Marvel Began Shuttling the Heavens

Chapter 1230 Luck turns into a golden dragon

Before following the middle-aged man here, and when the middle-aged man saved her, she already knew that the middle-aged man possessed extraordinary power called "immortal".

And everything that happened after that was enough to prove that the middle-aged man was very powerful.

You can ride the wind with your sword in a distant place. In less than a quarter of an hour, you can cross thousands of miles of void and arrive at what looks like the Immortal Mountains.

The little girl doesn't know exactly where this place is, but she knows clearly that if she wants to change her destiny and doesn't want to return to her previous wandering life, then she must go all out and seize this opportunity to change her destiny.

In fact, the little girl's performance is more eye-catching than that of most adults.

Unfortunately, I don’t know if the middle-aged people are too harsh or if there is some special reason.

In short, until the little girl had tried her best, she had no intention of helping or ending the test.

Therefore, Li Yue, who was "watching" all this, because of his inner sympathy for the little girl and the boredom of maintaining a cultivation state for a long time, he was ready to help the little girl so that she could truly get through this. An entry test.

So the next moment, Li Yue used his ability to control the aura buried in the mountains, began to flow along the mountains, and finally gathered in the direction of the little girl.

The power of the earth contained in the mountains and how powerful it is?

Even before Li Yue came here, if the power of the mountains here was concentrated on one person, ordinary people would not be able to easily absorb it.

After Li Yue arrived, because of his special attributes, the power of the mountains was increased countless times like the surrounding aura of heaven and earth.

At this time, in this mountain range, not to mention the surrounding spiritual energy that is so rich that it has condensed into substance.

Even the power hidden under the mountains is enough to shock anyone.

If it weren't for this mountain range, it would have been covered by multiple formations.

I am afraid that the difference in this mountain range can be felt within thousands of kilometers nearby.

Even if there are immortal cultivators who can control the ability to watch Qi, I am afraid that even thousands of miles away, they can see the power of luck rising into the sky in this mountain range!

The huge destiny of heaven and earth seems to have enveloped the entire mountain range, turning into a dragon of destiny that is tens of thousands of feet long and almost reaches the sky.

Shining with dazzling golden light, it illuminates the film world.

At this time, after a period of Li Yue's blessing, the power of luck in this mountain range, which was not originally powerful, has transformed into a golden dragon of luck tens of thousands of feet.

It seemed to cover the entire sky, turning everything within a radius of hundreds of kilometers into a golden color.

And such a powerful golden dragon of luck is enough to support a mortal dynasty, build it from scratch, and maintain its energy for nearly a thousand years.

If such a huge Luck Golden Dragon is discovered, there may be no peace in this mountain range.

In the endless history, how many dynasties have been established, and how many dynasties have been completely destroyed because they have exhausted their strength.

What if a dynasty that had been almost exhausted suddenly received such a huge amount of luck?

Then this dynasty, which was about to be completely destroyed, will regain its glory and regain its strength in the mortal world for thousands of years.

This is a huge temptation that no one can refuse.

Even for an ordinary cultivator, such a huge power of luck is enough to turn a cultivator who has no influence at all in the entire world into a being like a protagonist in the world.

He can even completely influence the operation and development direction of the entire world.

Therefore, if such a huge fortune is discovered, the place may no longer be peaceful.

However, fortunately, the preparations made by the middle-aged man were not in vain.

The existence of countless formations not only hides the spiritual energy in the mountains that is so rich that it condenses into substance, but also hides the huge destiny that soars into the sky and transforms into the body of a ten thousand foot golden dragon.

The possibility of being discovered at this time is extremely low. Unless the spiritual energy of heaven and earth grows to the point where the formation cannot be restrained, and the Luck Golden Dragon breaks through the surrounding formations, it will be difficult for others to discover unless they truly enter the range of the mountains. What a unique place in this mountain range!

What's more, even some powerful immortal cultivators find it difficult to truly feel the existence of the huge destiny that has turned into a golden dragon.

Only those who have real insight and can see the movement of the destiny of all things in the world can truly discover the existence of the destiny golden dragon.

At this time, although Li Yue knew that the power of luck in this mountain range had turned into a golden dragon, to him, these were not very important.

After all, the luck here has become so huge entirely because of his own reasons.

At this moment, with Li Yue's control, the luck and underground power in the mountains gathered in an instant thinking of where the little girl was.

However, what Li Yue did was very secretive, and because he was completely able to control the buried energy at this time, even middle-aged people were completely unaware of what he did.

If it were an ordinary person, even if they were invaded by a trace of the power of burial, they would be instantly broken through by the powerful energy.

In mild cases, the meridians are reversed and all the power is lost. In severe cases, the meridians are severed, the body collapses, and explodes instantly.

Of course, this is what happens when Li Yue violently controls the Burial Qi and uses it to attack other people.

But now, what Li Yue did was naturally not to use the power of underground burial to attack the little girl. His purpose was to use the power of underground burial to enhance the little girl's physique.

This is not difficult for Li Yue, who now has almost absolute control over the entire mountain range.

Therefore, a line containing the power of pure earth burial and a weak power of luck began to gather in the area where the little girl was.

Then, it followed the ground and merged into the little girl's body.

At this time, the little girl, who only relied on her tenacious willpower to move forward with difficulty, had almost exhausted all the strength in her body.

But as this special power, which contained the power of the earth and the power of luck, merged into her body from the ground, her body instantly regained its vitality.

At this moment, the little girl really felt that an extremely huge power suddenly emerged from her extremely tired body.

He could even feel the aura of heaven and earth around him, which seemed to be attracted by her at this moment, and instantly gathered towards her.

However, she relied on her will to persevere at this time, but she didn't know what it meant. The only thing she knew was to keep up with the middle-aged man in front of her and seize this opportunity that could change her destiny!

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