Marvel Began Shuttling the Heavens

Chapter 1247 Another breakthrough

After ten years of training, a person with ordinary qualifications may not be able to break through even the basic level of Qi training.

After all, the speed of cultivation sometimes comes from many aspects, but qualification is an extremely important aspect.

When the little girl came here, her qualifications were not outstanding and were very ordinary.

But when she actually came to the sect, she showed an astonishing aptitude that made the middle-aged people look askance.

However, in the eyes of middle-aged people, the reason why the little girl did not show her extraordinary talents until she came to the sect was because she had hidden talents.

But this is not the case. It was all because of Li Yue that the little girl with ordinary qualifications had a huge physical change after integrating the essence of the earth veins in the mountains.

What also changed along with it was the little girl's originally very ordinary qualifications.

This change doesn't just change the little girl's qualifications.

And it changed her physique.

Because it is the essence of the earth's veins that is integrated with this mountain range, the little girl seems to have a weak connection with this mountain range.

Although this weak connection did not bring any great use to the little girl at the beginning.

But it is still very helpful to the little girl.

First of all, in the mountains, the little girl's cultivation speed is very fast.

And there will be almost no bottlenecks in the realm.

And these are all because of her wonderful connection with the mountains.

It can be said that when the little girl was practicing, this mountain range seemed to be helping her to break through quickly.

The rich aura of heaven and earth between the mountains seems to have an unparalleled affinity with the little girl.

He can be easily attracted to a little girl and then merge into her body.

Even middle-aged people find this situation a bit unbelievable when they first experience it.

Because even he himself cannot absorb the spiritual energy of the surrounding world so easily.

Even the absorption speed cannot be compared with that of a little girl.

However, after being shocked, the middle-aged man also attributed this unbelievable situation to the fact that the little girl had extraordinary qualifications.

In the eyes of middle-aged people, they may have more heaven-defying qualifications than themselves, but they are so relaxed when practicing!

The little girl's incredible talent allowed her to encounter almost no bottlenecks during her training.

Moreover, the speed of cultivation is also extremely fast, far exceeding that of ordinary people.

Even if they have very good qualifications, they still feel a bit incredible to the middle-aged people who have achieved the Nascent Soul realm after a hundred years of practice.

This shows how amazing the little girl's cultivation speed is.

In just ten years, the little girl went from knowing nothing about cultivation to now having completed the foundation building and is about to enter the path of becoming a true cultivator.

Such a fast cultivation speed almost puts countless practitioners to shame.

After all, in the entire world of cultivation, those who can reach the peak of Qi training in ten years are very rare.

What's more, in ten years, after crossing the realm of qi training, completing foundation building, and reaching the peak of foundation building, he is only one step away from the golden elixir realm where he can be called a strong person in the entire cultivation world.

Even for a middle-aged man, it took him nearly twenty years to reach this level.

Therefore, in terms of talent and qualifications, middle-aged people also feel inferior to the little girl's incredible qualifications.

Of course, this will not make the middle-aged man feel jealous, it will only make him teach his only disciple more carefully.

In the eyes of middle-aged people, perhaps this disciple whom he accepted unintentionally will most likely achieve more than himself in the future.

And because of the reason for the existence of the Spirit Gathering Stone, practicing in an environment full of rich spiritual energy, you may be able to truly reach the legendary realm, transcend tribulations, ascend, and enter the fairyland that countless practitioners dream of.

The middle-aged man has high expectations for his only disciple.

And the little girl lived up to the expectations of the middle-aged people.

Not only is his training speed astonishing, but he also has a high level of comprehension and understanding of the sword techniques passed down from middle-aged people.

After all, the middle-aged man majors in swordsmanship, and at this time, he has reached the extremely high state of integrating the human sword with his heart and wielding the sword with his heart.

What he can impart to his disciples is naturally his own knowledge of swordsmanship.

The little girl lived up to his expectations and quickly grasped the kendo knowledge taught to her by the middle-aged man.

In almost ten years, the middle-aged man had nothing to teach her.

Of course, this is not a little girl's kendo achievement, which has surpassed that of a middle-aged person.

It's because the art of swordsmanship itself focuses on understanding.

The middle-aged man has completely taught his swordsmanship to the little girl.

And the little girl also fully learned these sword skills.

However, the understanding of swordsmanship cannot be simply explained in ordinary language. It can only rely on one's own understanding and never-ending exploration.

The so-called master leads you through the door, but cultivation depends on the individual.

Next, the little girl will have to rely on herself to understand and practice the way of swordsmanship.

Although she is a daughter, the little girl is also very concerned about the way of swordsmanship.

Moreover, perhaps she has a strong swordsmanship talent, so she has a very high understanding of the swordsmanship and the realm of swordsmanship.

In just ten years, her swordsmanship has been approaching perfection, and the next direction is to explore the way of swordsmanship.

However, even though he has extremely high understanding, his cultivation time is still short after all.

Therefore, in these ten years, she has only perfected her swordsmanship and has just begun to explore the realm of swordsmanship.

At the same time, due to ten years of hard training, her realm has reached the perfection of foundation building. If she takes a further step, she can form a golden elixir and achieve true transcendence from the mortal world.

However, sometimes progress is too fast, which is not always a good thing. It can easily lead to an unstable foundation and affect future achievements.

Of course, with her incredible talents, she has no worries about her unstable foundation.

However, she still followed the middle-aged man's instructions and temporarily delayed her breakthrough in realm.

Put more energy into exploring the way of swordsmanship.

However, the understanding of the realm of swordsmanship is different from the practice of swordsmanship, and it is not something that can be completely determined by qualifications.

It’s not like you can make progress just by working hard all the time.

In addition to strong talent, it also requires an understanding of the way of the sword and the rules of heaven and earth.

Just now, she was practicing swordsmanship, hoping to truly understand the realm of swordsmanship.

But she was instantly attracted by the vision that appeared in the sky.

In fact, she seemed to feel a slight loosening of her realm in the vision in the sky!

American comics begin to travel across the heavens

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