Marvel Began Shuttling the Heavens

Chapter 1244 Tempering the Soul

It takes a genius to remember the address of this website in one second: [ ] Fastest update! No ads! However, Li Yue's situation at this time is different from that of practitioners in this world. Li Yue does not need to absorb the spiritual energy of heaven and earth into his body and then perform special purification before he can use it to enhance the strength of his soul. .

Because even if it is just a special clone of Li Yue's previous overall consciousness, its strength has completely exceeded the soul strength of the Yuanying realm in this world.

However, what Li Yue wants to achieve is to truly leave the body and travel the world with his soul, but it is much more difficult than for practitioners in this world.

After all, the practitioners in this world all exist in the form of physical bodies. Only Li Yue is a stone.

It is naturally much more difficult for him to achieve an out-of-body experience than for others.

However, although it is difficult, it is not impossible to complete.

As Li Yue continued to increase the strength of his soul in the past ten years or so.

The strength of his soul finally underwent a fundamental change at this moment.

Li Yue's soul seemed to have become an independent consciousness at this time.

It's like the soul and consciousness before existed in a state of chaos, and could only survive normally by being attached to something.

But from this moment on, my soul seemed to have the ability to "shape myself."

The soul itself has formed a special consciousness.

It is not just limited to the body in order to survive normally.

Li Yue had a very special feeling, as if his soul could still exist normally even if it separated from this body.

You can even "shape" your invisible soul into the shape of your original body.

This is a very special and wonderful feeling, which makes Li Yue feel that his soul is no longer just in harmony with himself.

Rather, it has been able to achieve some form of integration with the surrounding world.

It's as if there is some special consciousness between heaven and earth that recognizes the qualification of one's soul to exist alone.

this moment,

Li Yue seemed to suddenly remember that in the past nearly ten years, he had consciously or unconsciously used his own perception to observe the cultivation process of middle-aged people.

Ten years ago, Li Yue truly determined the realm of middle-aged people when they were practicing.

As for whether the division of realms in this world is exactly the same as that described in the novels about cultivating immortals, Li Yue doesn't know yet!

But according to the situation shown by the other party, it should be very similar to the Nascent Soul realm in the immortal cultivation novel that Li Yue read before.

The Nascent Soul realm may not be considered too high a realm in some novels where people can easily overcome tribulations and become immortals.

But if you put it in the real world, you will find that the Nascent Soul realm is already very powerful.

At least, in Li Yue's view, the strength of middle-aged people in the Yuanying realm is comparable to that of Superman in the film and television world.

Moreover, this is just a normal display of strength. If coupled with its various special abilities, it can completely defeat even the supermen in the film and television world.

So from this point of view, we can already imagine how powerful the immortal cultivators in the Nascent Soul realm are.

At least, using the power of modern technology, it is almost difficult to threaten a practitioner with such power.

Li Yue determined that the middle-aged man was in the Nascent Soul realm at this time, but in fact it was not of much use to Li Yue.

But the situation that really made Li Yue feel that it was helpful to him was when he felt the other party's cultivation situation.

As I have said before, in this world, only after reaching the Nascent Soul realm can one directly absorb the spiritual energy of heaven and earth without any scruples to enhance one's soul power.

However, not everyone has the ability to directly absorb the energy of heaven and earth to enhance the strength of their soul.

After all, there are still many impurities in the spiritual energy of heaven and earth floating between heaven and earth.

If you directly absorb the miscellaneous spiritual energy of heaven and earth to strengthen your soul, although cultivators who have reached the Nascent Soul realm can already bear it.

However, it will cause irreparable damage to one's own soul, causing one's originally very pure soul to become full of impurities, causing huge difficulties and obstacles to breaking through to the next realm.

In fact, the key to breaking through the Nascent Soul realm to the next level lies in continuously increasing the strength of the soul, but also in constantly removing impurities in the soul, and finally reaching the point where the Nascent Soul can separate from the body and the soul can still exist independently after leaving the body.

This cultivation method almost coincides with what Li Yue wants to achieve at this time.

However, in this world, this cultivation process that ultimately aims to achieve the separation of the Nascent Soul from the body and the soul from the body has become a unique cultivation system.

But Li Yue relied on his soul consciousness to be strong enough to force and practice recklessly.

Although, considering Li Yue's very powerful soul strength, absorbing the spiritual energy of heaven and earth full of impurities to strengthen his soul will not damage the origin of his soul.

But there is no doubt that under certain circumstances, one's soul becomes less pure than before.

This also hindered Li Yue from achieving the goal of being able to leave his body under certain circumstances.

Therefore, Li Yue understood at that time that he had to change his cultivation method.

While constantly increasing the strength of your soul, you must also be careful not to accumulate too many impurities in your soul, and learn a method to remove impurities from your soul.

For Li Yue at this time, now that he has understood that the impurities in his soul must be removed, it will be easier for him to successfully achieve an out-of-body experience.

Then he naturally has nothing to hesitate and is ready to directly refer to the cultivation methods used by middle-aged people to help him get rid of the impurities in his soul.

For Li Yue, who has extremely powerful perception, it is naturally very easy to fully understand the middle-aged people's cultivation methods.

Even though, at this time, Li Yue didn't know what the other party's spiritual energy movement meant and what effect it had.

But Li Yue knew very well that he didn't need to fully understand this method, he just needed to follow the instructions.

Anyway, his soul strength is strong enough, and he can let Li Yue continue to toss without any accidents.

In fact, although Li Yue's method of copying the gourd and drawing the scoop was a bit simple and reckless, it did have a very good effect.

Following the methods of middle-aged people to strengthen their souls and cleanse their souls of impurities, Li Yue also created a cultivation method that was more efficient for him.

The result was that not only did Li Yue's soul strengthen faster than before, he could even clearly feel that his soul was becoming more and more pure as it continued to strengthen.

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