Marvel Began Shuttling the Heavens

Chapter 1241 Controlling Time

Of course, not every small world can grow a "small world tree".

But only in the small world that has become desolate and completely devoid of any human beings or creatures, because a large amount of heaven and earth spiritual energy has gathered, and nourished by the huge heaven and earth spiritual energy, it is possible to grow the legendary "small world tree". ".

Although, from ancient times to the present, the number of small worlds that have been opened up is not tens of thousands, but thousands.

But the small worlds that still exist today and have become deserted are very rare.

And in such a small world that is already very rare, the existence that can truly grow a "small world tree" is naturally even rarer.

Therefore, every time a once desolate small world in the cultivation world is discovered, it will arouse the covetousness of countless cultivators.

There may be a "small world tree" among them.

Of course, some people may wonder, since the chance of discovering the Small World Tree is so small, why not transplant the discovered "Small World Tree" to other newly opened small worlds, so that it can be cultivated in large quantities? ?

In fact, someone once thought of doing this.

However, it was discovered that even if the entire Little World Tree was completely uprooted, it would wither instantly the moment it left the small world where it grew, and no matter what method was used, it would not be able to be resurrected again.

Later, after a long period of research, the practitioners also discovered that the reason why the "Little World Tree" only grows in small worlds that have existed for a long time and have become deserted.

In addition to the fact that the small world that has existed for a long time is filled with the huge spiritual energy of heaven and earth, it is also because the small world will continue to generate a special power of time and space after it has existed for a long time.

The Little World Tree was actually seeded by the power of these births of time and space, supplemented by a large amount of pure spiritual energy from heaven and earth, and then gradually grew.

The moment you leave the small world where it once grew, without the supplement of the power of time and space, the small world tree will instantly wither and die directly.

However, even the dead Small World Tree still has extremely powerful effects and functions.

For cultivators, even a small piece of wood from the Small World Tree is very precious and difficult to obtain.

The reason why the Little World Tree is so precious is that its growth conditions are very harsh and its existence is extremely rare.

Naturally, it is also inseparable from the powerful effects and effects it can produce.

The birth and growth of the Small World Tree requires the continuous power of time and space provided by the Small World.

Therefore, the Small World Tree itself has a special space-time attribute.

Even if it is just a small piece of wood from the Small World Tree, it contains a very huge power of time and space, which can open up a special time and space with a limited scope but independent of the entire world in the entire world.

Although this time and space may not be comparable to a real small world, it has many functions that are not available in small worlds.

That is, in this special time and space that has been opened up, you can not only easily control the power of the surrounding heaven and earth, but you can even control the time power of this time and space to a certain extent.

That's right, as long as you have the materials of the Small World Tree, you can simply master the ability to control the flow of time in the special time and space formed by the materials of the Small World Tree.

This is undoubtedly a very powerful ability.

This means that if you own a piece of Small World Tree material, you can experience more cultivation time in the special time and space formed by the Small World Tree material than in the outside world.

For example, only one day has passed in the outside world, but in your time and space, two days or even longer may have passed.

And such a powerful ability,

It is also what many practitioners dream of.

Therefore, even a small piece of World Tree material can only form a small area of ​​special time and space, and the scope may only be tens or hundreds of square meters.

Even the upper limit of the time flow rate that can be controlled is not very high, only about one to a few.

But this kind of ability still makes countless people feel extremely yearned for!

Because even if the time flow rate is only twice that of the outside world, it also means that one has twice as much practice time as others.

The speed of strength improvement is naturally twice that of others.

Often, this doubled cultivation speed is enough for a cultivator with lower talent to catch up with a cultivator with higher talent than him.

Because so far, there are very few ancient small worlds that have been found to have grown small world trees, and they are even rarer than the number of spirit gathering stones that have been discovered.

Fortunately, a small world tree that grows is much taller and denser than ordinary trees.

Therefore, the amount of useful wood that a small world tree can produce is quite impressive.

However, even so, even if the wood of the Small World Tree is only the size of a fingernail, it will cause a small-scale disturbance in the cultivation world.

After all, even a small piece of World Tree wood the size of a fingernail is enough to create a special space-time of several cubic meters.

And this is enough for one person to practice.

Just a piece of Small World Tree wood the size of a fingernail can arouse the covetousness of countless practitioners.

This shows how precious this wood is.

And if a middle-aged man can get a palm-sized piece, you can imagine the huge price he paid.

Moreover, in terms of materials, it is only the easiest part of this plan.

Although it is very precious in the world of cultivation, it still has a price after all.

After all, although the wood of the Little World Tree has the ability to construct special time and space and speed up the flow of time, this ability only has a better effect on some younger and less talented practitioners.

For top cultivators like middle-aged people, whose strength has reached a certain level, and who are busy practicing, it is better to experience the world of mortals and gain a better understanding of life, the effect of this material has been infinitely weakened.

After all, the only beings with this level of strength are those with extraordinary talents and unparalleled qualifications.

Most of them have poor talent and rely on long-term accumulation and practice to finally become the top cultivators.

For them, who don't have much longevity to begin with, and whose life span is approaching, speeding up the flow of time is comparable to wasting their few lives.

Therefore, this small world tree material that can adjust the flow of time in a special space is more popular among low-level practitioners.

But for top practitioners who have reached a certain level of strength, it is not that important.

It is precisely because of this that middle-aged people can get a piece as big as a palm and use it as a material to depict the Bagua array.

American comics begin to travel across the heavens

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