Marvel Began Shuttling the Heavens

Chapter 1221 The middle-aged man leaves

At this time, there is sufficient spiritual energy of heaven and earth in the mountains, which is completely enough to support the huge consumption when the magic array is always open.

Even if the consumption of the phantom array can really prevent the intensity of the spiritual energy from increasing day by day, middle-aged people may not have to go out to find ways to limit the spiritual energy gathering stones and spiritual energy at all.

All you need to do is keep turning on the illusion array and constantly consuming the spiritual energy of heaven and earth.

But the fact is naturally not that it can be easily solved.

Although the phantom formation can consume a large amount of the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, it may even cause the spiritual energy in the sect to slowly begin to dry up.

But this was when there was no spirit gathering stone in the sect before.

At that time, the spiritual energy of heaven and earth could only be slowly generated and gathered due to the gradual evolution of the earth's energy in the mountains.

After the spiritual energy is consumed, it takes a period of recovery before it can be enveloped by the spiritual energy again.

If there is a phantom formation that consumes a large amount of the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, then the speed of spiritual energy generation and replenishment cannot keep up with the consumption of the phantom formation, and spiritual energy depletion will occur.

The final illusion array may also be unable to maintain its open state due to the exhaustion of spiritual energy.

But now, because of the presence of the Spirit Gathering Stone in the sect, the speed at which the spiritual energy of heaven and earth is generated has been countless times faster than usual.

Not only can it fully support the massive consumption of the magic array that is always on.

Even this consumption is just a drop in the bucket in terms of the speed of spiritual energy generation, and it is completely insignificant.

Therefore, even if the illusion array has been open for thousands of years.

The aura of heaven and earth in the mountains will not decline.

Even more and more people will gather as time goes by.

Therefore, at this time, the middle-aged man can only find a way to truly bind the spirit gathering stone and spiritual energy.

Of course, this is not completely without any benefits. After all, this situation also means that the phantom array that once consumed a huge amount of spiritual energy can now be kept open all the time.

I have to say, this is like suddenly becoming a nouveau riche.

The originally limited wealth seemed to have become unlimited at this time.

Large-scale purchases that I didn’t dare to experience before can now be experienced all the time.

Even if you are consuming a lot every moment, your wealth is still growing, as if there is no real moment of spending it all.

At this time, middle-aged people feel like they have become a nouveau riche.

At this time, the magic array is fully activated, and there is no need to worry about the consumption of spiritual energy.

Even when the illusion formation is fully activated, all other sect formations can also be activated at the same time.

Although other formations, when there is no real attack, the spiritual energy consumed is completely incomparable to the phantom formation.

But before that, this kind of consumption was huge enough. At least the sect that was about to be destroyed before was completely unable to support the consumption of opening these formations all the time.

But at this moment, this little consumption is almost just a drop in the bucket compared to the current richness of spiritual energy.

Therefore, the middle-aged man naturally did not hesitate. After activating the phantom formation, he continued to activate all the defense and attack formations that could be activated within the sect at this time.

Although, at this time, the sect that had been destroyed for nearly a hundred years, some of the formations could no longer be activated due to their age and lack of maintenance.

But there are still some formations that can still function normally.

At this time, various defense and attack formations were fully activated, and the effect was still shocking.

As the defensive formations of various attributes were opened one by one, translucent spiritual energy masks of different colors enveloped the entire mountain sect.

Later, the spiritual energy clouds and mist between the mountains were once again aroused by some special power.

The spiritual energy clouds turned into invisible flying swords, which continued to shuttle rapidly between the entire mountain range.

The sword light was dazzling, making the entire mountain range exude a sense of killing.

It's like if an outsider enters the mountains, he will be pricked into a hedgehog on the spot by the thousands of sword lights that shuttle through the mountains.

One after another, the sword light is restrained and murderous. It constantly shuttles between them. It is comparable to missiles that can be controlled freely in the world of science and technology.

In an instant, the entire mountain range felt like an armed force and an ambush from all sides.

And not only that, in addition to the thousands of invisible sword lights that can be truly felt and seen, in fact, there are various powerful formations waiting in the sect, ready to attack.

"Now all the formations that can still be used normally have been fully activated."

"Every moment of consumption of spiritual energy, because of the existence of the spirit gathering array, there is no need to worry about insufficient spiritual energy."

"Then, it's time for me to go to the secular world and find the real way to seal the spirit-gathering stone."

Various defensive formations and attack formations were opened one after another by the middle-aged people.

There is an aura of "readiness" permeating the entire mountain range.

It seems that no matter who breaks into this place, they will be severely attacked.

At this time, the middle-aged man can leave with peace of mind and go to the world of mortals to find a way to truly limit the spirit-gathering stone.

The middle-aged man standing in the sky felt that all the formations in the mountains below were fully activated.

The entire mountain range is almost impregnable. Even with my own strength, if I break in forcefully, I will get absolutely no benefit.

Middle-aged people can also rest assured.

The next moment, the long sword on his back was unsheathed again as if it had self-awareness.

With a whoosh, the sword instantly came to the middle-aged man's feet.

Then the ancient sword, which was originally only a few fingers wide and three feet long, seemed to rise to the wind in an instant.

In just a short moment, it transformed into a giant sword that was more than a foot long and about half a meter wide, comparable to a door panel.

The whole body of the giant sword was still shimmering with a green light, as if it was enveloped by a green wind.

The next moment, the middleman stepped on the giant sword and pinched the magic spell in his hand.

In an instant, the giant sword like a door panel beneath his feet emitted a dazzling green light.

Then, like a rocket soaring into the sky, the giant sword carried the middle-aged man and rushed into the distance at a very fast speed.

In just a moment, the giant sword had traveled thousands of meters away. In less than a second, only a faint cyan light could be seen flashing in the distance.

The middle-aged man walking with the sword was obviously several times faster than the middle-aged man flying in the air before.

In just an instant, it disappeared into the sky.

Even if Li Yue's perception increased greatly after what happened just now, he still couldn't feel where the middle-aged man who had left had gone.

In fact, although Li Yue was a little curious about the middle-aged man's departure, he didn't really care.

However, Li Yue understood that as the middle-aged man left, he didn't know how long it would take to come back.

And here, once again, he was left alone to bear the loneliness.

American comics begin to travel across the heavens

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