Marvel Began Shuttling the Heavens

Chapter 1245 Soul Travel

Until this time, Li Yue finally felt that the essence of his soul had undergone some unique changes in the process of continuously strengthening his soul and washing away the impurities in his soul.

It was as if there was a sudden attraction from the outside world that was only aimed at his soul, as if it was attracting his soul and was about to break through his body and rush out of his body.

This gravitational pull from the outside world, which only targets the soul, seems to be getting stronger.

Soon, as time passed, Li Yue even seemed to feel a little unable to resist.

For Li Yue, this special feeling suddenly appeared, although he was very surprised!

But Li Yue did not hesitate too much, because he clearly understood that this was not a bad thing for him, but on the contrary, it was a great good thing.

Because the generation of this attraction means that his soul can finally truly leave his body that cannot move freely.

And exists alone in the surrounding space.

This also means that after more than ten years of continuous practice, Li Yue finally gained the ability to leave his body and travel around the world as a soul.

This naturally made Li Yue feel very excited and excited.

I even feel a little impatient.

"However, although this moment comes so suddenly, I still have to stay calm. After all, we have reached this moment, and the next situation is also very important. Try not to have any unexpected situations!"

Although Li Yue felt extremely excited and excited to achieve his goal at this time, Li Yue soon calmed himself down.

He knew that the more critical moments like this, the more important it was to keep calm, otherwise unexpected surprises might occur.

Although even if an accident does occur, it will not cause truly irreparable harm to Li Yue.

But if accidents can be avoided, that is naturally the best situation.

Soon, the surrounding space became more and more attractive to Li Yue's soul, as if it was irresistible.

Of course, Li Yue didn't want to resist this feeling.

Therefore, Li Yue's soul, following the gravitational pull of the surrounding space on itself, began to slowly move upward within itself, as if it was about to break away from itself and rush out of the body.

Slowly, Li Yue's soul seemed to be supported by a gentle hand and moved upward.

It seemed like a century had passed, and it seemed like it was just a moment.

Suddenly, as if the moment his soul left his body, Li Yue felt that his entire soul had undergone a wonderful change!

Li Yue's soul suddenly felt like he had gained a field of vision from the darkness and nothingness around him before.

It's like a person who has been blind for a long time suddenly regains his sight.

It was as if the narrow field of vision in his eyes suddenly became wider.

It was as if the world that had once been devoid of life suddenly came to life in his eyes, full of vitality and vitality.

Everything, as Li Yue's soul left his body, could be clearly "seen" by him.

Although, this is not the feeling of truly looking at your surroundings.

Rather, it is better to use strong mental power and perception to perceive the surrounding sensations in all directions.

But there is a completely different feeling, as if the world that I had perceived with my mental power and perception before was a lifeless world without any vitality.

The world I feel at this moment is an extremely real world full of details.

It's as if my own feelings have a unique sublimation.

It seems that the whole person is integrated with the surrounding world, experiencing a state of unity between man and nature.

Li Yue could even feel the breeze floating between the mountains.

Feel the rich aura of heaven and earth blowing in the wind.

Feel the direction of the flow of various breaths around you.

Li Yue's soul seemed to be slowly being pulled upwards by a strange force.

It's like a hot air balloon rising gradually.

The view below gradually becomes wider.

The surrounding environment and breath flow, becoming more real and clear.

At this moment, Li Yue felt like he was addicted to this wonderful state and couldn't extricate himself.

It seems like this moment lasts forever.

Although the wonderful feeling made Li Yue feel addicted.

But he knew that this was not the best time to indulge in this moment.

Because at this time his soul finally left the body that could not move freely.

What he needs to do now is to reshape a unique form for his soul after leaving his body.

And this form is still relatively important for Li Yue in the future, because the soul form created at this time may be the form he will use to wander around the world in the future.

Li Yue has achieved his goal of soul leaving his body.

And then, it’s time to focus on shaping another “self”.

This process is like the transformation process of certain monsters and spirits after reaching a certain level of cultivation.

In legends, whether it is a monster that has opened its spiritual intelligence, or a spirit that can absorb the aura of heaven and earth, and the essence of the sun and moon.

They all need to experience a kind of transformation after reaching a certain level in their own cultivation.

If you successfully survive it, you can change your image, break away from your previous physical form, transform into a human being, and walk around the world like a real human being.

Of course, the reason why various monsters and spirits strive to transform into human form.

It's because according to legend, man is the spirit of all things.

In human form, it is easier to integrate into the human world.

For Li Yue at this time, his previous soul had no form, just like a ball of chaotic matter.

But at this moment, when his soul can leave the body and exist on its own, what Li Yue needs to consider is to reshape his soul form.

For Li Yue, who was originally a human being, naturally he had to choose a human form to reshape his soul.

At this time, the process of reshaping the soul is not difficult.

It was a chaotic soul before. For Li Yue, it was naturally easier to shape it into the form he wanted.

It's like plasticine that can be pulled and kneaded at will.

Li Yue can follow his heart and form the shape and form he wants at will.

Therefore, the moment Li Yue wanted to reshape his soul, the shape of his soul had already changed along with his inner thoughts.

The next moment, the soul consciousness that was originally like a mass of chaos instantly turned into a normal figure.

Although when the silhouette is just formed, it may look a little blurry.

But soon, the blurry figures began to solidify.

Upon closer inspection, there is almost no difference between this figure and Li Yue's own figure.

However, the figure condensed by the soul at this time looks very illusory.

American comics begin to travel across the heavens

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