Marvel Began Shuttling the Heavens

Chapter 1219 Gathering of Spiritual Power

The dazzling star map that suddenly appeared before seemed to instantly break the tranquility around the mountains.

It even caused the flow direction of the breath and spiritual energy around the entire mountain range to change.

In an instant, a powerful force seemed to be generated near all the shining spirit-gathering stone fragments.

The powerful force caused the flow of breath around the entire mountain range, forming a huge vortex.

The spiritual energy around the entire mountain range was instantly attracted by this strong vortex and began to converge towards the center of the vortex.

The gathering place is the thin light beam released by all the Spirit Gathering Stone fragments, connected to the Spirit Gathering Stone stele, which is the stele where Li Yue's consciousness is located.

The next moment, countless spiritual energy from heaven and earth gathered from all directions following the vortex.

Including the energy of the earth veins under the ground, it was also affected by this huge vortex, and accelerated from the ground to flow into the stone monument.

In an instant, the spiritual power absorption speed increased several times, making Li Yue, who was a spirit gathering stone, also feel a very strange feeling.

Even the growth rate of his own perception has been greatly improved under this situation!

Moreover, as Li Yue absorbs spiritual energy faster, the speed at which he releases spiritual energy after purification gradually becomes faster!

That is to say, the spiritual energy circulation speed of the entire mountain range has been greatly improved at this moment.

And as Li Yue's spirit-gathering stone releases a large amount of spiritual energy, the intensity of spiritual energy near the entire mountain range has also been greatly improved.

And with the emergence of this vortex that almost swept the entire mountain range, almost the spiritual energy near the entire mountain range was swept up by the vortex and no longer escaped outwards.

From this moment on, it seems that the effect of the Spirit Gathering Array has begun to show itself!

Far above the sky, the middle-aged man standing in the sky also saw the effect of the activated spirit gathering formation.

The entire mountain range seemed to be enveloped by a strong whirlpool.

Not only the spiritual energy of heaven and earth within the entire mountain range, but also gradually converged towards the center of the mountain range because of this strong vortex.

Even the spiritual energy of heaven and earth outside the scope of the mountain range is constantly gathering towards the center of the mountain range due to the attraction of this strong vortex.

And this is the effect that the Spirit Gathering Array will have after it comes into play.

The middle-aged man is still very satisfied with this.

The spiritual energy of heaven and earth near the entire mountain range has been bound and gathered between the mountains due to the effect of the spirit gathering array.

Perhaps in the future, as the Spirit Gathering Stone continues to release spiritual energy, the spiritual energy in the mountains will become even richer.

Under normal circumstances, after the spiritual energy becomes rich to a certain extent, it will naturally escape to the surroundings.

But at this time, because of the spiritual energy gathering effect of the Spirit Gathering Array, even if the spiritual energy is so rich that it can escape outwards, it will still be bound by the Spirit Gathering Array and cannot escape outwards.

Of course, the degree of this restraint still has a certain upper limit.

If it really exceeds the upper limit, it will still not be able to completely restrain the loss of spiritual energy.

However, this upper limit depends on the strength of the spirit gathering array.

At this time, the spirit gathering formation set up by the middle-aged man was only set up by himself in a short period of time.

But because the materials used are fragments of spirit gathering stones that are countless times more precious than the best spirit stones.

Therefore, although the arrangement of this spirit gathering array is relatively random, its real effect is even far more powerful than many carefully arranged spirit gathering arrays.

This means that the richness of the spiritual energy of the surrounding heaven and earth, if you want to truly break away from the shackles of this spirit gathering array,

It still takes a long time.

And this is enough for middle-aged people.

He can take advantage of this time to find a way to truly restrain the spiritual energy.

However, these are things that need to be considered later.

But now, although the Spirit Gathering Array has been deployed and successfully activated, it has the effect expected by the middle-aged man.

Moreover, the spiritual energy of heaven and earth around the mountain range has also been bound by the spirit gathering array.

The richness of the spiritual energy here cannot really affect the spiritual energy situation within a radius of thousands of kilometers within a limited time.

However, this does not mean that the abnormal spiritual energy near the mountain range will not be discovered by others at all.

After all, what the Spirit Gathering Array can limit is that the existence of the Spirit Gathering Stone will not cause too much fluctuation in the spiritual power within thousands of kilometers near the entire mountain range.

Eventually, someone discovered the spiritual power fluctuations nearby, and discovered that the spiritual power fluctuations originated from this mountain range.

But if someone really passes by this mountain range, they may still be able to discover the abnormality of the spiritual energy in the mountain range.

Therefore, in order not to be discovered so easily, middle-aged people naturally have to make special arrangements.

Of course, the next special arrangement does not require the middle-aged man to make elaborate arrangements again.

Because this is a ruins where the sect once flourished.

Even at this time, there are almost no sect disciples left in the sect.

However, some facilities within the sect are still relatively complete.

For example, the sect was once carefully arranged with a large formation to protect the sect, but it has not completely lost its effectiveness.

It's just that before that, these large formations that were once used to protect the sect were not fully activated.

What the middle-aged man wants to do next is to find a way to restrict the spirit-gathering stone and open the sect's protective formation.

Prevent anyone from really approaching here and discovering the abnormal spiritual energy within the sect!

Therefore, what the middle-aged man is doing at this time is not completely over.

He needs to activate the great formation that was once used to protect the sect.

At this time, it has to be said that one of the various formations used to protect the sect is a formation used to completely isolate contact with the outside world.

This formation is a combination of multiple formations.

In fact, on the surface, it looks more like a phantom formation.

The function it can play is precisely to enchant other people so that they cannot discover the existence of the sect's location.

But within the phantom formation, there is also a solid protective formation to defend the sect from possible attacks.

And in the end, it also contains a formation that focuses on killing and attacking to prevent anyone from invading the sect.

Generally speaking, this is a sect formation that integrates multiple formations.

Each of these formations can be freely turned on and off according to the situation.

And if the sect really encounters a crisis, it is completely possible to activate multiple formations to form a large formation integrating attack and protection.

However, before that, because there was no real crisis.

Besides, this is just a sect ruins, and few people come here.

Therefore, among the many large formations, only the illusion formations used to confuse outsiders were activated!

American comics begin to travel across the heavens

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