Marvel Began Shuttling the Heavens

Chapter 1240 Small World Tree

It is naturally conceivable that even if someone discovered the existence of the small world, they would not dare to truly covet the things in the small world.

After all, a small world that requires the combination of many powerful people to open up is naturally not an existence that ordinary people dare to covet.

When the time comes to anger the owner of the small world, he will die without knowing how.

Of course, this solution is naturally a better solution for the situation faced by middle-aged people.

However, it also has obvious shortcomings.

In addition to having a stronger ability to isolate from the outside world like a barrier, the creation and construction of a small world is not something that middle-aged people can accomplish alone.

After all, with the middle-aged man's strength, even activating a sect formation would require almost all of his strength.

And opening up a small world, which is countless times more difficult than setting up formations, is naturally not something that middle-aged people can accomplish alone.

Although, with the middle-aged man's connections and background, he can definitely use some treasures to win over some strong men of the same level to help him and open up a small world together.

It's a pity that if you do this, it will undoubtedly expose the middle-aged man's possession of the Spirit Gathering Stone.

In the world of cultivation, the principles that need to be paid attention to are that strength is respected and the weak are no different than ants.

Just never trust anyone, not even your friends.

Of course, this may be a bit too arbitrary, but the fact is basically the same.

In this world of cultivation, every cultivator is going against heaven and competing with heaven for his fate.

If your talent and luck are not strong enough, your cultivation speed will definitely not be very fast.

It is even possible that when you have reached the limit of your life, you still have not broken through to the next level, and you can only die in depression.

Therefore, sometimes, when you and your friends are lucky enough to find some precious treasures of heaven and earth, you'd better not be immersed in the excitement.

Because maybe the friend who lived and died with you before will directly choose to betray you at the next moment and give you a fatal blow in the back.

In short, in this cultivation world full of intrigues, it is best to be more vigilant at all times.

Only in this way can you live longer and have the opportunity to truly transcend the mundane world and ascend to immortality.

As veterans who have been through the world for a long time, middle-aged people naturally understand the principle of keeping wealth hidden.

Therefore, the middle-aged man did not choose this method of finding other people to cooperate and create a small world together to isolate the entire sect from the outside world.

Since this plan is also rejected by the middle-aged people, what the middle-aged people can do is to choose another plan that is safer and will not reveal the secret of their possession of the Spirit Gathering Stone.

Of course, while ensuring that one is not exposed, the chosen plan should be better.

Therefore, after careful consideration, the middle-aged man chose the current solution.

In fact, although this plan is not as direct as the plan of directly opening up a small world.

However, it is not possible to find out too much about the role it can play.

At this time, all the areas covered by the huge Bagua shadow have formed a different time and space.

Although it can be connected to the outside world, it is not completely connected to the outside world.

At least at this time, the spiritual energy of heaven and earth in the inner space and time cannot flow to the outer time and space.

Moreover, although the effect of this plan may be in terms of isolation, it cannot be compared with opening up a small world and completely isolating it from the outside world.

But it is much better than using a barrier to isolate the outside world.

Moreover, this method is highly concealed and difficult to detect.

In the peripheral time and space, it is even more difficult to find the different situations in time and space within the sect.

Of course, the most important reason why the middle-aged man finally chose this option after careful consideration was that this method would not reveal the secret of his possession of the Spirit Gathering Stone!


This method is also far more difficult than creating a simple enchantment.

It's even more complicated than actually opening up a small world.

Because the essence of this plan is actually similar to truly opening up a small world.

However, this small world has become a different time and space from the outside world, but it is not truly completely isolated from the outside world like the small world.

Sometimes it is easier to completely separate one thing into two things.

But if you want to make the same thing take on two different forms without completely separating it, it is even more difficult to do.

At this time, the plan chosen by the middle-aged man is more complicated than actually opening up a small world precisely because of this.

First of all, in order to create the small Bagua formation disk that the middle-aged man took out before, it is a very difficult thing, and it is also the most important step in the entire plan.

It can be said unceremoniously that the Bagua array is all the prerequisite for completing the entire plan just now.

As I said before, opening up a small world requires multiple powerful practitioners to work together to achieve it.

And making this Bagua array is even more difficult than opening up a small world.

First of all, making the Bagua Formation Disk also requires finding multiple powerful practitioners, and they must be practitioners who are proficient in the formation method.

These cultivators who are proficient in formations are needed because they need to use their own strength to imprint their understanding of formations and application skills on a formation disk.

Moreover, in order to prevent the person who made this array from understanding the weaknesses of this array,

Therefore, it often takes several strong men who are proficient in formations to improve and supplement the formation in turn.

Secondly, since it needs to carry the understanding of the formation by multiple experts, the materials used in the formation disk itself cannot be ordinary materials.

After all, even if a cultivator who is proficient in formations only uses the power of spiritual consciousness to carve out a formation, it is not something that ordinary materials can withstand.

Therefore, the middle-aged man spent a lot of time and energy looking for materials that could carry the spiritual consciousness of many formation masters.

Fortunately, in the end, the hard work paid off, and the middle-aged man finally found a material that could carry the power of the spiritual consciousness of many formation masters after spending a lot of money.

This is a special kind of wood. It is actually a piece of special wood taken from a tree called the "Small World Tree".

The so-called "Small World Tree" is actually a special kind of tree that grows in the Small World.

It's just that opening up a small world is not easy. Even in ancient times, only some large sects had the strength to open up a small world and completely isolate their sects from the outside world.

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