gathering Stone is located.

This energy beam, which also emits fluorescence, does not spread very quickly, but it is not very slow either.

At a speed faster than a human running at full speed, it began to spread to the surroundings.

Therefore, although the distance between each spirit-gathering stone was not very far, it still took dozens of seconds to truly spread.

And then, as the radiant energy completely spread to the nearest spirit-gathering stone,

And after it overlapped with another spirit gathering stone.

It also means that two adjacent spirit-gathering stones are completely connected together by this energy.

Moreover, it is not just two adjacent spirit-gathering stones that are connected together, almost all adjacent spirit-gathering stones are connected together by this special energy at this time.

And this resulted in a very strange phenomenon.

Dozens of spirit-gathering stones are distributed around the entire mountain range. There were originally no rules between the spirit-gathering stones, but now they are all connected by this strange energy.

The fragments of the Spirit Gathering Stone that originally existed as an individual entity seemed to have become a whole at this moment.

And looking down from the sky, the whole scene has an inexplicable sense of harmony.

Each piece of spirit-gathering stone shining with dazzling light is like a star shining brightly in the night sky.

And connecting all the stars seems to form a special star map image.

It is full of harmony and full of mystery.

It seems that every star forms a special resonance because of the connection of this beam of light!

It seems that from this moment on, the direction of the atmosphere in the entire mountain range has changed because of this wonderful "star map".

When dozens of spirit-gathering stones were completely connected, all the spirit-gathering stones instantly emitted a more dazzling light.

Like a dazzling spotlight, it shines towards the sky.

From the sky, it looks like there are dozens of light pillars shooting straight into the sky from the ground.

The dazzling beam of light shot straight into the sky, causing huge changes in the entire mountain range!

Even the spiritual energy of heaven and earth in the sky, which was originally like clouds and mist, seemed to undergo huge changes at this time.

It seemed that the sudden appearance of dozens of light beams had suddenly disrupted the flow and direction of spiritual energy in the entire mountain range.

And the dazzling beam of light came suddenly and disappeared very quickly.

It seemed like it just passed by in a flash.

As the light beam slowly disappeared, the stirred spiritual energy did not return to its previous state.

The spiritual energy of heaven and earth near the entire mountain range seemed to begin to surge and roll with an inexplicable force.

Gradually, this surge of spiritual energy from heaven and earth formed a special pattern.

It was as if the direction of the spiritual energy surge in the entire mountain range was controlled by an invisible hand, forming a slowly rotating vortex.

At first, the rotation speed of this heaven and earth spiritual energy was not very fast.

However, it caused all the auras of heaven and earth within a radius of tens of kilometers around the entire mountain range to slowly rotate together.

It seems that starting from this moment, the spiritual energy of heaven and earth between the entire mountain range is gathered into a whole, rotating around the mountain range.

At the same time, the dozens of spirit gathering stone fragments around the mountain range did not dim because of the sudden burst of dazzling light pillars.

All the spirit-gathering stones are still shining with dazzling light, as if the power within them has not completely disappeared due to the burst of dazzling light pillars.

But the next moment, a thinner beam of light was once again released from each fragment of the Spirit Gathering Stone.

But this time, the direction where the light beams gathered was the huge spirit-gathering stone tablet in the center of the mountain range!

American comics begin to travel across the heavens

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