Marvel Began Shuttling the Heavens

Chapter 1237 Expected changes

Viewed from the bottom of the mountain, huge boulders like white jade are paved into rows of stairs.

The stairs extend upward, almost as far as the eye can see.

Around the stairs above, there seemed to be clouds and mist.

The fairy-like clouds and mist merge with the jade-like steps, seemingly forming a ladder that can lead people directly to the fairyland above the nine heavens.

At this time, on the stairs like a ladder to heaven, there were two figures, one large and one small, climbing up.

Their speed was neither too fast nor too slow, as if they had been carefully calculated. They had hardly speeded up by a single point and had not lost a single point.

At this time, although the ladder under their feet is long, it is still not an almost infinite ladder that can truly lead to the fairyland above the nine heavens.

Therefore, as the two people, one large and one small, continued to climb.

Finally, the two reached the end of the stairs.

What appeared in front of them was a platform covering tens of thousands of square meters. The ground of the platform was also paved with boulders that looked like white jade.

But now it seems that after endless years of baptism, it has become a sense of historical vicissitudes.

At the very front of the platform, the closest place to the two of them, there was a huge stone door that was hundreds of feet high.

However, this stone gate is more like a stone archway. There is no closed door, but only a few thick stone pillars that tower into the sky and are carved with lifelike images.

The stone pillars standing side by side look very ancient, as if they have gone through endless years, and a very primitive atmosphere blows against your face.

Next to the door that looks like an archway, there stands a stone tablet dozens of meters high.

It looks like a mountain shaped like a giant sword.

And it exudes a very strong aura.

There are even wisps of fairy-like clouds and mist that are continuously emanating from it.

The flawless white clouds and mist drifted towards the surroundings.

Some float upward, eventually blending into the clouds and mist above.

Some seemed to be blown by the wind and scattered around.

In short, it seems that precisely because of the existence of this stone tablet, there is a scene like a fairyland on earth in the entire mountain range.

The middle-aged man had just reached the end of the stairs and climbed onto the vast platform. His eyes instantly looked at the stone tablet in front of the stone gate.

"It seems that everything has not exceeded my previous expectations. With the existence of this spiritual gathering stone, in just a few years, the spiritual energy of heaven and earth between the entire mountain range has become more than a hundred times richer."

Before actually returning here, the middle-aged man had already felt the spiritual changes within the mountain range.

Compared with before, the intensity of the spiritual energy of heaven and earth at this time has increased by more than a hundred times.

Maybe other top sect territories with spirit gathering stones are just like this.

At this time, most of the spiritual energy between the mountains has condensed into substance and turned into a spiritual liquid state.

Of course, there is also the spiritual energy of heaven and earth that has just been emitted from the spirit-gathering stone, which is still in a gaseous state, like clouds and mist covering the entire mountain range.

Even though he had expected it in his heart, the middle-aged man was still extremely surprised by the changes in the entire mountain range in just a few years.

"Little girl, this is our sect, and this is your home in the future."

Looking at the hugely changed sect territory in front of him, the middle-aged man slowly said to the little girl next to him!

At this time, the little girl can be regarded as following the middle-aged man, passing the entrance examination, and truly entering the sect.

The scene in front of her naturally made the little girl who had never seen much of the world feel very surprised and admired.

This is exactly what she imagined,

The true sect of the Immortal Family.

At this time, what the middle-aged man said has undoubtedly confirmed that she will become a member of this ancient sect from now on.

And the most important thing is that from this moment on, her future destiny will completely change from before.

Looking up at the tall sect and the wide square in front of her, although there was no one among them, the little girl still felt very excited in her heart.

But soon, the little girl felt an inexplicable aura attracting her.

She followed the aura that attracted her inexplicably and saw the stone tablet that was tens of meters high and stood in front of the sect.

And that inexplicable attractive aura emanated from that stone tablet.

The little girl's originally excited heart was filled with doubts because of this special attraction.

She didn't understand why there seemed to be some aura in that stone tablet that was attracting her to get closer.

However, before she could get close to the stone tablet and feel this special attraction, the middle-aged man had already spoken again.

"Okay, now you have passed the entrance examination perfectly, so now, let's go in!"

The middle-aged man said something to the little girl calmly, then took the little girl's hand for the first time and walked towards the interior of the sect in front.

Although the little girl is still very curious about why the stone tablet attracts her.

But now that the middle-aged man has said this, she naturally has no way to really get close to the stone monument and feel it carefully.

Therefore, she could only take a few more glances at the strange stone tablet, and then followed the middle-aged man into the sect obediently.

The middle-aged man didn't care about the little girl's strangeness.

After all, at such a young age, it was normal for her to suddenly come into a strange environment and be curious about certain things.

And in fact, the middle-aged man's heart at this time is not exactly as calm as his face shows, but there is also a trace of uncontrollable excitement.

Although he returned to the sect a few years ago last time, due to the spirit-gathering stone, he never had time to truly enter the sect. He returned to the secular world again because he was looking for a way to limit the spirit-gathering stone. in the world.

Until this time, he returned to the sect again and truly entered the sect.

Feeling that the sect's territory had a long destiny and seemed to be able to stand forever, he couldn't help but feel very excited about it.

Moreover, feeling the little girl who followed him back to the sect next to him, the middle-aged man's mood instantly became better.

The little girl has shown incredible cultivation aptitude before, although it is still unclear whether she can replace him and recreate the glorious scenes of the sect's past.

But at least, her qualifications can make her practice smoothly.

Even if he is no longer alive in hundreds or even thousands of years, the little girl's strength at that time is enough to succeed him and pass on the sect.

In this way, the middle-aged people are already very satisfied.

After all, before he obtained the Spirit Gathering Stone, he even thought extremely pessimistically that the sect, which had been passed down by his family for thousands of years, would be completely destroyed in his generation.

American comics begin to travel across the heavens

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