Marvel Began Shuttling the Heavens

Chapter 1233 The middle-aged man’s surprise

Therefore, the examination for recruiting sect disciples every ten years will attract more people.

If you have enough qualifications and truly join the sect, it will naturally make people feel excited. After all, in this world of cultivating immortals, not everyone is qualified to become an immortal cultivator.

Even if his qualifications are not good enough, he cannot truly join the sect and become a high-ranking immortal cultivator.

But it is also a rare good thing to be able to experience a special spiritual energy entering the body, washing oneself, and making one's body better.

What's more, after experiencing this kind of spiritual energy entering the body, some diseases that are difficult to cure can be cured.

Therefore, every time such a grand event for recruiting disciples begins, it will attract countless people to participate.

Some people do this in order to truly pass the examination and be able to join the Immortal Sect and become a high-ranking Immortal Cultivator.

But some people just want the opportunity to get the same spiritual energy into their bodies, cleanse their body magazines, and cure some stubborn diseases even if they fail to get started.

Of course, these are things that only occurred when the sect was in its glory days.

But with the decline of the sect, a hundred years have passed.

For cultivators, a hundred years may be just a blink of an eye and a matter of retreat.

But for mortals with a life span of only about a hundred years, a hundred years is long enough, long enough to reduce a fairy mountain sect that was originally well-known to everyone to the point where few people know it.

But now, the sect assessment, which has not been opened for a hundred years, is now open again.

Although there was only one person participating in the assessment, and she was a down-and-out little girl with a weak body and equally poor qualifications.

But for the middle-aged man, this is also a "grand event" and he cannot easily interrupt the process of this event.

What's more, even if the little girl's physical strength is really exhausted, she will not suffer any harm.

The subsequent process of the spiritual energy entering the body can even improve the little girl's current weak body, which is undoubtedly a joyful thing.

However, the middle-aged people are free to think about it in their hearts.

It's a pity that he doesn't know that there is a special soul consciousness in the sect, but he doesn't know what he is thinking in his heart.

Even a trace of sympathy for the little girl's situation at this time triggered the underground essence in the mountains and a trace of sect luck to help the little girl.

Therefore, what happened next could not help but make the middle-aged man extremely surprised, even shocked.

Because even in the thousands of years of history since the sect was founded, nothing as strange as this has ever happened.

I saw that the little girl, who was already exhausted and relying on only her tenacious will to move forward, seemed to have suddenly been supplemented by some kind of strength.

The body that was already about to run out of oil suddenly seemed to have a powerful force.

The pace that was originally slow gradually accelerated, and even then it no longer looked like ordinary people.

Gradually, the middle-aged man felt that the aura of heaven and earth around the little girl seemed to be attracted by the little girl and began to gradually converge into the little girl's body.

It seems that from this moment on, the little girl is no longer the same mortal with a weak body and poor cultivation aptitude.

Rather, he is a heaven-defying being who has successfully embarked on the path of spiritual practice and can freely absorb the spiritual energy of the surrounding heaven and earth even while walking!

In this world full of extraordinary power, there are naturally some people who do not take the initiative to practice the cultivation method because they are too qualified, and they can also attract the surrounding spiritual energy of heaven and earth to converge on them.

However, such existence is very rare in the entire cultivation world, and is almost rare in a thousand years.

Generally speaking,

Whether some people's cultivation qualifications are excellent or not can be judged by the amount and speed of absorbing the spiritual energy of the surrounding world after using the cultivation techniques.

This is commonly known as Reiki Affinity.

Some people have a very close connection with the aura of heaven and earth since they were born, which makes the aura of heaven and earth around them become more active.

After such people enter cultivation, they will absorb the spiritual energy of heaven and earth faster than others. They are also known as people with better qualifications.

However, the talent for cultivation is generally determined from birth and stays with the person throughout his life.

Except for taking some special treasures of heaven and earth, which can slightly improve the body's qualifications, it will basically not change due to other things.

Before that, the middle-aged man naturally felt for himself whether the little girl's cultivation aptitude was excellent.

However, the conclusion reached is not very good. The little girl's qualifications are not excellent, but it is not completely impossible to enter the world of practice.

In the eyes of middle-aged people, it can only be regarded as a medium qualification.

Although you have the opportunity to enter the world of practice and master the power of practice, you will be limited by your qualifications, and your lifetime achievements may not be too high.

However, middle-aged people who don't care about excellent qualifications will naturally not dislike a little girl because her qualifications are average.

Eventually he was brought to the sect.

However, this moment made the middle-aged man feel extremely shocked, even a little unbelievable.

Originally, in his opinion, the little girl's qualifications were not outstanding, but now she actually caused fluctuations in the spiritual energy of the world around her.

With the little girl as the center, all the spiritual energy within a radius of tens of meters seemed to be attracted by an inexplicable force and began to converge towards the little girl's body.

If this was a being who had learned how to practice the exercises and began to truly enter the state of cultivation, such a situation would not attract the middle-aged man's attention at all.

But what the middle-aged man knew very well was that this little girl had never learned the exercises.

This is even the first time she has entered a sect that can practice.

Being able to induce the spiritual energy of the surrounding heaven and earth to converge towards oneself without relying on the power of running cultivation techniques.

Such qualifications can no longer be described as excellent, they can be called "monsters".

Some middle-aged people who were in disbelief couldn't help but directly release their spiritual consciousness and enveloped the little girl's body.

He couldn't believe that he had made a mistake in his previous judgment of the little girl's qualifications.

"Maybe it's not that my previous judgment was wrong, but that her true qualifications were hidden before."

As the consciousness enveloped the little girl, the middle-aged man also discovered the strange situation happening to the little girl at this time.

What the middle-aged man can be sure of is that his previous judgment was not wrong.

However, maybe because I didn't investigate carefully, I didn't find that there was actually a relatively secret evil physique hidden in the little girl's body.

At this time, after the little girl suffered a serious stimulation, the hidden talents in her body began to gradually emerge!

American comics begin to travel across the heavens

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