In this case, time once again passed quickly like water.

Soon, another three years have passed.

And four full years have passed, but the middle-aged man still has never returned here.

Sometimes, Li Yue couldn't help but wonder if the middle-aged man had had an accident outside.

Otherwise, why has the other party never come back even after several years have passed?

After all, according to what Li Yue thought, the other party could walk with a sword. Even if he was tens of thousands of kilometers away from here, it probably wouldn't take more than a day to get back here.

Could it be that the other party couldn't even spare a day?

Or has he actually had an unexpected situation outside and can't really come back here?

Of course, Li Yue didn't care much about whether the middle-aged man could return here.

In the past three years, Li Yue's main thing was still to continuously absorb energy and grow himself.

It's just that because he is a spirit-gathering stone, as he continues to grow, there is also a huge change in the intensity of the spiritual energy around the mountains.

At this time, if anyone really comes here, they will find that the spiritual energy here is hundreds of times richer than the outside world.

Incomparably huge auras of heaven and earth filled the mountains, and the clouds formed by the auras gathered around the mountains were comparable to a real fairyland.

Because of the constraints of the Spirit Gathering Array on the outside, the rich spiritual energy could not pour out. At this time, it all gathered within a few dozen kilometers near the mountain range.

The vastness of the spiritual energy caused almost a huge change in the nature of the spiritual energy between the entire mountain range.

The spiritual energy of heaven and earth is almost condensed into substance. Every once in a while, the clouds and mist condensed by spiritual energy will turn into substantial spiritual energy rain and dew like rain.

The spiritual energy rain and dew fell on the mountains, penetrated into the earth veins, turned into the energy of the earth veins, and blended into the mountains.

After that, the gradually increasing energy of the earth's veins also caused Li Yue to absorb energy at a significantly faster rate.

This also leads to Li Yue's perception being able to ensure steady growth.

Of course, the most important thing is that while Li Yue's perception continues to grow, his essence as a stone also undergoes a very special change.

However, until this moment, Li Yue still did not understand the cause of this strange change and what effect it would have in the future.

But what Li Yue can be sure of is that this strange change should be a rare good thing for him at this time.

Of course, in the following few years, Li Yue's perception continued to grow steadily.

At this time, his perception was able to detect the situation near the mountains and within a radius of nearly a hundred kilometers.

However, after Li Yue's perception increased to this level, it would be difficult to make any breakthroughs.

It seems that at this level, he has completely reached the limit of how far his perception can grow.

Having a perception of nearly a hundred kilometers is a very powerful ability for anyone.

Even for Li Yue, it was a huge improvement compared to a few years ago.

Logically speaking, Li Yue should be excited that his perception has grown to such a powerful level.

Unfortunately, facing the situation where even though he continued to absorb energy, he still could not enhance his perception, Li Yue was not happy at all.

Although his perception seems to be strong enough to cover a huge area of ​​nearly a hundred kilometers, he can clearly perceive everything that happens within it.


The effect of such a powerful perception on Li Yue was just that.

He has not undergone any fundamental changes from before because of his stronger perception!

But now, the perception seems to be stuck in a growth bottleneck, and it can hardly continue to increase with the continuous absorption of energy.

Therefore, if some changes are not made, Li Yue may not be able to break through the growth limit of perception at all.

He can't really make a fundamental change in himself, and he can't change the fact that he will always be a stone that cannot move freely.

Therefore, not long ago, Li Yue had shifted all his focus away from how to break through the limit of perception growth.

At this time, the only question Li Yue was thinking about was how to make some fundamental changes in himself with the help of such a powerful perception.

This matter is not easy to solve.

After all, even if his perception can continue to grow without limit, it can only be because his perception continues to become stronger, and the range in which he can perceive the surrounding situation becomes wider and wider.

Then, even if his perception is enough to fully perceive everything in the entire world, it will not make any change in his essence.

Therefore, from this point of view, if you want to change yourself essentially, it is not something you can do by constantly enhancing your perception.

Li Yue knew that he had to make changes and should not just focus on continuously enhancing his perception.

Also find ways to really use your senses.

Just like before, while he was constantly strengthening his mental power, he also had to learn various ways to use his mental power.

In some cases, perception has many similarities with mental power.

There is no doubt that Li Yue first thought of how to use perception, which is to use perception to manipulate things around him.

Just like the superpowers that appear in many movies and novels, telekinesis uses an invisible force to manipulate the surrounding things and move them according to one's own wishes.

And if it is really possible to use perception to achieve such an effect, then Li Yue can even completely break through his own inability to move freely.

He can completely use his senses to manipulate himself and move according to his own ideas.

However, Li Yue felt a little weird just thinking about this situation.

After all, if you use your perception to control your movement, then in the sight of others, you will be like a huge stone. Without the interference of external forces, it will suddenly float up and even move freely in the air.

If such a strange scene were seen by other people, I am afraid many people would be surprised by this strange scene.

Therefore, this method of movement may be best used when no one is seeing it.

Of course, the premise of all this is that Li Yue can truly use his perception to control himself.

And if he wants to be able to move freely in front of others, then Li Yue must change his nature as a stone.

American comics begin to travel across the heavens

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