Marvel Began Shuttling the Heavens

Chapter 1248 Spiritual Riot

After practicing hard for nearly ten years, her realm has reached a bottleneck state.

Although she is very confident, with her qualifications, she will never be completely hindered by such a bottleneck.

But she knew even more clearly that it would not be possible in a short time to truly break through this bottleneck.

After all, strictly speaking, this bottleneck can be regarded as the first real cultivation bottleneck she has encountered since she entered the path of cultivation.

Moreover, for cultivators, this bottleneck also hinders countless cultivators from continuing to move forward.

However, for many practitioners with excellent qualifications, the bottleneck of this realm cannot really prevent them from continuing to make progress.

For her, such a bottleneck cannot stop her from continuing to explore the path of cultivation.

Therefore, she has always been very confident that she can definitely break through this bottleneck and reach the next level of cultivation.

However, what she didn't expect at all was that the feeling of breakthrough came so quickly.

Feel the strange scene appearing in the sky.

She seemed to feel a very special and wonderful state in her heart.

It was as if the depths of his soul were attracted by the light group in the sky that looked like a blazing sun.

All the spiritual energy of heaven and earth contained in her body was pulled by some special force at this moment to start moving on its own.

And she seemed not to feel the special situation of the spiritual energy in her body at all, her attention was still completely attracted by the scene in the sky.

There was absolutely no control over the spiritual power that had begun to operate within his body.

In most cases, when the practitioner is not practicing, the spiritual power in the body is basically concentrated in the Dantian and will not wander around in the body.

Only some cultivators with truly heaven-defying qualifications can keep the spiritual power in their bodies functioning on their own under any circumstances.

Because of this, cultivators can absorb the surrounding spiritual energy of heaven and earth at all times to strengthen themselves.

And there are very few beings who can do this in the entire world of cultivation.

Even though she has extremely extraordinary talents, she cannot really let the spiritual power in her body operate according to the route of her practice without relying on her own consciousness.

Of course, under her conscious control, or when practicing sword skills, the spiritual power in her body will still operate on its own.

This is entirely the result of her incredible qualifications.

However, relatively speaking, this operating state can only be called a "semi-automatic" operating state.

But now, her attention and mind were almost completely attracted by the vision in the sky.

But in her body, the huge spiritual power seemed to be rioting, "raging" in her body.

If an ordinary practitioner encounters this situation, she may feel that she has fallen into a state of obsession and that her spiritual power is beyond her control.

But if there are advanced practitioners here, they will find that although the spiritual power in her body is running very violently, it seems that it is constantly raging in the meridians in her body.

However, the spiritual power that seemed to be constantly raging did not cause any damage to the meridians in her body.

Moreover, some of the meridians in her body that were not smooth before were gradually unblocked under the unconscious operation of spiritual power at this time.

The huge spiritual energy was divided into several strands of spiritual power, which were constantly impacting in her body like a spreading river.

This is not an operating situation that only occurs during normal cultivation.

But it seems to contain some special rules.

The huge spiritual energy seems to be able to break through all obstacles.

Even the meridians in her body that had no spiritual power flowing through before were now easily dredged by the huge spiritual power.

In just a few moments, she almost achieved the achievement of "all the meridians in her body being connected".

And after all the meridians in her body were washed away.

The spiritual power that keeps raging,

It seemed that it had lost the power to continue its impact and began to gradually gather towards her Dantian.

At this moment, the rich spiritual energy of heaven and earth around him seemed to be activated instantly.

The huge spiritual energy of heaven and earth was gathered in an instant and concentrated in her body.

Countless spiritual energy from heaven and earth seemed to be continuously integrated into her limbs and bones, and then began to converge towards her Dantian with the spiritual energy that was still running along the meridians in her body.

The huge spiritual power originally contained in her Dantian seemed to have gathered into a lake.

Pure spiritual power is the water that fills the lake.

However, now, as the huge spiritual energy from the surrounding world continues to integrate into her body, and flows into the "lake" of spiritual power in her Dantian.

Gradually, the spiritual power lake in her Dantian was quickly completely filled with huge spiritual power.

However, the aura of heaven and earth that was constantly gathering towards her still showed no tendency to stop.

Instead, it seemed that the speed of integration into her body was getting faster and faster.

As we all know, the amount of water a lake can store is limited.

If the upper limit of storage is exceeded, the lake water will overflow outwards. Eventually, if too much lake water overflows, it may even cause damage to the surrounding environment.

At this time, this was the situation inside her body.

It seemed that the spiritual power that was constantly being integrated into her body had already exceeded the limit that the spiritual power lake in her Dantian could store.

Even a trace of spiritual power began to leak out uncontrollably, raging in her Dantian.

Even though she has extremely extraordinary qualifications, her Dantian's ability to suffer spiritual power shocks is far greater than that of ordinary practitioners.

However, if it is not controlled at this time, her Dantian will eventually be destroyed due to the constant raging and impacting spiritual power.

And the Dantian is the most important place for a cultivator. If the Dantian is damaged, it will undoubtedly cut off a person's cultivation path.

But at this moment, she was still looking at the sudden vision in the sky, as if she was completely unaware of the huge crisis in her body.

At this moment, her situation can be said to be very dangerous.

If the accident really happened, her Dantian would be destroyed by the violent spiritual power.

Eventually she even lost the qualification to continue practicing.

However, in this very dangerous situation, she still seemed to be completely unaware of the danger, and still ignored the spiritual power that was constantly raging in her body.

Her inaction seems to have further fueled the arrogance of raging spiritual energy.

Gradually, the spiritual power in her Dantian was no longer satisfied with the impact on the surrounding Dantian. Instead, it began to turn into a spiritual hurricane and began to wreak havoc even more violently.

At the moment when the spiritual hurricane formed, her Dantian seemed unable to withstand the raging spiritual power.

Scars appeared instantly!

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