It takes a genius to remember the address of this website in one second: [ ] Fastest update! No ads! "However, other issues can be discussed later. There is a problem in front of us that needs Li Yue to solve.

That was the girl's soul who was attracted by Li Yue's vision of reshaping her soul, and finally broke away from her body and appeared in front of Li Yue.

Although the girl appeared in a mental state at this time, and because her soul was not strong enough, the girl at this time did not have an accurate understanding of the situation she was in.

From her own point of view, it was as if she was having a special dream at this time. Maybe after her mind returned to her body and her consciousness woke up, she would completely forget about the situation at this time.

However, the premise of everything is that her soul can return to her body.

At this time, her state was like a soul that had been frightened and separated from her body.

Without help and guidance, it would be difficult for an ignorant soul to return to its own body on its own.

Fortunately, the world she lives in is not ordinary, and she has considerable strength. Even if her soul stays outside her body for a long time, it will not have much impact on herself.

Unlike ordinary people, after the soul leaves the body for a period of time, the body will quickly fall into a state of death.

Of course, facing the girl's soul leaving her body at this time, Li Yue had several options to deal with it.

The first is to take action yourself to help his soul return to his body.

The second is to ignore her current state and let her wander between the mountains. Anyway, the middle-aged man will discover the girl's abnormality and find a way to find her lost soul.

However, Li Yue would not choose the third method without having to think about it.

After all, even if he takes action, it won't be much trouble at all to let his soul return to his body.

What's more, this girl has nothing to do with him.

Naturally, we can't let her continue to get lost here without caring.

However, after considering so many things, the simplest choice Li Yue could make was to help her and let her temporarily lost soul return to his body.

But Li Yue didn't really choose to do this directly.

Because at this time Li Yue,

An other plan came to mind.

"I don't know if I can have some positive impact on her by taking her to travel around the world!"

At this time, Li Yue suddenly had a special thought in his heart.

After your soul has been reshaped and is strong enough to withstand the damage caused to you by the surrounding environment.

Li Yue couldn't help but want to leave the scope of the mountains and go to places farther away than his own perception to see the world.

Now, after Li Yue felt that the girl's soul was lost because of him, he had the experience of waiting for her to have her first soul leave the body and travel around the world.

Of course, Li Yue did this not without any purpose.

Because after all, this was the first time for Li Yue to travel the world with his soul separated from his body.

Many situations are unknown to Li Yue himself.

At this time, if you take the girl with you to experience it, you may have unexpected gains.

On the other hand, Li Yue also wanted to see if the girl who experienced the soul traveling around the world with him would change in the future.

Will the experience of her soul traveling around the world allow her to gain some special gains in her subsequent cultivation?

Afterwards, Li Yue had nothing to hesitate about.

After all, after decades of practice, Li Yue finally had the ability to move freely and travel the world with his soul.

If it hadn't been for the unexpected appearance of the girl's soul, Li Yue might have been unable to bear the urge to leave here and go have a good look at the world.

However, Li Yue didn't think about it for more than a second, so it actually had no impact on him.

Therefore, at the next moment, Li Yue's soul figure exuding golden light waved his hand at the girl figure in front of him whose soul was somewhat illusory, unable to stay absolutely awake, and still in a somewhat confused state.

A golden ray of light instantly separated from Li Yue's golden soul and instantly enveloped the illusory soul of the girl in front of him.

This golden light instantly enveloped the girl's illusory soul before the girl had time to react.

The next moment, the girl's originally very illusory soul, as if her soul could be blown away by even a strong wind, gradually stabilized and solidified.

It seems that he is no longer afraid of the strong wind around him and the sunlight in the sky.

However, while this golden light stabilized the girl's somewhat illusory and unstable soul colleagues, it also completely restricted the girl's soul's ability to move.

However, at this time, the girl's soul was in a somewhat confused state, and she didn't seem to realize that her movements were restricted at all, and she showed a panicked expression.

"I hope you will gain something good from this special experience."

Taking one last look at the girl's confused soul, Li Yue whispered in his heart.

Then there was no longer any hesitation, and the entire soul and body instantly turned into a golden light, shooting away into the distance.

And the girl's soul, which was originally shrouded in golden light in front of him, also turned into a smaller golden light with him, followed him, and instantly went away into the distance.

Two golden lights, like two shooting stars, one large and one small, shuttled rapidly through the sky.

However, the time and space barrier that the middle-aged man had set up between the mountains could not stop the two golden lights from leaving this special time and space.

The two golden lights seemed to completely ignore the time and space barrier around the mountain range, and instantly shot out in a farther direction.

Because Li Yue's perception has reached a bottleneck, even after ten years of training, it has not increased much. He can only perceive situations within a hundred kilometers from before, but now he can perceive situations beyond a hundred kilometers. That’s all.

But perhaps the reason is that this mountain range is remote enough. In Li Yue's perception, there are no places where humans gather within a radius of a hundred kilometers around the mountain range.

Not even a small village.

Therefore, if Li Yue wanted to travel around the world at this time, he could only go further.

When Li Yue left the range of the mountains for the first time, because he didn't understand the surrounding situation, he just randomly found a direction to leave without thinking too much.

In fact, Li Yue didn't know how long it would take for him to encounter an area where humans gathered in the direction he chose.

However, in Li Yue's view, no matter whether the direction he chooses is correct or not, as long as he flies far enough, he will always encounter a place where humans gather.

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