Marvel Began Shuttling the Heavens

Chapter 1234 Misunderstanding

In this world, although a person's qualifications are already determined from birth, they will basically not change much in the future.

However, naturally unexpected situations will occur.

For example, the qualifications and talents displayed by some people in the past were very ordinary.

However, after being stimulated by a certain situation, their talents and qualifications will undergo huge changes in a short period of time.

This situation is very similar to what little girls are showing today!

The reason why this situation occurs is entirely because beneath the relatively ordinary talents and qualifications he displays, there is also a special qualification and talent hidden in him.

And this kind of special qualifications and talents may not be activated or revealed in a lifetime if they do not encounter specific circumstances.

But if you encounter a specific situation, your original ordinary qualifications and talents will instantly become a very powerful qualifications and talents.

This special talent is called hidden talent in their cultivation world and is very rare.

For almost thousands of years, it was extremely difficult to find someone with this hidden qualification.

And even if a few discover the existence of this hidden talent, they will block the information and cultivate it secretly.

Because such existences are often those with huge fortunes of heaven and earth, and their strength growth rate is far faster than that of ordinary people, which is just the foundation. More importantly, their existence can even affect the operation of the will of heaven and earth.

Therefore, if such a being is discovered, it will usually be cultivated secretly and will not let more people know of its existence.

It is precisely because of this that such hidden qualifications are rarely spread in the cultivation world.

Generally speaking, for ordinary practitioners, this situation is almost like a legend and is rarely heard of.

There are also many practitioners who don't even know that people with this kind of ability to hide their true qualifications exist.

And for a middle-aged man to know this situation, it is natural that he has never really seen such a situation.

And he also heard it from the ancient books left behind by the sect and from other people.

As for actually seeing such a situation, this was his first time!

Therefore, even if he had some speculation in his mind, the middle-aged man still felt very unbelievable about it.

After all, for something like this to happen once in a million years to appear in front of him, he couldn't help but feel very unreal.

"Is it because I obtained the treasure of heaven and earth that is blessed by the will of heaven and earth and contains huge luck, and then it also changed my luck, so that I can truly encounter this rare situation?"

At this moment, the middle-aged man felt that the only explanation for why he could encounter this situation seemed to be because he had obtained the Spirit Gathering Stone a few years ago, which was favored by the will of heaven and earth and contained extremely huge luck!

It may be that the Spirit Gathering Stone, which has huge luck, was used by him to suppress the sect's luck. Its huge luck not only affected himself, but also affected the sect all the time.

That's why he allowed himself to bring back a little girl with ordinary qualifications in the secular world, but during the entrance examination, he inspired the truly hidden talents in her body.

Such a rare thing happened, and it was a huge opportunity for my sect.

In fact, the middle-aged man's guess was naturally not entirely correct.

The little girl's true qualifications were indeed as he had felt before, very ordinary and not outstanding.

Naturally, there is no hidden aptitude in the little girl's body.

If no unexpected circumstances occurred, the little girl's physical qualifications would not have undergone such a huge change due to anything.

However, some things just seem to have their own destiny.

A few years ago, the middle-aged man obtained Li Yue, who was transformed into a spirit-gathering stone, and used this spirit-gathering stone to suppress his sect that lacked luck!

It was this choice that caused many unexpected changes to the subsequent situation.

This ultimately led to this situation happening.

What if Li Yue hadn't mobilized the underground essence and luck hidden in the mountains to integrate into the little girl's body because of his sympathy for the little girl.

There would never have been such a huge change in the little girl's qualifications!

In fact, there is no hidden talent in the little girl's body.

The reason why the little girl's qualifications have undergone such a huge change is entirely because the underground essence and a trace of luck mobilized by Li Yue were integrated into her body, which produced a strange effect.

A trace of underground essence containing great luck, after being integrated into the little girl's body, instantly changed the little girl's qualifications and talents.

The little girl's originally very ordinary qualifications have undergone great changes under the improvement of this trace of underground essence that contains luck.

His qualifications also changed from the ordinary ones before, to the heaven-defying qualifications that make people feel like a monster.

Even the surrounding spiritual energy of heaven and earth began to be attracted by the changes in the little girl's body and converged towards the little girl's body.

The spiritual energy of heaven and earth gathered in the little girl's body not only improves the little girl's body and qualifications along with the trace of earth-buried essence.

It also gave the little girl a strong affinity for spiritual energy before she truly entered the path of spiritual practice.

At this time, even if the little girl does not take the initiative to perform the exercises, the spiritual energy of the world around her will continue to integrate into her body.

While making her body full of strength every moment, it also continuously increases her strength.

So at this moment, although the little girl does not really have the hidden aptitude to defy the heavens, but when everything is combined, there is actually no difference between the existence and the existence of the hidden aptitudes to defy the heavens.

It is precisely because of this that the middle-aged people speculate that maybe the little girl herself has a hidden aptitude. It was just during the entrance examination that she activated her hidden aptitude, which made people dare not do what happened. Believe it or not!

However, as the middle-aged man guessed, it may be because the sect's luck was enhanced by the spirit gathering stone that it encountered such a huge opportunity.

Although the facts are different from what the middle-aged man guessed, if you think about it carefully, it seems that there is indeed God's will in the dark.

Even if such a situation occurs, it is not entirely due to invisible and intangible luck.

But everything seems to be affected by luck.

If Li Yue did not appear in this sect, it would not enhance the sect's luck, and naturally it would not change the little girl's qualifications like this.

It was precisely because of Li Yue's appearance and because of Li Yue's random choice that this special situation occurred!

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