Marvel Began Shuttling the Heavens

Chapter 1231 The middle-aged man’s surprise

On the one hand, it was the little girl's pity that gained Li Yue a hint of sympathy.

Of course, more importantly, the little girl's tenacious will, which far exceeded the persistence of most adults, impressed Li Yue.

Therefore, Li Yue didn't want to see such a pitiful little girl get hurt again.

He simply decided to help the little girl secretly. After all, this was just a thought for him.

However, all of this was only possible because Li Yue had almost absolute control over the various energies in the entire mountain range.

Otherwise, it would be almost impossible for the already very domineering underground power to be so gently integrated into the body of an ordinary person without someone controlling it!

But now, the little girl is no longer ordinary.

Because this trace of pure buried power also contains an even more pure power of buried essence.

At the same time, it also contains enough powerful luck, and it has been completely integrated into the little girl's body.

Although it seems that there is no huge effect happening at this moment.

But in fact, this trace of pure underground essence power and the power of luck are simply fused with the little girl at this time.

If you want to truly unleash its power, it will take a long time to truly integrate with the little girl.

In other words, the little girl at this time cannot truly exert the effect of this pure underground essence and the power of luck.

But as time goes by, she will always achieve huge gains because of this strength.

Naturally, Li Yue wouldn't care too much about what happened next.

He was more concerned about what was happening at this moment.

I saw that the little girl, who was already a long way behind the middle-aged people due to her extremely weak body, suddenly gained extremely powerful strength from nowhere, and her pace began to accelerate gradually.

The small body seems to contain extremely powerful energy.

He even started to slowly catch up with the middle-aged man in the distance, gradually shortening the distance between them!

Less than a minute later, the little girl once again caught up with the middle-aged man and walked behind him.

Not only could Li Yue sense all this, but the middle-aged people closest to the little girl could naturally feel it more intuitively.

And everything that happened at this time also shocked the middle-aged man's heart.

In fact, this little girl was met by a middle-aged man in the secular world.

Because she was in danger and was encountered by a passing middle-aged man, she took action to save her.

Because by nature, middle-aged people are not like other cultivators, treating all weak ordinary people as ants.

He will not act as if he has not seen the tragedy that is about to happen in front of him.

So during his years of traveling around the world, things like this happened to him almost many times when he met ordinary people in danger and rescued them.

Of course, for a cultivator like a middle-aged man, he has his own criteria for judging whether certain people or certain things are just or evil.

And the middle-aged man will naturally only rescue someone who he thinks is just and in danger.

As for evil people encountering danger, middle-aged people don't care at all.

Therefore, because they have absolute principles in their hearts and are full of compassion and a heart to save the weak, middle-aged people enter the secular world every time.

It all seems to be a process of experience in the world of mortals.

And traveling around the world, experiencing all kinds of situations in the world, can give middle-aged people a questioning heart,

become stronger.

It's just that before this, the number of ordinary people who had been directly rescued by middle-aged people may not be tens of thousands, but there were still thousands.

But there has never been a time when, after rescuing someone from danger, he would take him back to his sect mountain range because the other person was homeless!

Helping others is just a random act of kindness for a middle-aged person, which can allow him to accumulate merit on the path of spiritual practice.

But naturally he would not drag down his own practice in order to save others.

After all, if you really meet a homeless person and take him with you, then the middle-aged man may no longer be alone, but may be followed by hundreds of people.

Therefore, this time he brought the little girl back to the sect, which was also the first time he did so.

Of course, the reason for doing this was entirely a whim, an idea that suddenly arose on his mind.

This little girl's life experience is also relatively pitiful. She lost her parents when she was young and lived on the streets.

Of course, among the various miserable people that middle-aged people encounter, the life experience of the little girl is not the most tragic.

If the previous situation had been the same, after saving the little girl, the middle-aged man might have given her some worldly money and left alone.

Because the middle-aged man had no intention of accepting a disciple before this.

But this time, the middle-aged man suddenly changed his previous thoughts when he thought of his sect's growing fortune due to the suppression of the Spirit Gathering Stone.

The middle-aged man knew that he was not good at managing the sect, so he was the only one left in the family sect until now.

Because he has relatively strong strength, his existence alone is enough to barely maintain the sect's destiny.

Even at this time, due to the suppression of the Spirit Gathering Stone, the sect's luck has begun to continue to grow, almost allowing the sect to stand firm for thousands of years.

But a very important thing is that he is the only one in the sect at this time.

If he dies because of something or because he is unable to break through the realm, his life span will be exhausted.

Or they may have been surrounded by powerful enemies and fought to their death.

Even if the situation develops for the best, his cultivation will progress rapidly in the future, and he will soon break through to the realm of transcending tribulation, and successfully cross the heaven and ascend to the real immortal world.

It also means that this sect that has been inherited until this time will be completely destroyed because of his departure.

Even if the Spirit Gathering Stone can suppress luck and keep the sect standing, the prerequisite for everything is that there must be someone in the sect.

Therefore, the middle-aged talent finally changed his previous idea of ​​never accepting disciples, and prepared to accept one or several disciples and bring them back to the sect.

He does not expect his disciples to make rapid progress in cultivation. He only hopes that their existence will enable his family's sect to be passed down.

And this is the main reason why the middle-aged man brought the little girl back to the sect.

However, although middle-aged people do not pay much attention to the excellent qualifications of the apprentices they accept.

But he was very concerned about the will of the disciples he accepted.

That's why the scene when he first returned to the sect appeared.

American comics begin to travel across the heavens

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