Marvel Began Shuttling the Heavens

Chapter 1249 Vision Resonance

The most important part of a cultivator's Dantian is the place where a cultivator is the toughest, but also the most vulnerable.

It is said to be tough because it can gather the huge spiritual power absorbed by the cultivator.

It is said to be fragile because even if it encounters a small degree of spiritual impact, it may be damaged.

At this moment, the violent spiritual energy in the girl's dantian has turned into a spiritual hurricane, raging in it.

Her Dantian was even damaged by such violent violence.

Traces of scars appeared in her Dantian.

If she doesn't react at this time, the scars will continue to deepen as the spiritual power continues to wreak havoc.

In the end, it will not be completely over until the Dantian is broken and the spiritual power finds its outlet.

But by that time, the girl who has suffered irreparable damage to her Dantian may never have the chance to continue practicing in the future!

However, even though the consequences were so serious, the girl still seemed not to be aware of the crisis in her dantian, and still looked at the strange phenomena in the sky without even blinking.

And under her eyes, the vision in the sky slowly began to change.

In the center of the huge spiritual energy gathering, a golden shadow gradually emerged. It looked like a human figure, but it was a bit blurry upon closer inspection.

But soon, with the appearance of the golden shadow, the huge spiritual energy gathered around seemed to be attracted by a greater force, and instantly began to converge towards the golden shadow.

At this moment, the golden shadow seemed to be reborn from the ashes like a phoenix bathed in flames!

But the huge spiritual energy of heaven and earth that seemed to have gathered into a "sea of ​​fire" around him was completely swallowed up by the golden shadow in an instant.

But then, as if nothing had happened at all, a huge attraction emanated from the golden shadow again.

The huge attraction instantly attracted all the surrounding auras of heaven and earth, and suddenly converged towards the golden shadow!

Like surging waves, it rushes towards the golden shadow in the sky without hesitation.

Then, no matter how huge the spiritual energy of heaven and earth surges, it will be swallowed up completely by the golden shadow in an instant.

As it approaches, more spiritual energy from the surrounding world will be attracted again and rush towards the golden shadow.

Wave after wave, being completely swallowed up by the golden shadow.

And the golden shadow seemed to welcome all comers, no matter how huge the spiritual energy of heaven and earth gathered around it, not a trace remained.

And as the golden shadow continues to swallow the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, it itself is undergoing changes that are not very obvious.

The golden light it originally emitted was growing with the spiritual energy of heaven and earth it absorbed.

It seems as if the devoured spiritual energy of heaven and earth has been completely used as nutrients and is constantly nourishing itself.

Until, the golden light emanating from the golden shadow seemed to be able to shine on the entire world like the scorching sun.

At this moment, the golden shadow suddenly stopped swallowing the surrounding aura of heaven and earth as before.

Of course, at this time, the golden shadow did not completely give up on swallowing the spiritual energy of the surrounding world.

But it seems that it is devouring it in waves, as if it is not enough to satisfy him.

The next moment, a curtain of golden light spread out in the sky with a golden shadow as the center.

In almost a short moment, the golden light curtain completely covered the sky over the entire mountain range.

The next moment, the golden light curtain seemed to be driven by some strange force and began to rotate.

From slow to fast, a golden vortex was formed in almost an instant.

The surrounding aura of heaven and earth seemed to be completely pulled by this golden vortex,

They quickly gathered towards the golden shadow in the center.

Even the absent-minded girl below seemed to be affected by the changing shadows in the sky.

The situation that had been raging continuously in her Dantian, even forming a spiritual hurricane, suddenly changed.

It seems to have formed a special resonance with the vision in the sky.

Starting from the spiritual power "lake" in her Dantian that seemed to carry all her spiritual power, the filled spiritual power lake gradually began to rotate around the center of the spiritual power "lake".

This scene is just like the changes in the vision in the sky.

However, the vortex formed in the sky covered the entire mountain range and affected all the spiritual energy of the world within an area of ​​dozens of square kilometers.

However, the whirlpool formed by spiritual power in the girl's Dantian only covers the girl's Dantian, and can only affect and image the tiny area of ​​the girl's Dantian.

But that's enough.

Because at the moment when the spiritual power of the girl's Dantian turned into a spiritual whirlpool, the huge crisis that the girl's body originally encountered had been gradually disintegrated.

The spiritual power storm without power support was gradually disintegrated under the pull of the spiritual power vortex, and the hurricane collapsed, leaving only a large amount of spiritual power, which was pulled by the spiritual power vortex and rotated together.

And although the situation in the girl's Dantian seems to have been discovered for the better at this time, the violent spiritual power has been controlled.

However, the root cause has not improved. A large amount of spiritual energy from the surrounding world is still integrating into the girl's body.

Eventually it continued to flow into the girl's Dantian.

Although the basic situation in Dantian has improved, the root cause of all this has not changed.

Therefore, the girl's Dantian is still in danger.

Although the spiritual energy formed a whirlpool, it attracted the spiritual energy that continued to enter the Dantian.

There was no continued damage to Dantian due to excessive spiritual power.

But as more and more spiritual energy gathers in the dantian, and it becomes unbearable, it will eventually cause irreparable damage to the dantian.

And such a crisis did not arrive as slowly as expected.

Almost immediately, the spiritual energy of heaven and earth that the girl absorbed had filled her Dantian.

And even the spiritual energy vortex in the Dantian is constantly rotating, controlling the huge spiritual power around it.

But when the spiritual power is large enough, the ability to control the spiritual vortex is already very limited.

When the Dantian was completely filled with spiritual power, the spiritual energy of heaven and earth around the girl still did not stop and continued to integrate into the girl's body.

At this time, the spiritual power in her Dantian was already very full. If she continued to gather spiritual power, I am afraid that her Dantian would eventually be damaged due to the overwhelming spiritual power.

However, just when her Dantian was about to be damaged due to the excessive amount of spiritual energy absorbed, an unexpected situation happened again.

It seems that a large amount of spiritual power is accumulated and squeezed in the Dantian.

The spiritual power lake in the center of Dantian seemed to have changed. The originally liquid spiritual power was slowly being squeezed into a solid form.

American comics begin to travel across the heavens

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