Marvel Began Shuttling the Heavens

Chapter 1253 Li Yue’s help

Of course, this is also because Li Yue still cannot move freely during these ten years. He can only immerse himself in the process of transforming himself and cultivating his soul. He feels bored and does some things that make him interesting.

After all, even though the girl had previously mobilized the earth vein essence to fuse with her body, she had obtained extremely heaven-defying cultivation qualifications.

But how is it possible to not encounter any bottlenecks in the process of cultivation?

Of course, even if she really encounters a bottleneck, it only takes a short time to easily break through it and reach the next level.

However, the bored Li Yue took advantage of the girl's cultivation process and encountered a bottleneck that might hinder her for a period of time, and mobilized the surrounding aura of heaven and earth and the essence of earth veins to integrate into her body.

The sudden integration of the spiritual energy of heaven and earth and the essence of earth veins can instantly break through the bottleneck state she encountered, allowing her to break through to the next level in an instant.

The reason why Li Yue did this was not only out of boredom, but also because he wanted to help the girl.

After all, watching girls practicing around them every day is a special comfort to Li Yue, who is now very lonely.

Of course, Li Yue would not say that he actually preferred to see the shock shown by the middle-aged people when they saw the girl who had no bottlenecks and constantly broke through the realm of cultivation.

After all, maybe this middle-aged man who is not weak in strength has never seen a cultivator who has just reached a bottleneck in cultivation, but then breaks through the bottleneck in an instant and directly breaks through to the next realm.

Therefore, every time when a middle-aged man sees a girl making a breakthrough beyond his expectations, there won't be too many unexpected expressions on the middle-aged man's face when facing the girl.

But when the girl is not around, the middle-aged man's face will still show an expression of extreme surprise.

However, this kind of surprise almost made the middle-aged man a little numb after the girl continued to break the middle-aged man's understanding of the difficulty of cultivation.

Gradually, in the eyes of middle-aged people, the girl may be that kind of peerless cultivation genius, and she is a peerless genius who is completely unable to encounter cultivation bottlenecks.

This can't help but make middle-aged people feel a little envious in their hearts.

If he would not have encountered a bottleneck in his cultivation, then he would not have been stagnant at the peak realm of Yuanying for decades, and would have been unable to break through to the next realm!

Therefore, after nearly ten years of getting along, Li Yue and the girl had never really met each other.

But Li Yue is no stranger to girls.

And Li Yue's secret help in the girl's cultivation also made Li Yue feel a special sense of care for her.

However, at this time, Li Yue did not expect that when he was reshaping his soul body, he would involve the girl.

What's more, he didn't expect that the girl's mind would be attracted by the fluctuations in her soul reshaping and leave her body.

At this time, according to normal circumstances, since she was involved because of herself, Li Yue naturally had reason to help her mind return to his body.

And this was not a difficult thing for Li Yue at this time.

However, when faced with a girl who seemed to be in a state of ignorance, she didn't even know that her mind had separated from her body.

Li Yue suddenly had a special idea.

Perhaps, we can let her experience the feeling of leaving the body and traveling around the world.

After all, for a girl who is a cultivator, if no accident occurs, she will truly experience the feeling of her soul leaving her body in the near future.

Just like a middle-aged man who is in the breakthrough stage at this time.

At this time, Li Yue naturally felt another breath in the mountains.

Moreover, Li Yue, who was in a state of soul separation at this time, could feel the middle-aged man's aura more clearly.

He could even clearly feel that the other person's soul seemed to be affected by the reshaping of his soul just like the girl.

However, fortunately, the impact he had on both of them was positive.

Although the girl in front of her was attracted by the vision she had just created, she unknowingly left her body.

It seems like a bad thing.

But Li Yue clearly felt that compared to this incident, he had the greatest impact on the girl's body.

Li Yue clearly remembered that before, the girl's cultivation realm was still in the foundation-building stage.

Now, Li Yue could already feel the powerful aura contained in her body that was far more powerful than before.

You can also feel the round golden elixir in her Dantian.

This was enough for Li Yue to understand that maybe because of his influence, the girl had once again broken through her realm.

It has to be said that Li Yue feels as if he has become the girl's "experience package". His role in her is to help her break through faster.

Similarly, although it is a bit far away from here, Li Yue can still feel that the influence on the middle-aged people is also positive.

Because Li Yue could feel that the other party seemed to have a hint of a breakthrough.

In the past ten years, Li Yue, consciously or unconsciously, has learned something about the world's cultivation system and realm divisions from the middle-aged people.

In this world, everything seems to be the same as described in the most basic fairy tales.

The realm of cultivation is divided from the Qi training period at the beginning, to the foundation building period later, and then to the Golden elixir stage where the Golden elixir is formed.

Then comes the Nascent Soul stage when the golden elixir breaks into Nascent Soul, and then comes the out-of-body period where the Nascent Soul can leave the body and move freely.

Because the middle-aged man's previous state was at the peak of the Nascent Soul stage and is about to enter the out-of-body stage.

So he didn't mention the subsequent division of realms. I don't know if he didn't understand it, or he didn't want to mention it, lest the girl would be too ambitious.

However, although the middle-aged man did not say it, based on the novels about cultivating immortals that he was comfortable with before, Li Yue was able to guess that the next realm may be divided into transcending tribulation and achieving great ascension.

However, in the future, Li Yue's realm will be relatively far away, so there is no need for him to pay too much attention.

In short, at this time, Li Yue could feel that the bottleneck that had hindered middle-aged people for at least more than ten years was showing signs of a breakthrough.

The state after combining with Yuanying is the out-of-body state where the soul leaves the body. Li Yue can also think of the situation that may be caused by himself, which helps the middle-aged man feel the opportunity to break through his own state.

I have to say that sometimes, things seem to be connected somehow.

After all, Li Yue just didn't know that his spiritual breakthrough could also affect two other people in this mountain range.

However, fortunately this can be considered a good thing, otherwise Li Yue would have to take action to deal with the consequences of the image he caused.

American comics begin to travel across the heavens

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