Marvel Began Shuttling the Heavens

Chapter 1222 Perception Bottleneck

As the middle-aged man left, Li Yue was once again the only one left in the sect.

But the difference from before is that this time, although only Li Yue is left, he is not enclosed in the bottom of the lake.

At this time, Li Yue was not only able to truly feel everything around him, but he could also continuously absorb the energy of the earth veins in the mountains connected to him to grow himself.

Therefore, even at this time, the middle-aged man will never come back.

Li Yue can also rely on continuously absorbing energy and strengthening his own abilities to change his current state of being unable to move freely.

However, this may take a long enough time to do so.

After all, even at this time, Li Yue's perception was improving at an extremely fast rate almost every second as he continued to absorb energy.

But it would still take a long enough period of time for Li Yue to have a huge change in his nature as a stone.

But for Li Yue, this period of time is long.

But it is still countless times better than the previous situation of being deep underwater, unable to absorb energy quickly, and unable to feel other things.

Therefore, at this moment, Li Yue did not feel too lonely.

At least, with the continuous improvement of Li Yue's perception, he can easily feel everything within a hundred meters.

And as Li Yue's perception continued to spread around him, Li Yue also felt like he was gradually beginning to explore the world.

This sect and the scene in this mountain range were the first time for Li Yue to truly experience it.

At the same time, Li Yue also felt that this world was different from the world he lived in before.

Perhaps this world is indeed like the world of immortality described in some of the immortality novels I have read.

With all kinds of immortal magic, even Li Yue felt the effect of "formation" for the first time.

Although, the dazzling sword light that is transformed from spiritual power and constantly shuttles around him may not pose any threat to Li Yue himself.

But Li Yue was also very curious about this "automatic" situation that didn't require people to control it personally.

After all, there should be no computers in this world that are only available in the technological world.

There is no "intelligent control" system.

So all this should be due to some special formation!

At this time, Li Yue was not only very curious about the cultivation system in this world that could transform mortals into "immortals", but he was also very curious about the "formation" system derived from this world.

At this time, Li Yue might be able to take advantage of the moment to carefully experience how these formations are formed.

Once again, Li Yue was the only one left, but Li Yue didn't feel as lonely as before when he was underwater.

Because he was in a fairy mountain, although no one else existed, Li Yue could use his ever-increasing perception to feel everything around him.

At this time, Li Yue, who had fully revealed his ontological characteristics, was growing at a completely different speed than before.

Almost every minute and every second, Li Yue's perception improved significantly.

In less than a few days, Li Yue's perception has been continuously enhanced to the point where he can feel everything within a kilometer radius.

At this time, Li Yue could almost rely on his own perception to clearly feel the general situation in the entire mountain range.

Of course, this level of perception is still not enough for Li Yue, because this kind of perception can only perceive the environment of the entire mountain range on the surface, but cannot truly be like Li Yue's previous mental power. , able to go deep underground and sense the situation underground.

Naturally, Li Yue could not perceive the details of the formation hidden in this mountain range.

Fortunately, after the previous increase in mood, what Li Yue lacked most was patience.

Therefore, he has enough patience to wait for his perception to continue to increase as he absorbs energy.

Li Yue knew that one day, his perception would be enhanced to the point where he could truly feel everything.

With this thought, Li Yue had almost forgotten the passage of time.

Soon, a year passed quietly in the blink of an eye.

During this year, as Li Yue continued to absorb energy, his perception increased to a great extent, and he could now clearly feel a radius of tens of kilometers.

However, after the perception reaches this level, the growth rate gradually slows down.

Compared with the speed at which one could increase his perception by several meters in one day, now it is difficult to increase his perception within one meter even after several days have passed.

However, the gradual slowdown in the growth rate of perception is not completely unacceptable to Li Yue.

He clearly understands that everything has a limit.

For example, at this time, my perception has almost reached a bottleneck state.

To break through the bottleneck state, you need not only a lot of time, but also some special understanding of the nature of perception.

One year is not a long time, but it is also not a short time.

At least, from the fact that Li Yue could only feel everything within a hundred meters before, but now he can feel everything within a range of tens of kilometers, we can see the huge gap.

And such a huge gap was accumulated bit by bit by Li Yue.

However, he can also feel that after his perception has grown to the current level, it has fallen into a bottleneck state that makes it difficult to continue to grow.

This is actually not unfamiliar to Li Yue.

After all, in fact, to a certain extent, perception has many similarities with the mental power that Li Yue often used before.

Its primary function is to sense the surrounding environment and use it to explore the surrounding situation.

However, just as mental power reaches a certain level, it can even be attached to something, allowing Li Yue to manipulate it as he wishes.

After perception increases to a certain level, it can also be used to manipulate other things.

But it's just that it's much more difficult to use perception to control things than to use mental power to control things!

At least, after a year, although Li Yue's perception has been steadily increasing, he is still unable to truly control other things.

And Li Yue also knew that perhaps the breakthrough in the bottleneck of perception would be through manipulating things.

Perhaps the moment Li Yue can truly use his perception to manipulate things will also be the moment his perception truly breaks through!

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