Marvel Began Shuttling the Heavens

Chapter 1238 8 hexagram compass

At this time, after the middle-aged man discovered that the little girl had extraordinary qualifications, he naturally felt more looking forward to the little girl's future achievements.

But now, for middle-aged people, there is one more important thing to do.

He took the little girl into the sect's territory and came to the broad square.

The middle-aged man suddenly stopped and turned around.

"Now, it's time to completely limit the spiritual energy released by the spirit gathering stone within the scope of the sect!"

The middle-aged man has not forgotten that what he has done in the past few years is to find the huge spiritual energy that completely limits the release of the spirit gathering stone.

At this time, when he returned to the sect, he had naturally found a way to completely limit the large amount of spiritual energy released by the spirit gathering stone.

Although a few years have passed, with the large amount of spiritual energy released by the spirit-gathering stone, the intensity of the spiritual energy in the entire mountain range has increased greatly.

However, according to the middle-aged man's estimation, the richness of the spiritual energy at this time would make it difficult to completely break through the constraints of the surrounding spirit gathering array he had set up before.

Therefore, it stands to reason that there is no great need for middle-aged people to urgently arrange means to completely limit the spiritual energy of the spirit gathering stone at this time.

But now that he has returned to the sect and has found a way to restrict the spirit gathering stone, there is no need for the middle-aged man to wait any longer.

So he decided to directly use the method he found that could limit the large amount of spiritual energy released by the spirit gathering stone, so as to avoid any unexpected situations caused by long nights and dreams.

At this time, the middle-aged man no longer hesitated and took the little girl to the broad square of the sect.

He didn't make much movement after that. Just as he flipped his hands, something that looked like a disk suddenly appeared in his hand.

The diameter of the disk is only about three inches, and it is dark red in color. It looks like it is made of a piece of aged mahogany, but it is difficult to grasp with only one hand.

Fortunately, this disk is floating on the middle-aged man's palm, and is slowly rotating, as if it is exuding a very wonderful breath and energy.

At the moment when the disk appeared, Li Yue, who was feeling very bored not far away, couldn't help but focus on the special disk that the middle-aged man suddenly took out.

In Li Yue's perception, he clearly found that there were golden lines on the wooden disk, which were divided into several parts like the annual rings of trees.

And among the annual rings, there are various strange symbols engraved on them.

Overall, it seems to be very messy.

However, there seems to be some strange pattern amidst the chaos.

From the overall view of the disc, it is carved, more like a Taoist Bagua pattern.

However, according to Li Yue's memory of the Bagua patterns on the earth, they are still different from what is depicted on the disk in the middle-aged man's hand!

Of course, they are generally the same. The only difference is some details and the special symbols on them. They are not symbols that have ever appeared on the earth. They seem to be more unique to this world. symbol.

At this moment, Li Yue couldn't help but feel very curious. What could this thing that the middle-aged man took out, which could be called the Bagua Compass for the time being, do?

And soon, Li Yue's curiosity was answered.

Although this Bagua compass may not be as "authentic" as on earth.

But there is no doubt that the Bagua compass in this world can exert special power that the Bagua compass on earth cannot exert at all.

I saw the middle-aged man releasing a stream of true energy towards the Bagua compass floating in his hand.

The next moment, the Bagua Compass, which was still turning slowly but still looked like a dead object, seemed to suddenly come to life at this moment.

Like a mechanical roulette wheel being activated, it began to rotate "click-click-click"!


The Bagua compass no longer keeps the whole body turning in one direction.

Instead, along the golden threads, it seemed to be divided into dozens of different components, which began to rotate in different directions and even at inconsistent speeds.

Then, the golden symbols carved in it also began to emit a dazzling golden light.

And as the circles of components like annual rings continued to rotate, they soon started from the center area and gradually stopped.

And the outer part, which is like a circle of annual rings, gradually stops as the central area stops.

Judging from the golden strange symbols arranged in the stopped area, it seems that they have been arranged according to some special rules.

In less than a few breaths, the outermost area of ​​the Bagua Compass also stopped.

The next moment, all the golden symbols on the compass burst out with an even more dazzling golden light.

Even from the Bagua Compass, a golden beam of light shot straight into the sky was instantly released.

Golden light pillars soared into the sky and were clearly visible hundreds of kilometers away, as if a rare treasure from heaven and earth had appeared.

Fortunately, there is no one within hundreds of miles of the mountain range, so no one has noticed this strange phenomenon in the sky and earth, which is like a rare treasure appearing.

The golden beam of light that shot straight into the sky lasted for several breaths before finally slowly dissipating.

At this time, the Bagua Compass, which was still shining with golden light in the middle-aged man's hand, slowly escaped from the middle-aged man's control and began to float into the air.

Moreover, as the Bagua Compass floated, the compass, which was originally only about the size of a palm, began to rise rapidly in the wind.

In just a few breaths, the size of the Bagua Compass was enough to cover the entire wide square.

However, the compass at this time has transformed from a solid body into a compass shadow, floating in the air dozens of meters above the ground, as if covering the entire square.

In the shadow of the Bagua Compass, golden lines and symbols seemed to be exuding very strange energy and aura.

Soon, when the shadow of the Bagua Compass had completely risen to a position higher than the entire mountain range, the shadow of the Bagua Compass had grown to a very huge level with the wind.

It almost blocked out the sky and the sun, completely covering a radius of dozens of kilometers beyond the entire mountain range.

The next moment, countless spiritual energy seemed to be attracted by the golden eight-stranded compass shadow, and began to rapidly gather towards the shadow, and then was absorbed.

The already shining Bagua Compass phantom is becoming more shining as the amount of spiritual energy it absorbs continues to grow.

The next moment, the golden compass shadow seemed to have finally absorbed enough spiritual energy.

Suddenly, with lightning speed, it covered the entire mountain range.

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