Marvel Began Shuttling the Heavens

Chapter 1229 A test of will?

Perhaps, under normal circumstances, the little girl would have been unable to continue climbing due to lack of strength due to her physical condition.

But her extremely firm will seemed to exceed the limits of her body, allowing her to continue to move forward and climb upwards.

However, at this time, she had to endure huge difficulties every step she took.

It seemed that the next moment, she would collapse due to lack of strength and completely lose the support of strength.

Every step seemed difficult.

Moreover, at this time, she still needs to keep up with the pace of the middle-aged people in front of her, which undoubtedly makes things more difficult and almost impossible to do.

In Li Yue's feeling, being able to persist until now may be the little girl's limit.

Moreover, it is the most extreme state of combining her physique and will.

If she didn't have a stronger and firmer will than normal adults, the little girl might have collapsed due to lack of physical strength.

The reason why she didn't fall down at this time was entirely because of her strong will as support.

However, if this continues, her strong will may not be able to sustain it.

And more importantly, it may cause irreparable damage to the little girl's body.

Originally, in Li Yue's expectation, maybe this was just a test of the will of the little girl by the middle-aged man.

Li Yue guessed that the middle-aged man might stop this test when he felt that the little girl had reached her limit.

Moreover, the will shown by the little girl itself is very impressive. She is still young, but the will she shows already exceeds that of most adults.

For Li Yue, if this was really a test for the little girl, he might have been very satisfied with the little girl's performance.

Naturally, the little girl's body would not be irreparably damaged just because of such a test.

Therefore, in Li Yue's understanding, he felt that middle-aged people would also stop testing the little girl because of this, so as not to really harm the little girl's body.

However, after waiting for a while, Li Yue found that the middle-aged man seemed to have no intention of stopping.

It was as if he had already forgotten that there was a little girl following behind him.

This situation made Li Yue feel a little surprised. Do the middle-aged people really have to wait for the little girl to completely lose her strength and collapse before ending this test?

At this moment, the scene Li Yue felt was, strictly speaking, the first time he had truly felt it.

But in some of the novels Li Yue had read before, he had seen similar things.

Of course, such a situation and the scenes that appear in the novel also happen in a certain sect in a certain world of immortality.

In order to recruit disciples with outstanding qualifications and perseverance, some immortal cultivating sects will set certain special tests for them.

Often, the protagonists in novels will perform outstandingly in such tests, stand out from the crowd, and show extraordinary talent or perseverance.

In the end, he was vigorously cultivated by the Immortal Cultivation Sect.

However, this was the first time in this world that Li Yue truly felt that such a thing was happening in front of him.

However, compared to what he remembered, it was an extremely grand scene of the sect's apprenticeship test with tens of thousands of people participating.

The scene that appeared in Li Yue's mind at this time was simply incomparable.

What's more, Li Yue had already thoroughly perceived the current situation of this sect a long time ago when his perception was strong enough.

It can be said that if it were not for the sect gate and a few scattered buildings on this mountain range,

It was hard for Li Yue to think that this was a sect that had not yet been destroyed.

Even within the sect's territory, there are very few sect buildings that can still be used normally, and most of them are dilapidated ruins.

It seems that this mountain range looks more like a ruined sect ruins.

Therefore, in Li Yue's perception at this time, it would be good if someone wanted to join the sect that was almost in ruins.

Do you still need to use it to create such a special test?

Even the middle-aged man seems to think that the test set is still very harsh at this time. Even though the little girl has shown extraordinary perseverance, she still has no intention of ending the test.

Is it really necessary to wait until the little girl can no longer hold on and collapses in the middle of the test before the test ends?

At this time, Li Yue's original sympathy for the little girl became even stronger because he was not sure whether he was affected by the little girl's experience.

More importantly, Li Yue didn't want to see the little girl who had worked so hard and shown such strong perseverance suffer unnecessary harm again.

After all, her physique at this time may have been somewhat malnourished due to her previous wandering life.

If she continues to persist, her body may not be as strong as her will.

The most important thing is that it means nothing if you suffer unnecessary damage as a result.

Li Yue, who had great sympathy for the little girl, could not bear to see her suffer unnecessary damage.

So, he decided to help her secretly.

And for Li Yue, who has been in a lonely state of cultivation for several years, secretly helping the little girl is also an action worthy of his joy.

Therefore, Li Yue did not hesitate at all and directly used his unique methods to help the little girl who could persist except for her will but whose body had reached its limit.

Although the speed of a middle-aged man moving forward is not fast, it is not much different from that of a normal person.

But he always maintained this speed, neither speeding up nor slowing down.

So just now when the little girl was in an extremely weak state, even though she still moved forward with perseverance, she was still pulled away by the middle-aged man who did not slow down at all.

If there is no accident, the distance between them will become farther and farther.

But if nothing else, now is the time for the unexpected to happen.

I saw the little girl who was already faltering. Every step she took required a lot of physical strength. It relied on great perseverance to keep from falling.

As if suddenly, the physical fatigue and weakness seemed to completely disappear in an instant.

Of course, the little girl, who was almost unconscious at this time and relying only on her tenacious perseverance to move forward, didn't even seem to feel the sudden changes in her body.

It seemed that there was only one thought in her heart at this time, and that was to keep up with the middle-aged man.

Because this means that she can bid farewell to her previous wandering life.

For the little girl, this is also her chance to become a "fairy".

American comics begin to travel across the heavens

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